I’ve missed YOU!
I guess my guys at the farm could not wait a moment longer…and they scanned me this morning. I just had to share the news with you!
This is my 15 day scan! From what I am told, everything looks fabulous and solid. The embryo looks to be a good size. So, at this time, everything is WONDERFUL!
I will be rescanned at about 28 days and if that is all A-OK, my next scan will be at the 40-42 day time period from the date I was bred. As Dottie explained to you earlier, the latter scan is really very important. If all is perfect at that time, then I am pretty well on my way in my pregnancy. This is all so exciting and so new to me! I JUST LOVE IT!
David actually called Dottie at 4:33 this morning (California time) to tell her the news! She immediately ran to the computer to type up the announcement for YOU!
I truly hope you enjoy sharing these moments with ME and going through all of these different stages that I am experiencing in my life.
Hmmm! I just had a thought! Lately, I have been craving BANANAS. It seems like that is all I’ve been thinking about for the last few days! I guess this could explain why. Dottie tells me craving some type of food is very normal for humans while pregnant. Maybe it is for horses like me too! This is TOO CUTE!
Oh my! I better contact BERNIE and let him know the good news! I’m sure he will also be very excited!
WOW! I’M IN FOAL! I’m really embarking upon an entirely new stage of my life and career. As you can imagine, I’M JUMPING FOR JOY!
HOOVES CROSSED for the news on my next scan to be just at POSITIVE!
With Love,
HUGS and Big Kisses to All~
P.S. – This is post #201 to commemorate the second chapter of my life!
Linda Weiss
I am soooo thrilled for you Zenny. I know you will make a spectacular mother. Spectacular is the only way you know how to be!! Much love, happiness, good health & postitive thoughts to you “Z”!!!
Robbie Pfeufer Kahn
Good morning–with others of you concerned about the catastrophe in Japan, I wondered about the animals. Not just race horses, but dogs, cats, cows, and others swept away so lightly.
Nature seems to be making dramatic statements lately—above ground (wild storms here in the U.S. and elsewhere, droughts, tsunamis), and underground (tectonic plates grinding, volcanoes erupting). I found the whirlpool particularly disturbing (that small boat helplessly caught in the vortex). I wish nation states would come to their senses and stop human-made violence. I recently learned that in WWI as many horses died as soldiers (the play War Horse now in NYC as well as London evokes that little noticed fact).
Zenyatta lovely one–It is a great comfort to concern ourselves with the dark interior of your body and the little one who may be gestating there in utter peace.
Good morning sweetie pie Z. I hope you are doing well and getting your daily mom to be pampering. :) Are you and your gal pals talking about mommy things now.. Have a wonderful day. Big cheer out for Uncle Mo today. :)
Kathryn Cogswell
From ‘Maki’ tweet via e`mail: Re: Japan earthquake & tsunami — I am still updating on my Twitter stream, taking breaks @makiwi . ..”if you want to do something, please consider donating to the Red Cross. In the U.S., you can text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to the international relief fund for Japan. Elsewhere or if you want to donate another way, try the International Red Cross site at IRFC.ORG. [as late as 2 minutes ago, 8:16 a.m.MT] she was trying to translate from a Japanese engineer re: latest from nuclear reactor shutdown, using sea water/boric acid, rendering reactor unusable. (not Tweeting;this from her e`mail-to-twitter).
Sami L.
Good Morning! We love you Zenny! I can’t wait to see Zenyatta #2 in the races! I wonder if she will be as good as you. Well, you better get going with you and your beautiful mother, I bet you horses have some mommy things to talk about and some pampering to do! I’ll see you later my queen! ~Queen Z Forever~ With all of us with you, -Sami <3
Morning all,
I’m sorry that I don’t have any more inside info. on the state of the Japanese stud farms than what’s been printed and posted. The story from DRF indicates some damage near Hokkaido (where Shaddai & Northern Farm are located) but most of the stud farms are unharmed. JBBA does have a training center about 5-6 miles from the ocean and I’ve not heard how it’s fared. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best for all of them the same as everyone here is.
Someone asked about Megahertz…she’s not in Japan. Perhaps they were thinking of Azeri or Ginger Punch?
On another note, I agree with L. It would be unconventional and downright unusual to NOT breed Zenyatta back each year that she’s able. Most all mares that foal normally are bred back within 3-4 weeks after foaling (some 9 or so days on their foal heat). If and when her body needs a break from foaling I’m sure it will take one.
Congratulations, Zenyatta! Your foal will be as beautiful as you are!
Gloria Jeanne
Zen- everyone at my work knows how much I love and that I have followed you for years. I told them about you being In Foal and some said ‘Congrats, you’re an Auntie Gloria’ and I cried.
So what about a Baby Shower everyone? Any ideas for our Queen Mommy, Foal and Team?
@Ensign-The Iburi District, where Iburi Station is located was hit hard by the Tsunami. I just pray no news is good news. :/
Suzanne G
@Ensign and @Joan
Azeri, Ginger Punch and Dubai Majesty are supposed to be at Northern Farm in Japan but the only thing I could find in DRF was a Jay Hovdey column which didn’t say much. Is there another article? Thanks very much. SuzanneG
@peggy-Still searching, but I suspect It’ll be awhile before we here anything. As ‘sg’ posted, the Iburi Stallion Station may have been in path of tsunami based on it’s location. For those interested in stallions standing at Iburi, here is link: http://www.jbba.jp/en/about/facility.html—page will show JBBA locations and to the right you can click on ‘stallions’
above link not working..here it is one more time. :/
Suzanne G
@lizzy — thanks for link. Hopefully it means that Bloodhorse info from Darley applies to the others. Found this map of Japan (Northern Farm is in Hokkaido)…
Also found this list…
Sue Fredrick
OMG Zen, can you do anything wrong? First out of the gate and your in foal already, congrats to you, Bernie, the Mosses, Z team, and especially to John for the excellent care he gave you, and to Lane’s End and Charles and his team for the expert care they continue to give you. We will now wait for final confirmation and then to find out what it is…….yippeee what fun ahead to stay in your life. Luv and kisses on your nose.
@ Suzanne G,
Here you go:
@ SG,
Three Chimneys indicated yesterday that Silver Charm and his farm had survived unscathed and he’s at the Iburi stallion station.
Sandra Accordino
I left an e-mail for you but here goes. Good luvck on you new foal. Came up with a name and if it is a gorl ZENYBARN and if it is a boy BARNZENY. Good luck and I can’t wait for ythe new foal. Good luck again.
AJ from CA
@Ensign – thank you for the link which is good news for the horses in Japan, but I can’t help feeling such sorrow and sympathy for all those who have lost lives and for those who have lost loved ones following such a horrific disaster there. Prayers to all affected.
Suzanne G
@ENSIGN–really appreciate the link! It seems that most of the stud farms are in Hokkaido. Hopefully the Darley, Shadai and Three Chimneys news will apply to the others as well. Thanks again, SuzanneG
Congratulation Zenyatta. You’ll be a great mom and take good care of yourself. Miss seeing you race. Love ya……..
Suzan Lee Jackson
Congrats to you Zenyatta. This is the crown of your golden career-to produce an offspring that will carry on where you left off. All the best to you and produce a healthy baby in 12.
maria mcleese
i have not been getting your posts on fb Z. I’ll have to check my settings. I am happy all is well. How long are horse pregnancys? :)
Congrats, sweet Zenny! You are going to be the best mommy ever!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR LETTING US BE A PART OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Mama Z!
Glad to hear that you’re finally going to become a mom! I hope that yours days are safe and sound! Don’t worry, bananas are great to eat! Yummy! :)
Lisa T
Congrats Zenyatta, you will make a wonderful mother!! Dottie, Zenyatta’s postings are not coming over on our FB page anymore….any idea why?? Please help, we all look forward to Zenyatta’s postings. Thank you.
Mickey Burleson
FANS…….The outpouring of Good Will on this Site is AWESOME……Wish the whole World was like this…….Barbara Wood, I would like to talk to you, too……It’s all about the writing and all about the place, You can always find me on the place that’s got a Face…….Just like here………….
Rita Stack
I love you Z, I am so happy for you.
Rita Stack
Z thanks for remembering Japan. love you Z, lots of hugs to you.
Julie L.
You had your date with Bernie on my 26th wedding anniversary Zenyatta so I knew this would be a great date for you. Can not wait till next year to see your new baby. Congrats!