I’ve missed YOU!
I guess my guys at the farm could not wait a moment longer…and they scanned me this morning. I just had to share the news with you!
This is my 15 day scan! From what I am told, everything looks fabulous and solid. The embryo looks to be a good size. So, at this time, everything is WONDERFUL!
I will be rescanned at about 28 days and if that is all A-OK, my next scan will be at the 40-42 day time period from the date I was bred. As Dottie explained to you earlier, the latter scan is really very important. If all is perfect at that time, then I am pretty well on my way in my pregnancy. This is all so exciting and so new to me! I JUST LOVE IT!
David actually called Dottie at 4:33 this morning (California time) to tell her the news! She immediately ran to the computer to type up the announcement for YOU!
I truly hope you enjoy sharing these moments with ME and going through all of these different stages that I am experiencing in my life.
Hmmm! I just had a thought! Lately, I have been craving BANANAS. It seems like that is all I’ve been thinking about for the last few days! I guess this could explain why. Dottie tells me craving some type of food is very normal for humans while pregnant. Maybe it is for horses like me too! This is TOO CUTE!
Oh my! I better contact BERNIE and let him know the good news! I’m sure he will also be very excited!
WOW! I’M IN FOAL! I’m really embarking upon an entirely new stage of my life and career. As you can imagine, I’M JUMPING FOR JOY!
HOOVES CROSSED for the news on my next scan to be just at POSITIVE!
With Love,
HUGS and Big Kisses to All~
P.S. – This is post #201 to commemorate the second chapter of my life!
@Dawn, I’m doing good too, just staying too busy at work, but i guess anytime its busy its good these days. Wonderful Weekend to everyone. Sure hope someone knows the answer about Iburi.
Tracey Dryka - Ottawa, ONT Canada
That is great news …. now the countdown starts!! Can’t wait to see your beautiful baby!! Kisses to you Zenyatta
Julia B
Goodnoght Zenny and baby Z!
Kathryn Cogswell
Dear sal agro: Love, LOVE ‘When We Dance,’ especially because of its source. Thank You. Very Much.
While we celebrate our wonderful Zenny, please also be praying for all those in Japan.
God Bless you with a healthy Baby foal.
Linda in NJ
Hi All: Are you CA folks okay? Watching the news and I believe it was Santa Curz that got hit with the tsunami. “LOS ANGELES – California’s governor declared a state of emergency.”
I hope Team Z is okay.
Barbara Wood
Good night and God bless, precious girl. Hoping for glorious weather for you there soon. It’s been a long winter. Love you always.
Barbara Sanders
Zenyatta you are the best.I knew you’d be as good at being a Mom as you were in your racing career. Safe gestation. I was at Santa Anita today and the Benoit photographers were bragging about you. You touched a lot of hearts.
Kathryn Cogswell
Dear ALL Concerned About Japan`s Tsunami [this is from ‘Makiwi’ twitter http://twitter.com/makiwi a lady who`s Japanese & living in Japan, so it may be informative; she`s been up all night] . .. not especially for horse people, but gives data about regions. I don`t have ‘twitter,’ so not sure.
@Peggy – this was on Bloodhorse:
WTG WTG WTG I love you Zennie you’ll make a great mother i know it! I can’t beleive this! Can I be the foals’s God Mother? Please Zennie! Every one on Horse Isle 1 and 2 wish you a congradulations and good luck. All the hroses on Horse isle 1 and 2 have their hooves crossed and wish you a congrats as well! Can’t wait. I already got this super cute foal blanket picked out literally! Hopefully i can send it to you for your ba- I mean foal shower. lol Well I love you Zennie!
Yvonne and Maurice Kirby
Hi Zenyatta. I was thrilled yesterday to hear that you were in foal. I must say I was on pins and needles all week waiting to hear the news. We were away and I received an alert from the Bloodhorse and Thoroughbred Times. I was so excited that I was giddy. We pray each morning to St. Francis for our pussy cat, numerous animals we know and love and each day a special mention of you, my Angel in Disguise. We will continue to pray for your health, happiness and a wonderful healthy baby.
Thanks for the heads up. I voted for Zeny’s Mom for Broodmare of 2010 on bloodhorse.com.
@Dani, @ Kathryn thanks for the links. I had looked on Bloodhorse earlier, Guess I missed it there or they hadn’t posted it yet. I had gotten really worried. I knew charismatic was at Iburi, not sure if Iburi and Shek Mohammed are linked… Hope everything is fine. Thanks again, Peggy
@Peggy..second your concerns about JBBA facilities in Japan. Could not find anything on their website. Hope that means all is well. :/ Maybe Ensign has some inside information.
Thoughts and prayers for all those effected.
Happy weekend beautiful Z.
So excited!! I know everything will go well!!
Congratulations, Zenny, I’m so happy for you! (Although did anyone tell you that if you WEREN’T in foal you would get another date with Bernie??) I know you’re looking forward to having a foal by your side and we can’t wait for it to happen.
I think it will be a colt. Just a hunch.
@Teresa E
It would be nice if Zenny had another riding career
But I don’t think it would happen. Not really sure she
Would like dressage it is very constraining with a lot of very
Tight collection. She is took much of a free spirit.
My TB hated dressage. I had a famous dressage
Professional ride him at a clinic. She had him all collected
Up and he literally jumped up and tried to get free from
The constraint. Dance does not equal dressage as she
Dances freely.
@Lizzy, I’ve not been able to locate anything either. Hope maybe L or Ensign will get some inside info. (On JBBA)
Great news! So happy for you Z! You do look like you are glowing! Sending out good thoughts! xoxo
Tere Thomas
You made my day Z – So happy for you!! The foal will be gorgeous and perfect just like you. Great news and have a banana for me!!!
@Linda in NJ, we had some higher the usual water in San Diego but nothing like they warned about this morning. l believe
LA the same.
Z’s mom V has 66% of the votes on the bloodhorse poll. Keep the voting going!!
Karey R
Keeping in mind that there are serious things going on in the world, I’ve been giving my thoughts a short break by wandering to happier ideas. For quite a while I’ve wondered if someone will come up with a bumper sticker for Zenyatta Fans. Borrowing terms from recent posts, here are a couple of bumper stickers I’d like to see.
Mama Zen + Baby Zen = Zenyatta Momdatta
Zenatic Onboard
(Zenyatic Onboard)
Any bumper sticker printer-uppers out there?
Bobbie from WI
So glad the horses in Japan are safe. I was thinking about them this morning and did find an article on the DRF website. The pictures and video from Japan are just unbelievable. I’ve been following the Capitol Chaos in WI but this sure puts things in perspective.
Hey, after reading all your posts, or as much as I could take, I’ll bet the banana stocks are going to go up. Imagine those banana parties..
And, psssst, don’t “tell” Zenyatta, but Bernie already did her mother. Isn’t there a movie about that??? Can’t remember the name.
Agreed, she is terribly missed at the barn and at the track. Seeing her doing what she loved best, racing, coming from behind, so beautiful, with her ears up, a sign she loved it, and now we won’t get to see that again. Any info. on visitation by Lane’s End for her? Would be nice to not shut her behind the gates of the farm. There are many waiting patiently to see her. They always want to show you the dumb stallions for breeding, but the gorgeous mares get no visitors and I hope this does not turn out to be the case here. Info??
Trina Nagele
Bernardini’s Facebook page has good news about horses in Japan:
Minimal Damage From Tsunami at Darley Japan
The devastation in Japan that was caused by an earthquake and a tsunami March 11 did little harm to Sheikh Mohammed’s Darley operation in Japan.
Congrats, Zenyatta. Keeping fingers and toes crossed that all keeps going well.
Any word on Northern Farms in Japan.Dubai Majesty won the Female BC sprint in 2010 and was sold at auction 2 days later. She also won the Eclipse award for top female sprint champion in January. She is a lovely horse, I actually got to see her after her BC win. If anyone knows anything would appreciate a update.
I have fiends in LA and got email last night that all was well in LA.
Love ya Z.