I’ve missed YOU!
I guess my guys at the farm could not wait a moment longer…and they scanned me this morning. I just had to share the news with you!
This is my 15 day scan! From what I am told, everything looks fabulous and solid. The embryo looks to be a good size. So, at this time, everything is WONDERFUL!
I will be rescanned at about 28 days and if that is all A-OK, my next scan will be at the 40-42 day time period from the date I was bred. As Dottie explained to you earlier, the latter scan is really very important. If all is perfect at that time, then I am pretty well on my way in my pregnancy. This is all so exciting and so new to me! I JUST LOVE IT!
David actually called Dottie at 4:33 this morning (California time) to tell her the news! She immediately ran to the computer to type up the announcement for YOU!
I truly hope you enjoy sharing these moments with ME and going through all of these different stages that I am experiencing in my life.
Hmmm! I just had a thought! Lately, I have been craving BANANAS. It seems like that is all I’ve been thinking about for the last few days! I guess this could explain why. Dottie tells me craving some type of food is very normal for humans while pregnant. Maybe it is for horses like me too! This is TOO CUTE!
Oh my! I better contact BERNIE and let him know the good news! I’m sure he will also be very excited!
WOW! I’M IN FOAL! I’m really embarking upon an entirely new stage of my life and career. As you can imagine, I’M JUMPING FOR JOY!
HOOVES CROSSED for the news on my next scan to be just at POSITIVE!
With Love,
HUGS and Big Kisses to All~
P.S. – This is post #201 to commemorate the second chapter of my life!
Oh my I am so excited – congratulations to everyone….. craving bananas – too cute.
Shari Voltz
Dear Zenyatta I am on my lunch time here at school and wanted to check the site. I am crying I am so happy for you. I knew God wanted this for you. When I see my homeroom at the end of the day I will tell them. I wish I could give you a hug and kiss your beautiful face. I am honored to be a part of your beautiful life. Many Hugs and Kisses from Shari in Ohio XXXOOO YEA ZENYATTA :) :)
Maureen Slavin
Yeh! This is great news-you be careful out in the sunshine
Oh my this is my third post – i am just so excited. I wish we were all there to share this moment with you.
Trina Nagele
Dearest Zenny, Again I am crying tears of joy for you!
Zenny – You’re so excited you called this post 201 – This is really great news – congratulations to you and Bernie and Team Z. Love You!
elizabeth harris
congrats and best wishes, mum!
Oh Sweety! This is so exciting!! Congratulations!! I’ve been thinking of you so offen the last days!! Hugs & Kisses L.
Charlie Crumpton
Congratulations. We are all pleased everything is progressing well. We’ve also been told that Rachel Alexandra is in foal as well. What happy news for all of us. I see that Seattle Slew is in Bernardini’s family tree. The Slew was such a wonderful horse. I do hope your foal inherits his heart & flashing amber eyes, your courage & joy & humor, and from Bernardini a gentl & loving nature. Of course, I do hope your foal also inherits health, speed, and determination which you all have displayed. All-in-all absolutely wonderful news.
Kenzee Case
I am in school and after I read your diary I screamed out loud and totally embarassed myself. Ah well! LOVE YOU LOTS AND GOD AM I SO FREAKIN’ EXCITED!!
Oh I am so happy!!!!!!I have been waiting breathlessly every day for the announcement. I am so happy and proud for you. I know your baby will be big, beautiful, and as special as you and Bernie. Now I have to wait till next year to see your baby!!It is going to be so hard to wait. I bet everyone at the barn was celebrating along with your extended family and all your fans. This just made my day!!!I love you and will always remember the day I met you in person at Hollywood Park after traveling from Tucson, Arizona. Hope to see you and your baby in Kentucky some day!!!
Zenny – You look absolutely beautiful in this picture – you have a glow about you -as usual. Remember you’re eating for two now – so make that lots of carrots and bananas and start thinking of some “Fast”
names.Love you
nancy in nj
Congratulations to Team Z and our wonderful Momma-to-be Z!!! This is beautiful news. Keeping all in my prayers. Hooves crossed here in NJ for a very normal and safe pregnancy!
Lynn H
I am so excited that I am actually posting a comment this time!!! You go girl and congratulations to all involved!!!
wow. Take care Big Z. What awesome news. We love you.
YOU in foal- YIPEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Oh Z, I’m so happy to hear the good news, I can hardly read or type since I’m crying so hard, happy tears! bananas yum! love you sooo much Z!!! xoxoxo
Mary Stanford
Wow…Wonderful news Z…..so happy for you and your team…and Bernie. :) It is funny you are craving bananas….I craved those like to a point of being ridiculous with my younger son. To this day he cannot stand bananas. I told him that he probably said once he got out of there he would never eat another banana. Hope you do not get morning sickness…I wonder if that happens to horse??? Congrats Z…and hugs to you….a happy day…and I am glad us fans can go on this journey with you.
Oh Zenny, I’m crying … so happy for you and the Team! I guess with your bananas you’re getting lots of good potassium! Such wonderful news! love you bunches xxooxxox
Linda Deutsch
This is THE most wonderful news, especially that you’re healthy and happy. Enjoy the banana craving and soon, pickles & ice cream (or the horse equivilent! SOOOOO proud of you and just ecstatic at this joyful news. Love U, Zenny!!!
Alexandra Bowdoin
Queen Z, it is a cold rainy day here in Maryland, but reading this news just made the sun come out!!!! It is going to be a long 11 months!!! Love, love, love you!!!
Lisa B
Oh PRECIOUS ZENNY… You Just brought tears to my eyes. I am soooo happy!!! Now you stay healthy! This news is Priceless!!! Love YOU OOOXXX
YIPEEE!!! I’m so happy for you and Bernie!!! Team Z is the greatest! I can’t to meet your little one. Congratulations and have a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Jo-An Holleman
Big Congratulations to you Zenny, and to Bernie also!! I wish you a safe and happy pregnancy and a healthy bouncing baby foal of either sex, I have no preferences!!! Either will do as long as you both are in wonderful shape!!
Dawn Deems
CONGRATS!!! Praying for a healthy pregnancy.
Kim F.
Congratulations Zenny!!! I just know that you will be a wonderful mom. I am so happy for you and all of Team Z. Bananas…yummm… :)
This is very exciting! I hope all goes well, Zenyatta!
Jan Mitchell
Congratulations Big Mama!