Good Morning Dear Friends!
I am absolutely elated this morning! I am so honored and thrilled to share the news with you that SANTA ANITA PARK, The Great Race Place, has commissioned Nina Kaiser to create a life-size bronze statue of ME. It is to be installed directly across from John Henry’s statue at the south rim of the Kingsbury Fountain.
I will be located right there to GREET the fans as they enter the track through the main grandstand gates. I will be facing eastward and right by the path the horses take when they walk from the receiving barn to the paddock area directly before each race.
Nina created this beautiful JOHN HENRY Statue (shown above) for Santa Anita….and now she is completing the finishing touches of ME…a LIFE-SIZE ME!
Another thing that is so special about all of this is while I was at BARN 55, NINA took all of my exact measurements. She visited the barn on several occasions when MY JOHN felt it would be comfortable for ME so she could measure and study ME. Nina knows ME very well….every precise INCH OF ME….from these ‘measuring sessions’! So this statue will truly be a very accurate representation of ME!
From all reports, track management’s plan is to unveil ME during the fall meet at Santa Anita….which usually begins late September and this year will run through Breeders’ Cup. To date, MY TEAM does not know the date when this will take place.
As I hear more of the news, I will definitely keep you posted.
Please enjoy the article in today’s Daily Racing Form written by Jay Hovdey and his interview with Nina about her work on this project, (Blush, Blush!)
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
For John, from a fellow horseman like yourself:
http://www.saratogawarhorse.com As you may know, John Shirreffs is a Viet Nam vet so I would think that this would be of particular interest to him.
If you could mention this site on a future post and also forward the info to John & Dottie that would be greatly appreciated.
Please note that this project is NOT seeking donations nor is it an attempt to “fix” PTSD syndrome. The goal is to form a connection between combat veterans and our magnificent retired racehorses creating a “win-win” atmosphere for everyone.
The site is self-explanatory however should you need further clarification I would be happy to share our goals with you and the legions of Zenyatta fans world wide.
Many Thanks,
Jack Wolferseder
Ballston Spa, N.Y.
Please visit this site for our veterans!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen:
This site is wonderful. The CNA who is tending to my Russ has a boy you did two tours of duty in Iraq and is now expeirencing PTSD. I’m going to tell her about this site. Thank you. Hugs, JB
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Please do! It is so worthwhile! And they would love the horses – God’s creatures of Heaven on earth!
Abigail from Montreal
What an inspirational project! All I can say is WOW!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Karen, my brother Duane served in Vietnam very close to the DMZ, while my brother Lynn was serving in Thailand at the same time. I know how hard it was on my family when they were both halfway across the world from us and in a war!! Both were fine upon returning home, but it was then and is now so very sad to see many soldiers who come back not only physically wounded, but broken in their heart and soul. To witness that beautiful moment of connection between a soldier in need of healing and the spirit of one of God’s most magnificent creations brought a tear. What a wonderful program!!!
Z I am super happy.I can’t wait to see it.*smiles*
The Kennedys in San Diego
Loved Nina Kaiser’s comment, “Honoring her size and dimensions, at first it felt like a construction project.” Construction project indeed! Reminded us of Zenyatta’s groom, Mario’s comment that bathing Zenyatta was like washing a semi-trailer.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Kennedy’s in San Diego:
Too Cute. So much more to love. Hugs, JB
Jan S. / Houston
She is just a big girly girl.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
#1 New England fan
Today’s entry has been truly special — such great news about Z’s statue at SA, and then so many responses with wonderful stories and links to articles and videos!
I could spend all day at this site.
I have been dreaming of going to the 2012 BC at SA, and now want to go more than ever to see what is sure to be a magnificent replica of our Queen. I just need to find a job first….so for many reasons keep your fingers crossed that the employment gods smile on me… and soon!
@ JAG, I didn’t know why March 9 was such a special date for you, but now that I do, I’ll certainly add my prayers to those pulling for a March 9 delivery date.
Thanks to John for taking so many great photos and for sharing them with us — and as always thanks to Dottie for all she does on behalf of Z and her fans.
Hugs to all!
Annie B in MA
JAG / Extremely Happy Auntie Judy / So. CA
#1 New England fan
Thank you so very much!!! I thought perhaps some peeps thought I went on and on just to “hear myself”… but, no, it comes from my ♥ Ron McAnally and his wife, Debbie, know my story. They’ve been very kind to me over the years. I saw them at Lewis Cenicola’s Memorial service. Lewis was John Henry’s long-time exercise rider, he and his wife, Donna, became friends. I cherish all of JH’s connections so much!!! Blessed, is an understatement!
Terry Crow
@Rosemary McCauley, Denise in AZ and Diana S, charter members of Arizona/New Mexico chapter-You might be a redneck if you got all of your holiday decorations from the cemetery. @Darlene Daniels, president of Indiana chapter-You might be a redneck if you attended AA meetings while in preschool. @Marty R, president of Colorado chapter-You might be a redneck if you invested in braces for your coon dog. @Stephanie in San Diego and Vicki B, members of California chapter-You might be a redneck if the welcome mats at your house are mud flaps. @Judy Berube, president of New England chapter-You might be a redneck if you ever called 911 to phone in a pizza order. @Marshall, president of North Carolina chapter-You might be a redneck if you ever bought a moon pie on ebay. @Debbie G, president of Kentucky chapter-You might be a redneck if you’ve never opened a fortune cookie with a fortune in it. @Sue Fredrick and Sally B, charter members of Wisconsin chapter, presidency to be determined-You might be a redneck if you sold your liver on ebay because you thought you had two of them. @signofthetimes, president, and Barbara Wood, charter member of Texas chapter-You might be a redneck if you can see a landfill, a strip club and a deer stand while standing on your front porch. @Brenda S, president, and Abigail in Montreal, member of Canadian chapter-You might be a Canadian redneck if you know the general direction of “yonder.” @carol in Utah, president of Utah chapter-You might be a redneck if you spend more on dog house repairs than you do groceries. @Sandy in northern Ohio, president, and Shari Voltz, charter member of Ohio chapter-You might be a redneck if you keep empty beer cans in the fridge for your friends who don’t drink. @Sue Colvin, president of New jersey chapter-You might be a redneck if you address all males as “son” and all females as “little lady.” @Susan in TN and Kari Bussell-You might be a redneck if you’ve ever stood outside an outhouse and heckled someone inside. You might be a redneck if your mailbox is made out of old auto parts. You might be a redneck if you have a refrigerator just for beer. You might be a redneck if your city council meets at the coffee shop. You might be a redneck if your local beauty salon also fixes cars.
Stephanie in San Diego
Terry .. LOL !!!! Do you ever have an off day? Thank You for always providing a good hearty laugh each day to so many of us “Rednecks”,
Robin - Ventura CA
I can’t wait to see the statue and take my picture with you! This is SO very exciting!!!!
First you get in foal, then the life size painting, then the posters and now a statue. But the biggest thing will be is when you give birth to baby Z, which is not too far away. I have to keep my legs crossed because I get so excited thinking about it!!! LOL!!!
Kisses to Tasty too!!!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Robin too funny and too cute! :) That’s exactly how I felt waiting for my turn in line to see Zenny – I never wanted to give up my spot to go and crossed my legs many a time, squirming until my teeth ached! But once next to her, loving her, all that was so forgot. (Maybe a little bit redneck, what ya think Terry C.?)
Terry Crow
No, that is not redneck. Just someone who really loves Zenyatta.
Delrene in Carlsbad, Ca
Dear Zenyatta – Today’s post and all the comments has been so uplifting . Beyond words. Everyone is so excited for your statue at Santa Anita. No words I could write will suffice. I read about it yesterday and could hardly contain myself with joy and happiness. To be able to see and touch your likeness at the great race place is so fitting for a world class champion. ” You are the greatest racehorse I’ve ever seen” to steal a phrase from Liza G. Fly’s song. However Nina envisions you will be perfect. You are perfection.
@Barbara Wood – so glad you and hubby are on the mend.
and to all who are facing health challenges and life’s challenges, take heart and hope in this wonderful world of Zenyatta and friends. We are on your team.
Everytime I go To SA I pass John Henry, Seabiscuit and George Woolf ( sp)? not sure, and now I will have unlimited gazing time to look at you and remember you when you were at Santa Anita. Whoops, tears are flowing. Too emotional. You stole my heart. Take care big Mama Z and TT
Want to come back later to see and view some of the links.
Laughed at the Monty Roberts video. Very cute.
It appears Sophie loves John Henry too!
Robin - Ventura CA
Look how CUTE Sophie is between John Henry’s legs!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Terry C.:
Laughing out loud, again. Thanks. Good ones. Hugs, JB
Terry Crow
Always glad to get a reaction from you. Hope Russ enjoyed them, too.
Linda Edwards in NJ
Wow, Zenny– This is GREAT, GREAT news. I am thrilled for you. I cannot wait to come out to Santa Anita Park. I didn’t make it while you were racing, which is too bad, but I look forward to seeing your statue. What an honor Zenny!
I am counting the days!!
Take care of yourself!
Cindy M. Ottawa, Canada
Wow Zenny, what a tremendous honour!!! You deserve it, you and your wonderfull family have done so much for everyone. Its just going to be so marvelous!!! I can’t wait to visit Santa Anita.
Have a great w\e. :)
You are a special girl, Zenyatta, and deserve this honor. Congratulations beautiful One. I love you.
You definitely deserve this honour! Looking forward to seeing your life size likeness at the Breeders Cup.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
@ Terry – Good ones. Right now “Yonder” is where Vic will be going to college, it’s even smaller than Fort Erie but it does have a Tim Hortons.
Terry Crow
You might be a redneck if your town does not have a Tim Hortons.
Debbie G/Kentucky
What’s a Tim Hortons?
Shari Voltz from Ohio
Hi Zenyatta WOW I am so Happy and Proud that a statue is going to be made of you. I hope they get one at the Kentucky Horse Park too. You so deserve it. You are one Special Girl. I love you and just could not be happier. Sending many Hugs and Kisses. Love Forever, Shari XXXOOO
@Z Family thank you for wrting to Austin. He is a special little boy who tries really hard in school. He was so happy to read what you wrote back. You were Zenyatta’s voice to Austin : )
@ Barbara so glad to read your post. God Bless
@ Dawn I am having something made for you : )
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
What are you up to my dear friend? You are just too sweet!!!!
Lise from Maine
Bonjour Zenyatta,
The statue is a great idea. Hope to see it someday.
I am awaiting the arrival of your baby. When is he or she due?
Lots of love to you, Zenyatta.
Lise from Maine
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Her due date based on a 340-day gestation is March 7. However, a mare is considered full-term at 320 days, which is today. She could go as long as 360 days, though, and some mares can go for a year. Lane’s End personnel are watching closely for any sign of impending delivery, Her pal Tasty is due the same day as Zenyatta.
mary bobolis
What fantastic news Zenny! Kaiser did such as fantastic job on John Henry, that it’s kind of unbeleiveable. The article I just read talked about your heart girth being larger than Secretariat’s. Now that’s amazing. I know you must be blessed with the X-factor like Secretariat had, since you always looked like you could go around again after a race, as it always looked like it took very little out of you. It had to be that combined with your length of stride, turn of foot and desire to muscle past eveyone else to win. The fact that the sculptor will actually be including you dapples is thrilling. She said that you just wouldn’t be the same without your dapples. Anxiously awaiting the birth of your little one.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Z and TT:
Goodnight and Sweet Baby Dreams. Love you lots, Judy and Russ
Way to go, Zee :)
Paula Higgins
I heard about this yesterday from JAG on Facebook and was thrilled! Nina Kaiser is amazing and I am sure this will be a magnificent statue in every respect. I would like to tell Mr. Hovedy that her smaller version (which I have) is pretty amazing as well and very detailed. A gorgeous piece. I am thinking he doesn’t realize how wonderful the smaller statue after reading some of his comments. I would bet he hasn’t seen one in person. In any event, Sophie Shirreffs, once again, is a riot. How John andDottie got her to stay put on the statue of John Henry is beyond me. Pretty cute.
Candace Jones
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be there for Breeders Cup and am HOPING the dedication happens when I am present. I bought one of Nina’s small sculptures she did of Zenyatta and it sits in my home where I see it and admire it daily. Its absolutely perfect–and to see the life size version will be beyond special. How wonderful and how very deserved!!!
Rose Cola
Just finished reading the DRF article and I can’t think of a more fitting way for SA to honor you. I know it will be breathtaking! You big, beautiful broad!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Have there been any more reports from the vet about Z. and Tasty, or is there nothing to report until the birth is imminent?
Good night, sweet Z. and Tasty. God protect you both. Love you always.
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
There haven’t been any reports here, other than that everything is fine. I don’t believe that we’re going to get a lot of details, but I could be wrong. The broodmare staff will be looking for certain changes in her body: change in body temperature, lengthening of the vulva, relaxing of the muscles around the tail, “bagging up” of the udder, “waxing”–the appearance of colostrum, and a shift in the position of the foal. Her belly will drop and she’ll become slab-sided as the foal moves into a longitudinal position. The problem is that timing for each mare varies. Some show signs of impending birth closer to the big event than others. The barn personnel have to make sure she doesn’t sneak off and foal out in a corner of the paddock. According to a video interview posted a few days ago, Lane’s End personnel check the mares out in the field every 15 minutes.
Anyway, she could go anytime in the next six weeks.
I bet the jet is fueled with suitcases aboard and a pilot on call.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
@Denise in AZ– loved the Flickr pictures, but I don’t have Yahoo, so couldn’t respond there. Cangrats on the job!
Celeste in TX
You are right, Zenyatta, this is such exciting and wonderful news!! I can’t wait to see the statue of you unveiled next fall. Well, I’ll only get to see it in pictures, but I know it will be wonderful – as you are, my Queen!!! Thank you for sharing the adorable photo of Sophie with our dear John Henry statue. Too cute!!
Irene Caty
Hi Zenny, There you go another Statue of you now at Santa Anita. I think that is so wonderfull. I am really excited about that. I plan to be there when you are unvailed. You continue to excite your following and I believe it will continue. You are the one and only Queen Of Racing. I hope you are doing well in your final days of foaling. It is so exciting waiting for your big day. I know that you will be a good MOM with so much love to pass on to your foal. This is a very wonderful time for you. I send you much blessings and know that with that is a ton of love for you. Keep safe my loving Zenny.
Abigail from Montreal
@ ALL: These are gorgeous photos of Square Eddie’s first crop of babies. Just to get us all in the mood….LOL!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Abigail:
Thank you so much for the photos of Square Eddie’s foals. They are all so beautiful. Hugs, JB
Stephanie in San Diego
Abigail, thanks for sharing the beautiful baby pictures. They are spectacular with so much hope and promise…I just pray they all grow up healthy, loved and always cared for regardless of their ability on the track. For patient trainers and owners who see their value in more then the dollars they earn or will bring. xoxo
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Abigail, beautiful foals and very cute pictures and I share your prayer, Stephanie!
Elizabeth in NM
Dawn, just left a note for Abigail about possibly all meeting at Santa Anita for Zenny’s ‘unveiling’. What do you think? Not sure we can go, but we’d really try. Would be so much fun for all of to meet each other! Wonder when the unveiling will be…
Elizabeth in NM
Abigail, double joy (and cute mischief!) – love that photo! Are you going to try to go to Santa Anita this year? I was thinking that as many of us Aunties & Uncles might try to all meet at Zenny’s unveiling. Wouldn’t that be fun?!
LauraJ (Cincinnati OH)
Cute pictures. Love to see the babies interacting with each other. However, I can’t believe somebody named a mare “Creme Donut Keith.”
You so deserve this honor my queen. You have grace, your manner, your personality just lights up our lives. This is a great honor for you. I just hope it shows your big heart. Love you Z
Hi Zenny. Awesome!! A life size statue of you. Wow..You`ll be strutting your stuff. That`s my girl!!! A wonderful honor to be standing with John Henry and of course Seabiscut. Would love to see it..Lots of big hugs and kisses Alene
Congratulations, Zenny!! What an honor for Santa Anita and how wondrous for all of your loving fans here on the West Coast! We’ll be there for sure this fall! Can’t wait to see you in all your “17-1 and a nickel” glory again! Thank you, Santa Anita! And Nina!! Take care, sweet lady!