Good Morning Dear Friends!
I am absolutely elated this morning! I am so honored and thrilled to share the news with you that SANTA ANITA PARK, The Great Race Place, has commissioned Nina Kaiser to create a life-size bronze statue of ME. It is to be installed directly across from John Henry’s statue at the south rim of the Kingsbury Fountain.
I will be located right there to GREET the fans as they enter the track through the main grandstand gates. I will be facing eastward and right by the path the horses take when they walk from the receiving barn to the paddock area directly before each race.
Nina created this beautiful JOHN HENRY Statue (shown above) for Santa Anita….and now she is completing the finishing touches of ME…a LIFE-SIZE ME!
Another thing that is so special about all of this is while I was at BARN 55, NINA took all of my exact measurements. She visited the barn on several occasions when MY JOHN felt it would be comfortable for ME so she could measure and study ME. Nina knows ME very well….every precise INCH OF ME….from these ‘measuring sessions’! So this statue will truly be a very accurate representation of ME!
From all reports, track management’s plan is to unveil ME during the fall meet at Santa Anita….which usually begins late September and this year will run through Breeders’ Cup. To date, MY TEAM does not know the date when this will take place.
As I hear more of the news, I will definitely keep you posted.
Please enjoy the article in today’s Daily Racing Form written by Jay Hovdey and his interview with Nina about her work on this project, (Blush, Blush!)
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Zenny,
What great news! Once again, everything that I might think to say has already been said and very eloquently so I’ll just add my “congrats.” I missed Sophie in the picture but went back and looked again when others mentioned her – how cute! I like getting these visuals of some of your old stomping grounds, and it’s great to see John Henry’s statue (where the “lucky Dumpings” gather sometimes!). As others have also said, this all makes me want to try even harder to figure out how I can get to the BC! Hope you and Tasty are having a good day (we need updates!!).
Love from your Ohio friend, Sandy
@Dawn Conrad
Thanks so much for the info about the Masters that you posted at the end of #438. I know better than to use a term like “hopeless” on this site, but I really did think that you just about had to be “born” into tickets to get them. I never realized that people lucky enough to have tickets would sell them, and I had never heard of stubhub so that was very enlightening – thanks again!
and on the same topic
@Terry Crow
So when do you think we should go? We could take turns pushing each other around :-)
@Brenda, S. Ontario
Maybe we could figure out a way to go to the BC from a similar neck of the woods!
Terry Crow
I’ll give it some thought, but if I gain any more weight it won’t matter.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Terry, I’m right behind ya, don’t feel so bad! From your half-a-brain redneck nanny-granny!
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Sandy, I’m not sure at this point whether I would be flying out of Buffalo or Detroit since my friend in Port Huron is planning on going and I will be located in Clinton by November. So far I don’t find any direct flights from either city but we could maybe meet up in a “change planes” city. Would you be flying out of Cleveland?? Let’s stay in touch and see what we can arrange – brenda_springer2000@yahoo.com.
WOW!!!! That is so exciting. What a great honor. You deserve it. Will you be dancing????
Mary in MA aka eastcoastkid
I may be wrong but I think this will be the first full life size statue of a living racemare ever displayed in a public arena. Another first for the QUEEN. There are John Henry, Seabicuit, Secretariat and Man O’War statues in venues around the country; there are statues of fillies and mares from childrens stories in kentucky horse park but this may be the first statue of a living legend who happens to be FEMALE !!!
Rock on Queen Z………….you more than deserve it! As we all shout to the high heavens, “GIRL POWER RULES FOREVER”
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Northern Dancer is life sized at Woodbine. He was quite a little but mighty guy.
Jan Doyle
OMG! How exciting is this. Now I know I have to make a trip to Santa Anita to see you Zenyatta. Hope you are enjoying your day big girl. Love ya
Abigail from Montreal
Dearest Zenyatta, Dottie, Tasty, Babies 2B & Zen-sters:
Wow! This is really exciting news and will add a distinct lustre to the 2012 Breeders” Cup festivities, not to mention the Zen & Company get together! After “Zenyatta: Horse of Our Lifetime” one barely dares to speculate about Nina’s version of a life-sized you….but I risk a guess: YOU WILL BE DANCING! And I hope that Mario & Mike are included, although it sounds like not from the DRF article…. Then, too, John Henry was (magnificently!) portrayed by Nina on his own and I do know that “just the horse” is what’s traditionally done in these cases right around the world.
For example, here’s Hyperion at The Jockey Club in Newmarket, England:
Several (traditional and otherwise) from the Kentucky Horse Park — which many of you have seen, I’m sure:
And our Northern Dancer @ Woodbine:
The great Desert Orchid, champion British hurdler:
Nijinsky @ The Curragh, County Kildare, IRE
Secretariat @ Belmont Park:
A very CUTE photo essay of the Seabiscuit statues:
John Henry’s Memorial @ Kentucky Horse Park (scroll down a tad)
Gwen Reardon’s sculptures @ Kentucky Horse Park (scroll down to see Lexington; opposite him is Terlingua)
Hugs & love to all!
Cindy M. Ottawa, Canada
Thanks so much, I love looking at all these statues. Can’t wait to see Zenny’s
Hi Abigail
Z minds think alike.
I shared this link with Auntie Judy in an earlier post.
You too might enjoy this link to Statues of Famous Horses
Have a good night–it is only 6:20 here in PHX.
Celeste in TX
Thanks for more statue photos, Keta. I never get tired of looking at horses or these statues of the famous ones that I have missed out on.
Celeste in TX
Thanks for the links to all those wonderful statues!
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Dearest Z–I am just now plunging back in after being AWOL for a bit with my own virus and hubby’s hospital stay. We are home and have several follow-ups with various drs. I know many of you know how that goes. There was a big hole in my heart from missing all of YOU while I was away. I am so gratified and proud of all of you for stepping up to help save horses from the indignity of diving into a pool. What were they thinking? Makes me cringe.
I have read all the diary entries but am sad to say I don’t think I can cstch up with all the posts. I know there will eb gaps in my knowledge, so if I ask a dumber than usual question every now and then, please forgive. I did see there’s an Elizabeth who needs our prayers, but couldn’t find the original post.
A HUGE thank-you to SANDY in NE OHIO for keeping me up to date on several who have left me messages As she is also a nurse, she is a great source of info., should anyone need that.
Here goes:
@Terry Crow
@Trina N
@Judy B
@Maryp (NY)
@Kari Bussell
@Marty R (CO)
Droeen in CT
@Dawn Conrad
@Jan S
@Shari Voltz
@Sally B (WI)
@Peggy(N) in Adel, Ga, no less!
and Marshall in NC
It brings me to tears (as Kari would say, the good kind) to know what a caring lot our Z family is. If I left anyone out inadvertently, please let me know, because I want to say thank you! You are all SO dear to me. Love you all to pieces.
Hope to be back full steam ahead soon.
Loved all the statue updates and that adorable photo of Sophie!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hi, Barbara!!!!! Welcome back dear friend, we missed you very much!!. I am so relieved that you and you husband are doing better. Bless you!!!!
Love and hugs,
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you, dearest Dawn! The Dumplings are the best!
Terry Crow
We were all worried about you and your husband, including those who did not post.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
I know. I felt all the good wishes. It’s good to be back. I hope it continues that way! Looking forward to more redneck jokes. I missed them terribly.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Welcome back Barbara, so glad that you and your hubby are back at home. Good and positive thoughts are heading your way for speedy recoveries.
Barbara Wood (Texas)
Thank you so much!!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Barb W:
So glad your back posting. Hope things settle down and you and your husband feel better. Hugs, JB
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Barbara, I am glad you and your hubby are home and alright, I thought about you yesterday, but did not add a post — I come here late, and everybody seemed to have said it already. But I was hoping things would be ok.
Peggy (N) South Georgia
@Barbara so glad your back. Wasn’t the same without you here. Blessings and hugs sent your way.
Kathy S.
Marvelous news! I can’t wait to see it! It would be impossible for Nina to have a more beautiful, graceful subject. We’re all so proud of YOU!
Marty R / Colorado
This is such wonderful news and an honor so well deserved. I wonder if you will be saddled or not. I also wonder if any other racing mares have been honored in this way. I’ve only heard about males. I certainly hope the unveiling will be filmed. Congratulations to the Queen of Racing!!
Mary in Lynchburg, Virginia
WOW….. Z……what exhilarating news!!!! I read the article and am so happy. You deserve this attention………you are so rare…….so different. You gave us fans so much fun and excitement…… and of course we loved the dancing….the prancing……the saying…..look at me……..yes…..I am the Queen………and oh yes…..you are the Queen. I cannot wait to see the statue. I live in Virginia ……..so will have to see in pictures……..but very excited for you and your team. Hugs to you Z………
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
This means more than we know, the relevance of this is not lost … when Dottie and John take Sophie for her stroll there at the great race place, in the dew of dawns early light, the hazy hues of sunrise and rainbow colors in all their glory, overlooking the splendor of the beautiful majestic mountains … there … there SHE will be. To marvel with pride and wonder at those magical moments in time and what once was … and to KNOW that she’ll live on in the hearts of all who come … that they, too, will never be forgot … She will be so close to the heart, so close to home … and the dream lives on … least it not be forgot, that there once was a dream of our camelot, known on this very spot …. and it will live on, never to be forgot …..
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Oh, gosh! Blush, blush! That should have been – “honored on this very spot”
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
How very beautiful, Karen!!! It makes my heart so joyful when I picture John, Dottie and Sophie stopping to gaze at their beloved Zenyatta when they are on their walks.!!!
Terry Crow
Right on, Karen. I LOVE the idea that the statue will be at Santa Anita, where it is not likely to ever disappear because of the track being torn down. The last few pages of Seabiscuit mention the fact that those statues of the Biscuit and George Woolf will always be there as long as anyone cares about horse racing. May it be so in the case of Zenyatta.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Robin - Ventura CA
Rose Edwards(Quarterhossgal)
Congratulations Queen Z on a well deserved honor. Across from John Henry, 2 great Champions with very different temperments! John always kept handlers on their toes with his nips and sweet Zenny would be giving her handlers wet kisses.
I loved watching both of you race!
I will plan on the Breeder’s Cup this year especially since your likeness will be unveiled. The last breeder’s Cup I attended was when you Bernie raced in the Classic.
We are counting the days Zenny!
JAG / Extremely Happy Auntie Judy / So. CA
This is Nina’s table top statue of The Queen. I would “guess” the life size will be like this or very similiar :D Yes, she is “dancing” LOL
Zenny, now your greatness will be a witness forever in a magnificient statue by Nina.
How fitting…there is not another horse like you.
PatB from NM
Great–much deserved–news! And it would be a dream come true to have you (and your little one) there for the unveiling this fall. I would love to see you, your baby, and the statue.
Love you always, Zenyatta!
sue and tony
Zenny, what an HONOR for you to be represented at SA in the form of a statue created by the great Nina. I get tears in my eyes just thinking of it…I hope it shows your famous dance step because it is so uniquely YOU. I have no doubt other honors will follow…you remain the BEST horse of my century and I feel honored to have witnessed your greatness.
Zenny, there are no words. You deserve every honor bestowed on you and this is indeed a great one. How proud your dear owners must be as must be your team at Barn 55 and LE. Just to be in your presence is exciting…this stature will be a reminder of everything you were on the track and continue to be.
Margie from SoCal
Hi Sweet Zenny, playing catch up today and was greeted by your glorious news. It’s a fitting tribute to you, our great Champion of the sport of Queens :-) and our hearts. Can’t wait to see it. I know John Henry will be pleased to know you are on your way there. Hope you and Tasty are having a really good day and continue to rest up for your impending motherhood. Good stuff to look forward to, that’s for sure. Zenny, you’re the best!
@JAG – your story was so moving and I confess to a bit of teary eyes. Your winks and nods toward March 9 are not boring or tiresome. And, knowing the story behind it only makes me cheer you (and Zenny) on toward that date. When you love so deeply, whether it be another human or animal, the loss is pain beyond words. But The Big Guy up there knows what He’s doing and brings healing to us in unexpected ways. So many of us, including me, have said we believe Zenyatta is an angel. She has proven it over and over again, and we know it’s so for you. I’m so happy that Z will be by your beloved John Henry. I hope you have many happy days ahead visiting them.
JAG / Extremely Happy Auntie Judy / So. CA
@ Margie
YOUR words moved me!! Thank you so much! ♥
Judy G
So so very deserving, you are an absolute legend. You will always be my one and only favorite inspiration. They showed a video of Rachel and her colt frolicking in the paddock the other day. So very adorable. I can’t wait until you and Baby Z are doing the same thing. I’M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Lori
Abigail from Montreal
Dearest Zenyatta, Dottie, Tasty, Babies 2B & Zen-sters:
Wow! This is really exciting news and will add a distinct lustre to the 2012 Breeders” Cup festivities, not to mention the Zen & Company get together! After “Zenyatta: Horse of Our Lifetime” one barely dares to speculate about Nina’s version of a life-sized you….but I risk a guess: YOU WILL BE DANCING! And I hope that Mario & Mike are included, although it sounds like not from the DRF article…. Then, too, John Henry was (magnificently!) portrayed by Nina on his own and I do know that “just the horse” is what’s traditionally done in these cases right around the world.
For example, here’s Hyperion at The Jockey Club in Newmarket, England:
Abigail from Montreal
Several (traditional and otherwise) from the Kentucky Horse Park — which many of you have seen, I’m sure:
And our Northern Dancer @ Woodbine:
Terry Crow
Northern Dancer-The biggest mistake Willie Shoemaker ever made was not riding him in the Derby.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Abigail, Vic likes to have her photo taken with the Dancer when we go the Plate and so I am building a collection of Vic and the Dancer.
No one wanted to pay the reserve price for Northern Dancer at his yearling sale. He therefore stayed with his owner and went to win the Kentucky Derby, the Preakness and the Queen’s Plate and to sire a dynasty of champions. Without him, there would have been no Nijinsky, Danzig, Storm Cat, Sadler’s Wells, Galileo, Frankel and so many more. A wonderful horse.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Max:
WOW, you just never know. Kind of like Z going for the low sale price of $60,000.00 at the 2005 Yearling Sale. Hugs, JB
@judy berube. Agree. Zenyatta is priceless, a once in a lifetime horse.
Abigail from Montreal
The great Desert Orchid, champion British hurdler:
Nijinsky @ The Curragh, County Kildare, IRE
Secretariat @ Belmont Park:
Abigail from Montreal
A very CUTE photo essay of the Seabiscuit statues:
John Henry’s Memorial @ Kentucky Horse Park (scroll down a tad)
AND: Gwen Reardon’s sculptures @ Kentucky Horse Park (scroll down to see Lexington; opposite him is Terlingua)
Hugs & love to all!
kelly-Allentown, Pa
Thanks for the biscuit link. ^-^
Abigail from Montreal
@ ALL: Apologies for staggering the above, but I was “awaiting moderation” when I tried to post them as one post. Hopefully, it doesn’t repeat itself later on!!!!
Heidi Kruckenberg (Vallejo, Ca)
I read the article yesterday and was in tears. When they unveil your statue, there won’t be a dry eye in the crowd! First, your bronze, then the life size painting and now, this. How Wonderful!! BTW., where is the painting at now?
On another note, Zenny and Dumplings. We had a earthquake here yesterday, which is not common for Vallejo. It was a 3.7 magnitude but, felt stronger. I was at a local establishment when it hit and at first, we heard a big Boom and then the rumble. I thought someone drove their car into the building. Then, this morning, we had another one, only a mile from yesterdays epic center. Today’s was a 3.5 but, I was asleep so, didn’t feel it. No wonder my kitties have been acting so strange. Yesterday, they were running around, sniffing the floor and my lil one (Stinker) kept scratching at the door. Which she never has done before. Now I know why! So, I’m paying close attention to their behavior so that I can be prepared. Pretty Scary!!
Not much longer, until the Big Day!!! Take care of yourself and the lil one in the oven! Big kisses to you and TT!!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Heidi, I hope everything is alright. I lived in Woodland Hills when the big Northridge quake happened. Talk about violent shaking, WOW!
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Heidi:
That is scary. It’s amazing how our beloved pets sense these things. Glad all of you are OK. Hugs, JB
Leslie R.
Hi Zenny, that is very exciting news!! It is truly fitting that you will be there to greet all the fans at Santa Anita along with John Henry. Congrats sweet girl! You deserve it!
Love to all,
Carole Klumb #42 Eagle, WI
What a wonderful honor for you and well deserving. Hugs and kisses to you and TT. XOXO
Judy that sure is a cute video with Monty R. My husband and I visited his farm in 1998 and we did get to see Shy Boy, he sure is a cute horse. Monty was on vacation at the time too bad. He did come to WI twice for demos. so we saw him both times and he is a fantastic trainer. He must be part horse, they sure respond to him.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Carole Klumb:
How great is that. You got to meet Shyboy. He’s such a handsome boy. I know this is silly, but he has the streamline look of a TB more than other Mustangs I’ve seen photos of. Did he appear like that in person to you? Hugs, JB
Kelly J. /ND
Congratulations Z! I am so happy for you, what a huge honor!XOXOXO How are Tasty and her foal doing? How are you and your foal doing?
hi z its terry and i am a boy what is your babys name going to be? are u alright hop you txt back
Terry Crow
Terry-Z is keeping it a secret for now.
Rosemary McCauley - So. Cal.
Hi terry – what do you think would be a good name for Zenyatta’s baby?
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
It is kind of fun to speculate what Zenny’s statue will look like – Will she have Mikey on her back? Will she have cotton in her ears? (gosh, it’s her! LOL!) Will she be dancing? (for sure definitely HER!) Will she have the shadow roll and saddle? (how can it not?) Oooh, so many delightful ways she can be shown to the world. Maybe Nina is the only one who has the say? I bet there will be input from Dottie, John, and her mom and dad – how fun is this going to be!? Next to seeing her little one scamper out and about in the world, and on those shaky legs for the first time, nothing can compare! Wheee! How great is all this!!? LOVE YOU ZENNY MORE AND MORE! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
The Kennedys in San Diego
Definitely she will be dancing!
Robin - Ventura CA
I hope dancing as well! Just like the painting, which is SO lovely! I can’t take my eyes of my poster of her in my home. I would love to see the painting one day, hopfully they display it one day at Santa Anita!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Wouldn’t it be great if she had a couple of fans “visiting” her? Maybe a sweet little child getting a Z kiss, or just the fans in the background around the statue, she with Mario, and the fans with cameras, waiting their visit before the Queen? HEAVEN!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Now I’d love to see that statue at her home Hollywood Park! (with the fans) That would really hit home and so be appropriate!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Yikes! Fingers are really redneck! LOL! That should be: and BE SO APPROPRIATE! GEEZ!
Stephanie in San Diego
Karen, I thought the same thing but then realized that many more fans will be able to enjoy her at Santa Anita with the Breeders Cup coming back this year,
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Karen, it is amazing to think of Zenyatta and her new statue, but it is also a kick to share in your excitment. You are just TOO CUTE!!!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Nina’s email today said the small statue is “the prototype for the big one that is coming.” So dancing, yes!
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Anyone who wants to see Nina’s smaller sculpture of Zenny: https://staging.zenyatta.com/diary/dairy-post-439#comment-130247
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Oops, sorry about my flub – here is Nina’s sculpture of Zenny: http://www.equinesculpture.com/limited-edition-zenyatta-bronze-statue.htm
Ingrid in MA
What a truly deserved honor for you, Zenny, and all of Team Z! Congratulations!! This statue will hold a special place in the hearts of all of us fans who are rather new to the racing scene – we may have heard of the other horses, but have no real memories of watching them run. So having a statue of one we know so well and love so much – it means the world! Congratulations again to the fabulous people on Team Z, and to my Sweet Zen!