Good Morning Dear Friends!
I am absolutely elated this morning! I am so honored and thrilled to share the news with you that SANTA ANITA PARK, The Great Race Place, has commissioned Nina Kaiser to create a life-size bronze statue of ME. It is to be installed directly across from John Henry’s statue at the south rim of the Kingsbury Fountain.
I will be located right there to GREET the fans as they enter the track through the main grandstand gates. I will be facing eastward and right by the path the horses take when they walk from the receiving barn to the paddock area directly before each race.
Nina created this beautiful JOHN HENRY Statue (shown above) for Santa Anita….and now she is completing the finishing touches of ME…a LIFE-SIZE ME!
Another thing that is so special about all of this is while I was at BARN 55, NINA took all of my exact measurements. She visited the barn on several occasions when MY JOHN felt it would be comfortable for ME so she could measure and study ME. Nina knows ME very well….every precise INCH OF ME….from these ‘measuring sessions’! So this statue will truly be a very accurate representation of ME!
From all reports, track management’s plan is to unveil ME during the fall meet at Santa Anita….which usually begins late September and this year will run through Breeders’ Cup. To date, MY TEAM does not know the date when this will take place.
As I hear more of the news, I will definitely keep you posted.
Please enjoy the article in today’s Daily Racing Form written by Jay Hovdey and his interview with Nina about her work on this project, (Blush, Blush!)
With Love,
Hugs to All~
Terri Z/ So Fla
What a thrill for the statue to be created and it’s certainly at the right place.
Shannon From Cool
This may be the reason to make the 400 mile trip back to Santa Anita to see this magnificent statue of YOU.
Praise the Lord!
Santa Anita Race Track made a superb choice.
Carlotta Cooper
That’s so wonderful, and deserved. I think you will inspire the horses as they set out to race.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Zenny, your Mikey on Black Caviar and her jockey.
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear Karen G.:
Thank you so much for the links on Black Caviar. Mikey’s comments were, as usual, very knowledgeable and classy. Hugs, JB
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Hello, Karen. Hope you are enjoying a marvelous day, sweetie. Thank you very much for the Black Caviar links!!
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Here’s another article on Black Caviar trying to surpass you Zenny.
Ingrid Arnone
OH! I think this is the best tribute so well deserve, and if we go to Santa Anita you always be there, I cannot wait to see it, Sophie she is so adorable, love you Ingrid.
Zenyatta, how exciting to get your statue near John Henry. Need to know ahead of time, when the unveiling party is so we can make travel plans to be there!
Is there a Zenyatta Party at the Breeder’s Cup like last years BC Z party????
Team Zenyatta; What do you think? Please let us know info ahead of time, Last year was too last minute for some of us who live a distance away.
Hugs and Prayers
Well deserved since your most memorable victory was here. Long live the Queen!!!
Trisha from VA
Oh WOW! How wonderful for you gorgeous girl. You are so special to all. What an honor for you and for you to be honored by having a bronze of you at Santa Anita for all you have done for not only TB,s and racing but for all equines.
What an honor for Nina Kaiser as well.
High hoofs to all involved.
Thanks You
Love hugs and kisses
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Dear, Zenyatta. This is absolutely the best news ever!!!!! As I was reading the article there were tears in my eyes, Zenny. It was lovely to read the words of both Nina and Santa Anita stating what an honor it was for them to be creating this lifelong tribute to you!! As one who loves you dearly, I am so grateful to everyone involved for presenting you so beautifully for all to see and appreciate. What breathtaking memories we will have when we look upon you standing regally before us and what deep, heartfelt emotions we will experience. Nina has such a remarkable talent, I know that I adore my #19!! You were so amazing in person, it must be very difficult to recreate that perfection!! The size of your girth was astounding!! BC 2012 just keeps getting better and better!!!!. I am so excited about attending!!!! Please thank John for the great picture of Sophie and JAG’s beloved John Henry! That Sophie is just the cutest model ever!!! Love to you my Zenny!! I hope you and Tasty are resting and as comfortable as possible, it won’t be long now sweetheart. Sweet dreams. Hugs and kisses. XXXOOO
hi Z! CONGRATULATIONS! YOU definitely deserve this great honor!!! I can’t wait to see YOU unveiled!!! Love YOU gorgeous mama YOU and Tasty have a wonderful Thursday xoxoxo
judy berube from Rhode Island
Dear JAG and Z Fans that love Eagles:
Some of you may have read about Freedom and Jeff before. I was introduced to them by Russ’ CNA, Peggy just today. I thought I would share what she gave me with you. Hugs, JB
JAG / Extremely Happy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Yes, I’ve read about them, and I’ve seen video and glorious photos!!! ♥
Judy G
p.s. Still awaiting the eggs to be laid at the nest in Iowa :-P
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
I was watching the Iowa nest this morning and both parents were busy with renovations and general housekeeping. It’s a very fine nest, just waiting for some eggs.
Linda B from Va
What a great honor…But you have earned it …you and team Z have brought new meaning to your world of beautiful creations.
I can not wait to see your foal and the reflection of you in their eyes
Love to you ZEN
Love, love, and more love to you, darling Zenny! hugs and kisses, h+++
Barbara Bean
You and your connections are sooooooo deserving of this honor, Zenny–congratulations!
Hi Z!
What a great article in the DRF…..it gave me “chills”….I’m just sitting here hoping that one day I will be able to get to Santa Anita to see “YOU”!
Shannon J. in Seattle
YEAH ZENYATTA!! I am SOOOOOOOOOO thrilled!!! One of the very BEST races I ever saw was at Santa Anita and YOU were in it and WON…the 2009 Breeder’s Cup CLassic….it still gives me chills to relive that race that day as I watched you gear up and unwind in the stretch!!! That was truly UN-BEEEEE-LIEVABLE!!!! I am BEYOND thrilled to be returning to The Great Race Place in November for the Breeder’s Cup (this time FINALLY with Hubby who will be home from Afghanistan then, YIPPEE) and cannot wait to see “You” again!!! I cannot think of a more glorious and fitting statue for Santa Anita to unveil…..You are the epitome of perfection and no better statue would befit such a grand race track than such a grand diva of racing. LONG LIVE ZENYATTA….she will live on forever in our hearts and great us with the spirit of the dance when we walk in those glorious gates of The Great Race Place. It sure will make it feel like we are always close to you and we will forever relive the excitement of one of the most beautiful and graceful horses, dancing her way to the paddock before thrilling us in the pre-race with her snazzu dance moves and then exciting us beyond measure with those AMAZING stretch runs to victory!!!
Darlene Daniels
God Bless you and your husband. Please thank him from all us Zsters for serving our country.
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
Oh, yes ditto that from me!
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Shannon, I echo Darlene’s appreciation for your husband’s service to our nation. It is amazing that you were at Santa Anita on Zenyatta’s big day, that moment absolutely wonderful. How exciting that you both will be going to the Breeder’s Cup this year. I hope to meet you there!!
Shannon J. in Seattle
I’ll be there FOR sure!!! Along with MANY of my friends from around the U.S and a few dear guys from England as well. I would LOVE to meet up!!
We have a big planing stage going on my website (forum and fan site) already. If you or any of my fellow Z lovers or Breeder’s Cup attendees would like to join us in the planning stages, perhaps we can get the BIGGEST group of Zenyatta fans in a one dancing photo op around our beloved queen!!
Feel free to visit if you wish to talk abotu it or other exciting races as well.
(Wish Z could pop in there from time to time too)
http://www.HorseRacingMania.com/forums is the address to any and all who are interested.
Shannon J. in Seattle
Thanks SOOOOOO Much Ladies!!!! I am SOOOO proud of Hubby and SOOOO glad he will FINALLY be able to join me on my Breeder’s Cup annual journey with MANY from my website. We all have SO much fun and I am SO thrilled to include him this year. Incidentally, when he was deployed to Iraq in 2009, he called me on Breeder’s Cup Classic Day just before and just after Zenyatta’s big win and said that he got his whole unit to sit in and watch it live, they were streaming it and he saw the big girl win. When he called (while Santa Anita was still in a HUGE uproar after her vistory) it was SO loud I could barely hear him but I did hear him yell into the phone “YEAH BIG Z!!!!!!!!” Last year at the Breeder’s Cup (well in 2010) he called me just before Goldikova’s race and said “WHO is thei Goldikova horse?” I told him she was the equivalent of Z in Europe and all he said was “Whatever! No comparison! Go Big Z!!! Kick their butts!!” LOL!
I am beyond thrilled that I have seen EVERY one of Z’s races and witnessed her 3 historic Breeder’s Cup runs!! All of which were phenomenal!! Her Breeder’s Cup Classic win was positively scintillating and I knwo when I am my friends from HorseRacingMania return this year we will all be drawn back to that historic day when we were all hoarse (dressed in our pink and teal) from screaming at the top of our lungs for this amazing mare we adore so much. Even my friends from Europe were thrilled at her won and we celebrated happily that night reminiscing abotu how that would likely be one of the BEST Breeder’s Cup races we ever witnessed! We all met by the fountain at Santa Anita for the first time and have become fast friends, It will be surreal to stand next to the Big Girl and have a photo op and remember a time that changed our life and a time that brought amazing horsey memories as well as lifelong friendships from around the U.S. and across the globe. We will be returning for our 5th annual gathering and I cannot wait to see my friends again and FINALLY introduce them to my Hubby who has become a horse racing because his wife is such a nut for it and also because of a towering but gentle giant of a horse who was a monstress on the track!!! WE LOVE BIG Z!!!! ALWAYS! I am thrilled to have all of you here as well and look forward to yoru words every day!
Congratulations, Z! I can’t wait to see the bronze you! I’m sure it will be wonderful. The John Henry statue is gorgeous!
Susan from Fl
Big Congrats to U! Lots of pics Please! Peace & Happiness to U
Kimberly Potter/Montana
My Beautiful Zenyatta~ I am beyond words….what an honor. All I can say is what took them so long! :) I will see the amazing Nina Kaiser statue of the Queen when I come to BC 2012. A trip of a lifetime for me and my daughter.
Love and Hugz
JAG / Extremely Happy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Kimberly – I’d love to meet you during the BC meet. Us local Z Dumplings love to meet other dumplings! :D
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Kimberly, yippee! You and your daughter will be at the Breeder’s Cup also. We are getting quite a number of Dumplings planning on attending. I am already very excited! It will be so fun to meet!!!!!
LouAnn Cingel of Union, Missouri
Wow, I am so excited and super happy to hear the news Zenyatta, that you will have a bronze life sized statue of yourself right there at the main entrance at Santa Anita Park right across from the famous John Henry, gosh what an honor! This is just so fabulous, it doesn’t get too much better than this, you truly are a star and always will be, sparkling and shining brighter than any star up above for sure! So many of us will truly be waiting for that special moment to see the beautiful life-like re-creation of you done by Nina K.-she does absolutely the best work ever.
You take care and hope you are feeling well these days-Love you more and more as time passes on dear sweet Zenyatta! Sending lots of love and kisses!
Edie Dickenson
Zenny, I love the statues of Seabiscuit and John Henry. People are drawn to them to have their pictures taken. I’m thinking there will be a long line for pix with The Queen! You are very very deserving of this honor, and I agree with Cheryl that the next step is a stakes race named after Zenyatta, for you are “the greatest racehorse that we’ve ever seen!”
pace pace pace
You’re officially a legend, Z. :3
You’ll be remembered forever.
Linda Henderson
Great news! The John Henry statue is wonderful and the Zenyatta will be too. What a nice welcome for visitors entering the front gate to be greeted by you and John!
Now that it is in the works I can’t wait for the unveiling with a great hope that Ms. Sophie will get her picture taken on Ms. Z. She sure is a lucky gal to have two fabulous horses to pose with, will be excited to see that one.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Terry – I like your bonus joke yesterday: “you might be a redneck if you play hop scotch with a walker.” And to answer your question from yesterday, my “Redneck Relatives” jokes are true, but (so far) not personal experiences, I am happy to say. However they have only “one degree of separation” — told to me by a relative with that personal experience, so quite detailed in the telling. Funny now, but not always so funny at the time they happened.
Terry Crow
Agree with that. Some things that happen are definitely not funny at the time, but morph in to something funny over time. I love your relative of rednecks jokes. They show a real wit about them.
Vicki B. near Hollywood Park
Thanks — so do your daily Redneck Litanies! Below, I particularly liked “attended AA meetings while in preschool”, 911 to order pizza, and ‘the general direction of “yonder.”’.
Brenda S..Ontario, Canada
Zenny, What an honor and so well deserved. I am so happy for YOU and all your connections. You will be able to stand in glorious majesty looking out at eagles, and the adoring public as they enter the main gates. I do hope that Nina is sculpting you in dance mode. Today’s picture of John Henry and the lovely Miss Sophie is SO CUTE, please thank John for sharing with us. As I have already said, I am now more motivated than ever to be at Santa Anita at the beginning of November, there is so much that I want to see and do and all of it will now take second place to seeing a lifesize statue of you together with my fellow Dumplings. I hope all the excitement hasn’t been too much for you, we want to meet your baby on March 9th, Tasty’s too, so you girls have to take things very easily for the next two weeks.
@ Dawn – Hope you are feeling better and back to your normal self.
@ Abigail – So sorry the Habs lost in a shootout. It sounds as if it was an exciting game.
Abigail from Montreal
It was very exciting, but the Habs & Bruins kind of wandered around throughout the first period, and there was one absolutely !!!**** call by the referee on us that also cost us a goal and probably the game. But it was good fun!
Terry Crow
If I remember the rules right, some of the refs in hockey are not allowed to call a penalty on their own. Is this true?
Dawn Conrad / Colorado
Brenda, I really hope you make it to Breeder’s Cup and I get to see you again!!! How fun will that be!! I am feeling well, thank you for asking!
jeanie langford
It is only fitting that You and John Henry welcome everyone at the gates of Santa Anita. The peoples’ champions together forever. Old John is going to think you are quite the looker. It will be beautiful and you deserve it so very much. Getting close to Baby time. I can hardly wait. I have some great names in mind. Congratulations Z. Zimply Za Best ever.
JAG / Extremely Happy Auntie Judy / So. CA
Love it: “Old John is going to think you are quite the looker.”
Uncle John Henry :-P
Karen Gogue Pacing Nanny-Granny
heehee LOL! I love this!
Hi Z! What a wonderful tribute to you and your family. It has to be so very exciting! Well, it is the day after the rain-the sun is shinning and the day is beautiful. I hope you and Tasty are doing well today. Wow, it is almost time for you to foal-about three weeks away now. Wishing you a swift and easy delivery and a happy and spirited foal. Sending you and Tasty smooches and hugs! xxoo