Not only does Sergio de Sousa keep Cozmic One happy and healthy at his farm, he goes out of his way to share updates with us. Here’s a glimpse into Coz’s birthday morning at De Sousa Stables.
Happy birthday Coz!
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
On the video of Zenyatta’s tailgate party, I noticed a tag hanging on her halter. Does that mean she has been bred again? If so, any idea who is the lucky gentleman?
Continued healing for Life Is Good. That Derby picture is sure muddied. There are about 3 that I like, perhaps more. Of course, there is one that I like, a son of my fav. stallion. But after years of picking horses to see them fall by the wayside with injury, I will just call him He Who Cannot Be Named!
Hope you all are having better luck than I in choosing a Derby fav.
Just saw on that Mrs. Alice Chandler passed away. She is the mother or Price and Headley Bell who have done all the great Mill Ridge Farm videos. She was quite a lady. RIP Mrs. Chandler.
Dear Shirlee and Judy,
Yes, Mrs. Chandler was indeed quite a lady. Very sorry to see this, and I
send heartfelt condolences to Price, Headley, Dr. Chandler and the entire
family. RIP Mrs. Chandler and thank you.
All of us who have been on the Mill Ridge tours know what a great loss this is for her family. My heart goes out to all of them. We had learned a lot about Mrs. Chandler from the tours and even more now in the many articles that have been posted. A word that was often mentioned was “class,” and that can certainly be seen in her son Headley and grandson, Price. They are very classy guys. Hope to get there someday!
Dear Judy,
Hope Greatest Honour will benefit from the time-off and return to
his healthy strong self. So glad that he has Shug as trainer.
Power Up, GH!!
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy,
I will never understand how or why a human would do something like this; although, ONLY a human would be this despicable. I pray that those rescued from this hell will recover and be healthy, and that those horses
missing will be found (hopefully alive).
One more thing: I absolutely hope Mcgrapth and any others involved will
be found, charged and sentenced to (hard) time. As far as I’m concerned,
they should be put under the jail.
I suppose the take-away is always keep tabs on your horses whether they
are on site or out of sight. Sadly, our species cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
Hugs and Love
Broke my heart to read this. I cannot understand why humans can be so cruel to animals. Hope all involved will receive the punishment they deserve.
Bless all the caring owners and trainers and farms who take wonderful care of their horses.
Happy Friday, everyone. Running a bit late today. Hovey is very proud of himself and the great restraint he showed while being ridden by both Mum and Auntie Em for the first time in forever. The video he mentions is part of a virtual “Your Horse (is) (A)live” which starts tomorrow. Have no idea what the access will be, but I’ll try to find a link. It should be really entertaining.
Down to the last two Derby preps – the picture seems murky to me anyhow.
Hope many of your are enjoying some of this fleeting “more like summer than spring” weather.
Dear Sandy,
Thanks a million for giving us the Hovis Report! He is really quite a
“stand-up comic horse”, LOL. So glad that he is making progress again.
Looking forward to horse racing this weekend — watched some on FS2
yesterday and today. Hope Whitmore does well!
We are covered with pollen here (specifically the greenish-yellow pine stuff).
It is, as usual, excessive! It has been over 80° for the last few days which is definitely “more like summer than spring”. I prefer more spring, fall and winter than summer, but I must concede to the awful everlasting heat and
humidity. What else can one do? The long hot summer seems to get longer
each year now. More’s the pity.
Have a good weekend!
Hugs and Love
Thanks as always for our dose of Hovis laughter. Glad he is doing better and that Mother can ride.
The Derby picture is still rather puzzling. There are several that I like for various reasons. Would love to see EQ win because of Brad Cox being a Louisvillian and it would mean so much for him to win. But guess I will just draw names on Derby Day. Do rather hope it will be someone besides BB. Nothing against him, but would be nice to see some of the lesser known trainers win.
We have had very warm windy days here in Indy. Everything is blooming and we are sneezing a using tissues by the boxful.
Everyone enjoy the racing today. Some really good ones at Keeneland as well as Oaklawn.
Hi Marshall. Wish I could send a little of the cold here in Oregon. We’re still getting mornings in the 20’s. I did get my J and J shot so done with that. Still Looking for little girl dogs but about all to be found are are big burly dogs with bad reps like Pit bulls which don’t sound like curlup on the couch cuddlebugs to me. I.m rooting for
Whitmore also. As for the Derby, my first choice would be Hotrod Charlie and after that I’m not sure yet I’ll think about it a bit more. Sure hope all of you everywhere are having a good day and will have a sparkling evening.
Congratulations to C Z Rocket on the Count Fleet win, and all connections.
I am bummed that Whitmore did not overtake him, however. Whitmore came in second today, but he is still a first-class horse!
Martha, we had very few mornings in the 20’s this year. We didn’t get a frost until late November last fall! Looks as though the weather in NC is never going to be like it was when I was a child — you know, back in the Dark Ages!
Hugs and Love
Count Fleet won the Belmont by 25 lengths! 25!!! My Daddy loved him so much.
Anyway, Congrats to CZ and Whitmore. Great racing. Whitmore finding that pocket was beautiful. He is 1st class, Marshall.
Love from the pollen covered state of NC. AHHH Choooo.
Dear Neighbor Ann,
Count Fleet was amazing!
That rain last night/wee hours this morning was welcome for washing some of the yellow dust away. I think we will see more of
it again though.
AHHH-Choooo times two back at you!!! ? Ooh-ooh!
Hugs and Love
Congrats to CZ Rocket but Whitmore will always be first in my heart. Hope he came out of the race okay and we will see more of him.
Derby picture is as clear as mud!
BIG Congrats to SuperStock, Ricardo Santana, Steve Asmussen and all connected! The Arkansas Derby was so exciting — the “home team” won
this one. Great race — SuperStock, Caddo River and Concert Tour.
Congrats to Maggie Wolfendale for picking the winner, too!
Dear Friends of Zenyatta,
I have been thinking of our dear friend Sheena yesterday and today. She was one of Z’s greatest fans and a faithful subject of Queen Elizabeth II.
Condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and all the royal family.
Rest in Peace Prince Philip. He contributed much to make the UK and the world a better place.
Thank you, Sir.
Dear Dee,
Thanks bunches for this wonderful news! Big Congratulations to Rachael
Blackmore!! Yay!!! Velvet and The Pie would be proud and so would our dear friend, Sheena.
Hugs and Love
RIP Slim Shadey.
13 years old, gone too soon. He was retired to Old Friends in 2019 so he
had a nice life. Unfortunately, he had exploratory surgery which revealed
a twisted large intestine that they repaired, but while coming out of anaesthesia, he broke his hind leg. Michael Blowen said they were all
devastated. Condolences to Old Friends and to all who cared for him.
Hugs and Love
Oh no, so very sad to hear this news. What a Warrior he was. He gave his all every time. I wish he had more time to enjoy his retirement at Old Friends. Loved him. RIP beautiful boy. ??Hugs, JB
I agree with you. There was no rally to it. He raced at the rail then came outside and passed the other 2. He moved when the jockey asked. Don’t think Concert Tour wants more distance. Preakness looks good for Caddo River.
So sad but not terribly surprising to hear of Prince Phillips passing. If you go back far enough you’ll find my Dad’s ancestors came to this country from Buckinghamshire. I’m old enough to remember seeing Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation and Ive tried to follow the Royals as closely as I could. Also, sadness to hear of Slim Shadey’s passing. I followed him as closely as I could. RIP to both horse and human. May all you Zsters have a lovely evening.
Lynn Martin
On the video of Zenyatta’s tailgate party, I noticed a tag hanging on her halter. Does that mean she has been bred again? If so, any idea who is the lucky gentleman?
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Love you. Happy Dreams. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Encouraging update on Life Is Good in first two paragraphs of this article. Power Up beautiful baby boy.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this. Great to hear a good report on Life Is Good!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Corn- tee heeee!
Happy, Life Is Good is making a speedy recovery.
Thanks, JB. Glad they are taking good care of him.
Hope all is well.
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Ann:
You two crack me up. ????Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
So glad our “comedy act” makes you happy
Thanks for the collaboration (“corn-aboration”), Neighbor Ann!
I love corn.
Ears, Hugs and Love ?
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Ears, Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a peaceful evening and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB??????
Continued healing for Life Is Good. That Derby picture is sure muddied. There are about 3 that I like, perhaps more. Of course, there is one that I like, a son of my fav. stallion. But after years of picking horses to see them fall by the wayside with injury, I will just call him He Who Cannot Be Named!
Hope you all are having better luck than I in choosing a Derby fav.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
He Who Cannot Be Named is a very good choice! I haven’t been able to make up my mind yet. Love and Hugs, JB
Just saw on that Mrs. Alice Chandler passed away. She is the mother or Price and Headley Bell who have done all the great Mill Ridge Farm videos. She was quite a lady. RIP Mrs. Chandler.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
RIP Mrs. Chandler. Condolences to the family. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee and Judy,
Yes, Mrs. Chandler was indeed quite a lady. Very sorry to see this, and I
send heartfelt condolences to Price, Headley, Dr. Chandler and the entire
family. RIP Mrs. Chandler and thank you.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
RIP, Mrs. Chandler.
Thanks for all of your positive contributions to racing.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
All of us who have been on the Mill Ridge tours know what a great loss this is for her family. My heart goes out to all of them. We had learned a lot about Mrs. Chandler from the tours and even more now in the many articles that have been posted. A word that was often mentioned was “class,” and that can certainly be seen in her son Headley and grandson, Price. They are very classy guys. Hope to get there someday!
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a great day. Love you. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Greatest Honor to miss Derby. Glad they’re doing what’s best for him. Power Up Beauty.
Sandy, I believe he was one of your favorites. Hopefully, he’ll rest and come back strong. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Rest up and come back even better, CHAMP!
It’s a rough road to the Derby for those precious baby legs.
Love and hugs beautiful boy.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
He was MY Derby horse, of course. Always want them to do what is best for the horse, but . . . . . . . . geez . . . . this is a real disappointment.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s the BloodHorse article on Greatest Honor. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Hope Greatest Honour will benefit from the time-off and return to
his healthy strong self. So glad that he has Shug as trainer.
Power Up, GH!!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
OMG, not again. ???
Praying most of them recover and find loving homes. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
I will never understand how or why a human would do something like this; although, ONLY a human would be this despicable. I pray that those rescued from this hell will recover and be healthy, and that those horses
missing will be found (hopefully alive).
One more thing: I absolutely hope Mcgrapth and any others involved will
be found, charged and sentenced to (hard) time. As far as I’m concerned,
they should be put under the jail.
I suppose the take-away is always keep tabs on your horses whether they
are on site or out of sight. Sadly, our species cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Spot On. ?
Love and Hugs, JB
Broke my heart to read this. I cannot understand why humans can be so cruel to animals. Hope all involved will receive the punishment they deserve.
Bless all the caring owners and trainers and farms who take wonderful care of their horses.
Dear Judy,
There is a special place in hell for these MONSTERS!
Ann NC
I can’t even…..
Praying those innocent horses receive a soft landing.
Barbara Brayton
Judy, I read the article also. I hope all the horses recover and find good homes. I agree, throw the book at him, or better yet, the whole bookcase.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee, Kathy and Barbara:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday, everyone. Running a bit late today. Hovey is very proud of himself and the great restraint he showed while being ridden by both Mum and Auntie Em for the first time in forever. The video he mentions is part of a virtual “Your Horse (is) (A)live” which starts tomorrow. Have no idea what the access will be, but I’ll try to find a link. It should be really entertaining.
Down to the last two Derby preps – the picture seems murky to me anyhow.
Hope many of your are enjoying some of this fleeting “more like summer than spring” weather.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks a million for giving us the Hovis Report! He is really quite a
“stand-up comic horse”, LOL. So glad that he is making progress again.
Looking forward to horse racing this weekend — watched some on FS2
yesterday and today. Hope Whitmore does well!
We are covered with pollen here (specifically the greenish-yellow pine stuff).
It is, as usual, excessive! It has been over 80° for the last few days which is definitely “more like summer than spring”. I prefer more spring, fall and winter than summer, but I must concede to the awful everlasting heat and
humidity. What else can one do? The long hot summer seems to get longer
each year now. More’s the pity.
Have a good weekend!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks once again for our Hovis Friday update. Hilarious, as usual. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, Sandy.
Thanks as always for our dose of Hovis laughter. Glad he is doing better and that Mother can ride.
The Derby picture is still rather puzzling. There are several that I like for various reasons. Would love to see EQ win because of Brad Cox being a Louisvillian and it would mean so much for him to win. But guess I will just draw names on Derby Day. Do rather hope it will be someone besides BB. Nothing against him, but would be nice to see some of the lesser known trainers win.
We have had very warm windy days here in Indy. Everything is blooming and we are sneezing a using tissues by the boxful.
Everyone enjoy the racing today. Some really good ones at Keeneland as well as Oaklawn.
Martha Fosdick
Hi Marshall. Wish I could send a little of the cold here in Oregon. We’re still getting mornings in the 20’s. I did get my J and J shot so done with that. Still Looking for little girl dogs but about all to be found are are big burly dogs with bad reps like Pit bulls which don’t sound like curlup on the couch cuddlebugs to me. I.m rooting for
Whitmore also. As for the Derby, my first choice would be Hotrod Charlie and after that I’m not sure yet I’ll think about it a bit more. Sure hope all of you everywhere are having a good day and will have a sparkling evening.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hi Z Friends,
Congratulations to C Z Rocket on the Count Fleet win, and all connections.
I am bummed that Whitmore did not overtake him, however. Whitmore came in second today, but he is still a first-class horse!
Martha, we had very few mornings in the 20’s this year. We didn’t get a frost until late November last fall! Looks as though the weather in NC is never going to be like it was when I was a child — you know, back in the Dark Ages!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Count Fleet won the Belmont by 25 lengths! 25!!! My Daddy loved him so much.
Anyway, Congrats to CZ and Whitmore. Great racing. Whitmore finding that pocket was beautiful. He is 1st class, Marshall.
Love from the pollen covered state of NC. AHHH Choooo.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Neighbor Ann,
Count Fleet was amazing!
That rain last night/wee hours this morning was welcome for washing some of the yellow dust away. I think we will see more of
it again though.
AHHH-Choooo times two back at you!!! ? Ooh-ooh!
Hugs and Love
Congrats to CZ Rocket but Whitmore will always be first in my heart. Hope he came out of the race okay and we will see more of him.
Derby picture is as clear as mud!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
I totally agree — about Whitmore AND about the “mud”
All will be revealed, eventually.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Well, Weyburn is out, heading to Belmont.
Mud, hahaha. That brings back fond memories of Ruler on Ice and Thunder Snow.
Marshall (NC Broad)
BIG Congrats to SuperStock, Ricardo Santana, Steve Asmussen and all connected! The Arkansas Derby was so exciting — the “home team” won
this one. Great race — SuperStock, Caddo River and Concert Tour.
Congrats to Maggie Wolfendale for picking the winner, too!
Cheers, Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear ZFans and Friends,
Here is the link from Bloodhorse for the Arkansas Derby.
I beg to differ with the headline saying Super Stock Rallies . . .
He came from off the pace to pass Concert Tour and Caddo River and
looked fantastic doing it.
Super Stock won convincingly!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall, Martha and Z Fans:
Was rooting for Whitmore too. These two Warriors; seven and eight years old, still sure have it! Congrats to both of them. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Congrats to them.
That is the cutest photo ever of Steve with his family.
Convincingly! That will be on the racing chart.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Love Ya. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Marshall: and Z Fans:
Impressive win by Super Stock and R. Santana. Son of Dialed In did his Daddy proud. Congrats. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight. Love You. Hugs, JB

Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Friends of Zenyatta,
I have been thinking of our dear friend Sheena yesterday and today. She was one of Z’s greatest fans and a faithful subject of Queen Elizabeth II.
Condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and all the royal family.
Rest in Peace Prince Philip. He contributed much to make the UK and the world a better place.
Thank you, Sir.
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Thinking of Sheena too upon hearing of Prince Phillips passing. RIP. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
RIP, Prince Phillip.
Have enjoyed seeing and reading the photos/articles about his carriage driving.
Love to all.
Dee in the Hudson Valley
Huge Congratulations to rider Rachael Blackmore who just won the 2021 Grand National!
Girl Power (finally) 76 years after they disqualified gutsy Velvet Brown!!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Dee,
Thanks bunches for this wonderful news! Big Congratulations to Rachael
Blackmore!! Yay!!! Velvet and The Pie would be proud and so would our dear friend, Sheena.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Fantastic. So happy for her. Congrats! Fierce!
judy berube
Congrats RB. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
RIP Slim Shadey.
13 years old, gone too soon. He was retired to Old Friends in 2019 so he
had a nice life. Unfortunately, he had exploratory surgery which revealed
a twisted large intestine that they repaired, but while coming out of anaesthesia, he broke his hind leg. Michael Blowen said they were all
devastated. Condolences to Old Friends and to all who cared for him.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Oh no, so very sad to hear this news. What a Warrior he was. He gave his all every time. I wish he had more time to enjoy his retirement at Old Friends. Loved him. RIP beautiful boy.
Hugs, JB
Ann NC
So sad.
RIP, Slim Shady.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight. Love you. Hugs, JB
I agree with you. There was no rally to it. He raced at the rail then came outside and passed the other 2. He moved when the jockey asked. Don’t think Concert Tour wants more distance. Preakness looks good for Caddo River.
What a wonderful life!
Martha Fosdick
So sad but not terribly surprising to hear of Prince Phillips passing. If you go back far enough you’ll find my Dad’s ancestors came to this country from Buckinghamshire. I’m old enough to remember seeing Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation and Ive tried to follow the Royals as closely as I could. Also, sadness to hear of Slim Shadey’s passing. I followed him as closely as I could. RIP to both horse and human. May all you Zsters have a lovely evening.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Love and Hugs, JB