Not only does Sergio de Sousa keep Cozmic One happy and healthy at his farm, he goes out of his way to share updates with us. Here’s a glimpse into Coz’s birthday morning at De Sousa Stables.
Happy birthday Coz!
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
RIP Swiss Yodeler, beautiful one.
He was just a few days shy of 28 years old. The cause was apparently heart failure. Run free and happy with the angels.
RIP Con Lima. Gone much too soon.
She was 4 years old, and it seems she suffered a catastrophic injury in her stall which required euthanasia. So very tragic.
Condolences to all who mourn these brave ones.
Hugs and Love
Happy Friday everyone! Elate foaled a colt in the wee hours of this morning, and they are already out and running around the paddock. There is a video of various aspects of the foaling on her Foal Patrol page. He looks very different once cleaned up and dried off.
As for our boy Hovis . . . although still lamenting the horrors happening in the Ukraine of course, he did provide some entertainment by way of a description of Mum’s first time on board in quite some time. Auntie Em had forgotten to provide the details of how she had gotten him to behave, but she was along to save the day.
Dear Sandy,
What would we do without our humor-fix from Hovis? Thank you for posting his weekly visits!
Oh my, I hope Mum will not have any repercussions from being bounced around! It’s good that Auntie Em was there to help.
Have a good weekend
Hugs and Love
Thanks for Hovis. He always lightens up my day. Cannot believe he is 19.
I don’t have a Derby pick still. There are about 5 in the running. I can’t name them because if I did it would be bad luck. Every time I pick one, he ends up injured or gets a horrible trip. Interest to see Classic Causeway today. You all know what a sucker I am for the chestnuts! My boy Classic Cut is a gray but is very handsome.
Hope everyone has a good weekend. 13 degrees here this morning.
Thanks for Hovis. He always lightens up my day. Cannot believe he is 19.
I don’t have a Derby pick still. There are about 5 in the running. I can’t name them because if I did it would be bad luck. Every time I pick one, he ends up injured or gets a horrible trip. Interest to see Classic Causeway today. You all know what a sucker I am for the chestnuts! My boy Classic Cut is a gray but is very handsome.
Hope everyone has a good weekend. 13 degrees here this morning.
Dear Judy and Shirlee,
Classic Causeway breaks like a shot!! Boy oh boy, is he ever fast and gorgeous! Congrats to him and all connections
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
WOWZA! Catch me is you can. He’s a happy boy and a fun one to watch.
Looks like Secret Oath will go to A Derby. Take care of her, Coach!
He did very well. Hope they can teach him to rate, just in case! I saw a closeup picture of him with his teeth bared and snarling! Guess he doesn’t like other horses getting close to him. Derby picture just gets more cloudy every race. Safe trip for all of them.
Congratulations to CeCe and her connections on the Azeri Stakes win today at OakLawn! She would not be denied this time and held off a renewed charge by SheDarestheDevil, as well as a very determined Pauline’s Pearl who came in second. She was impressive!
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy,
Oh my, what a love story! Ciara Bowen writes beautifully and with such feeling about Gin. This article brought tears to my eyes — it is so touching. A heartfelt tribute to wonderful Go for Gin
Thank you for posting this sweet article.
Hugs and Love
Dear Z-friends,
Here is a replay of the 2022 Azeri Stakes yesterday — it is a very exciting race with three wonderful fillies (mares/fillies). Enjoy!! Just scroll down to the twitter video.
Most interesting race of the weekend. Ce Ce is a wonder. And I think Pauline’s Pearl has an exciting future. Thank goodness for racing. Just the thing to take your mind off of all that is going on.
Marshall (NC Broad)
I agree that was quite an exciting race — what a threesome!
Ce Ce was amazing for sure.
I love Pauline’s Pearl! She certainly made a huge effort and came so close after the bad start she had.
Glad you, Judy and Kathy enjoyed the video
Cheers, Hugs and Love
Sunny here this morning. Two big geese are strolling through my yard. Honking, eating and p@#ping with every step. Anybody need some feathered friends?
Thanks for the article on CC. His owner has had some bad luck. Hope CC stays healthy and can win some more for him. Derby picture still a big question mark. Hope I can pick one before they hit the starting gate.
Can y’all help my poor failing memory? What is Pistol’s official name? Mill Ridge posted it but of course I have forgotten.
Have a good day and hope you have sunshine and warm temps.
Dear Shirlee,
I did a little checking around using the parents’ names, Gun Runner – Intensify, and came up with A Loaded Pistol. He was bought at the September yearling sales by a bloodstock agent for Peter Redekop farm which is in California, I think.
I googled “The Pistol”, a colt at Mill Ridge Farm in Lexington, KY — to start with and found a link to a Bloodhorse article about The Pistol’s popularity with fans on the virtual tours of Mill Ridge.
This was a backward process, but I finally found his name.
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Thanks for this info. That is some really good research work. Love that the owner stayed with a name with Pistol in it. Too cute!
Godspeed beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
shirlee c cook
Thanks so much. I hope he has a caring owner and does well. He was such a character as a foal at Mill Ridge. Now we just have to watch for Fancy Face.
Clairiere won yesterday. Her 4 year debut. Not much competition. I also have a soft spot for Curlin’s kids!
Dear Judy and Kathy,
I second that wish for healthy and sound, always!
Thanks for the Tales from the Crib: Classic Causeway link, Judy. What a little cutie he was!! Check out those gams!
Hugs and Love
Speaking of adorable foals, this is a video of one of the foals that was included in the slideshow from BloodHorse that I posted a few days ago. He is by Volatile out of Athenian Beauty. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
What a handsome youngster! He certainly is nicely put together. Yes, he does have hair on his “chinny-chin-chin”! Too cute.
Good health and happiness to this son of Volatile!
Cheers to his breeder Nancy Shuford, a North Carolinian (Hickory,NC)!!
Thanks for posting the video, JB.
Hugs and Love
Sorry about the insomnia. I use Melatonin and it helps sometime.
While I was working I thought how great it would be to retire and sleep all I wanted.
Now I’m retired and can’t sleep!
Happy Friday everyone. Our boy Hovis is still pretty subdued and urging help for several causes related to the Ukraine. He is trying to behave himself in the school, but I didn’t see and can’t find the video he is complaining about so I can’t offer any insights.
No Derby prep races this weekend, but things will be heating up next week. Still haven’t had an “Aha! There’s my horse!” moment, but Classic Causeway was very impressive. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the little taste of spring many of us had this week
I haven’t decided on a Derby horse just yet either. Can’t wait to see how Secret Oath does against the boys in the Arkansas Derby on April 2nd. Godspeed all; safe and sound.
Dear Sandy,
As always, thanks a million for our visit with the mighty Hovis! Kudos to him, Mum and Cool New Shoes Man for their fund-raising and aid to the Ukrainians. God bless!
I admit to cracking up at the phrase “. . . as useful as socks on a fish.” in reference to his Mum helping CNSM in Poland. I have never heard that expression before, and it is a hilariously accurate depiction. LOL!
Glad you are getting a little of the weather you like. We have hit 80° here already! Summer is on its way.
Hugs and Love
Thanks for Hovis. He always comes up with a great phrase, socks on a fish, that I hope I can remember to use at a good time. Be safe CNSM in Poland.
I just thought of a horse I might like for the Derby. And guess what? He spiked a fever. The “Shirlee Jinx” continues. Wish I could be at Oakland for Whitmore Day.
Dear Shirlee,
Whitmore sure looked gorgeous today. I think he behaved himself pretty well, too. Laura Moquet has the right touch with him, apparently.
The big crowd at Oaklawn showed how much they loved Whitmore, and I am glad they got to see their/our hero!
BTW, I am going to try to remember the “socks on a fish” phrase, too!
Hugs and Love
Socks on a fish. Shirt list. Zenny having her beer.
Y’all are cracking me up.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yes, we are just a “wild and crazy” bunch of
LOL!! Readers Digest was/is correct!
Laughter IS the Best Medicine
Hugs, Love, Cheers and Chuckles
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this article! Gotta love Whitmore!!
I love that Ron Moquett is such a fan of this horse, too. He doesn’t care if people know who he is but is humbled that they know Whitmore. Sweet!
Wow! Just saw Rated R Superstar with Cabrera onboard win at Oaklawn! Rated R Superstar is 9 years old, oldest among his competition in the race with some 6,7,and 8 yr. olds. Exciting!! Great ride by David Cabrera, too.
Hugs and Love
Oops, forgot to say Congrats to Bob’s Edge (trained by Larry Jones) on winning the Whitmore Stakes today. He came on strong in the stretch! Congrats to all connections!
Also, the race won by Rated R Superstar was the Essex Stakes (G3) so Congrats to him and all connections!
Cheers and Hugs
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Congrats to Bob’s Edge and Rated R Superstar and their connections. Love and Hugs, JB
I found this “flashback” video on the Breeders Cup Twitter feed — hope the link works here on the Blog.
John S. giving Zenyatta some of her favorite “brew”!!
Thanks Betty in Tampa!
This is Too Cute — gosh, can’t believe it has been 12 years
Thanks Judy for posting the full video and for finding the date, too.
As Sandy remarked, JS does look young, but then again, 12 years ago,
so did I!!!
Hugs and Laughs, uh, I mean Love!
Dear Judy,
Blurry-eyed here! Thank you for sharing this SO Sweet story
Nice young man and lucky “Primski” (and the other horses).
Best of everything to Teon, Primo Touch, his barn mates and the
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
RIP Swiss Yodeler, beautiful one.

He was just a few days shy of 28 years old. The cause was apparently heart failure. Run free and happy with the angels.
RIP Con Lima. Gone much too soon.
She was 4 years old, and it seems she suffered a catastrophic injury in her stall which required euthanasia. So very tragic.
Condolences to all who mourn these brave ones.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
So many losses lately. RIP Beauties.

Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for our Friday Hovis cheer. We need humor to get us through all the sad news in the world.
Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone! Elate foaled a colt in the wee hours of this morning, and they are already out and running around the paddock. There is a video of various aspects of the foaling on her Foal Patrol page. He looks very different once cleaned up and dried off.
As for our boy Hovis . . . although still lamenting the horrors happening in the Ukraine of course, he did provide some entertainment by way of a description of Mum’s first time on board in quite some time. Auntie Em had forgotten to provide the details of how she had gotten him to behave, but she was along to save the day.
Only one Derby prep race this week (I think), and again I have no clue as to a possible winner. Will be an interested observer
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
What would we do without our humor-fix from Hovis? Thank you for posting his weekly visits!
Oh my, I hope Mum will not have any repercussions from being bounced around! It’s good that Auntie Em was there to help.
Have a good weekend
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for this good news on Elate and her new colt.
Happy, healthy lives to both of them. Love and Hugs, JB
shirlee c cook
Thanks for Hovis. He always lightens up my day. Cannot believe he is 19.
I don’t have a Derby pick still. There are about 5 in the running. I can’t name them because if I did it would be bad luck. Every time I pick one, he ends up injured or gets a horrible trip. Interest to see Classic Causeway today. You all know what a sucker I am for the chestnuts! My boy Classic Cut is a gray but is very handsome.
Hope everyone has a good weekend. 13 degrees here this morning.
Barbara Brayton
Wednesday was interesting,to say the least. But I made it.
So sorry to hear about the horses who passed.
judy berube
Dear Barbara:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB

shirlee c cook
Thanks for Hovis. He always lightens up my day. Cannot believe he is 19.
I don’t have a Derby pick still. There are about 5 in the running. I can’t name them because if I did it would be bad luck. Every time I pick one, he ends up injured or gets a horrible trip. Interest to see Classic Causeway today. You all know what a sucker I am for the chestnuts! My boy Classic Cut is a gray but is very handsome.
Hope everyone has a good weekend. 13 degrees here this morning.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
He won impressively again. Will post the replay as soon as it’s up. What a glorious Chestnut he is. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy and Shirlee,
Classic Causeway breaks like a shot!! Boy oh boy, is he ever fast and gorgeous! Congrats to him and all connections
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
WOWZA! Catch me is you can. He’s a happy boy and a fun one to watch.
Looks like Secret Oath will go to A Derby. Take care of her, Coach!
shirlee c cook
He did very well. Hope they can teach him to rate, just in case! I saw a closeup picture of him with his teeth bared and snarling! Guess he doesn’t like other horses getting close to him. Derby picture just gets more cloudy every race. Safe trip for all of them.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a restful night and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB

judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Here’s CC’s win at Tampa today. scroll down the article for the replay.
Beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Congratulations to CeCe and her connections on the Azeri Stakes win today at OakLawn! She would not be denied this time and held off a renewed charge by SheDarestheDevil, as well as a very determined Pauline’s Pearl who came in second. She was impressive!
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Thanks, JB.
Victor loves her.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Sorry, the video didn’t come up. Will try again in a while. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Video replay is up now in the link above. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Heartwarming article on Go For Gin by Ciara Bowen with photos. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,

Oh my, what a love story! Ciara Bowen writes beautifully and with such feeling about Gin. This article brought tears to my eyes — it is so touching. A heartfelt tribute to wonderful Go for Gin
Thank you for posting this sweet article.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Pure joy! Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
“You’re the Go for Gin girl, aren’t you?!” Too Cute!
Thanks, JB.
Loved reading this. True LOVE!
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Yes, me too. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Take extra special care of her!
Excitement rages.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Ditto! Godspeed all; safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Z-friends,
Here is a replay of the 2022 Azeri Stakes yesterday — it is a very exciting race with three wonderful fillies (mares/fillies). Enjoy!! Just scroll down to the twitter video.
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Thanks for posting this replay. I hadn’t seen it.
OMG, what a finish. Ce Ce was brilliant and Pauline’s Pearl, after a troubled start; WOW. Shedaresthedevil gave it her all too.
Gorgeous, Talented Girls. Love and Hugs, JB
shirlee c cook
Most interesting race of the weekend. Ce Ce is a wonder. And I think Pauline’s Pearl has an exciting future. Thank goodness for racing. Just the thing to take your mind off of all that is going on.
Marshall (NC Broad)
I agree that was quite an exciting race — what a threesome!
Ce Ce was amazing for sure.
I love Pauline’s Pearl! She certainly made a huge effort and came so close after the bad start she had.
Glad you, Judy and Kathy enjoyed the video
Cheers, Hugs and Love
Dear Marshall, Judy, and Shirlee,
What a THRILLING race! Astounding raw talent. Thank you for sharing, Marshall.
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight. Love all of you so much. Big Hugs, JB

shirlee c cook
Sunny here this morning. Two big geese are strolling through my yard. Honking, eating and p@#ping with every step. Anybody need some feathered friends?
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Too funny!
Totally agree with your assessment of Ce Ce and Pauline’s Pearl. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Shirlee,
Reminds me of the saying “loose as a goose!” lololololol
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Hope you’re having a wonderful day. Love You. Hugs, JB

judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Here’s Tales From The Crib: Classic Causeway. So gorgeous now and soooo adorable as a foal. Enjoy!
Love and Hugs, JB
shirlee c cook
Thanks for the article on CC. His owner has had some bad luck. Hope CC stays healthy and can win some more for him. Derby picture still a big question mark. Hope I can pick one before they hit the starting gate.
Can y’all help my poor failing memory? What is Pistol’s official name? Mill Ridge posted it but of course I have forgotten.
Have a good day and hope you have sunshine and warm temps.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
I did a little checking around using the parents’ names, Gun Runner – Intensify, and came up with A Loaded Pistol. He was bought at the September yearling sales by a bloodstock agent for Peter Redekop farm which is in California, I think.
I googled “The Pistol”, a colt at Mill Ridge Farm in Lexington, KY — to start with and found a link to a Bloodhorse article about The Pistol’s popularity with fans on the virtual tours of Mill Ridge.
This was a backward process, but I finally found his name.
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Thanks for this info. That is some really good research work. Love that the owner stayed with a name with Pistol in it. Too cute!
Godspeed beautiful boy. Love and Hugs, JB
shirlee c cook
Thanks so much. I hope he has a caring owner and does well. He was such a character as a foal at Mill Ridge. Now we just have to watch for Fancy Face.
Clairiere won yesterday. Her 4 year debut. Not much competition. I also have a soft spot for Curlin’s kids!
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Derby is still wide open for me too. Hope they all stay well. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s the list of potential 2022 Derby horses and current points as of today:
Hope they all stay healthy and sound. Godspeed.
Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy and Kathy,
I second that wish for healthy and sound, always!
Thanks for the Tales from the Crib: Classic Causeway link, Judy. What a little cutie he was!! Check out those gams!
Hugs and Love
Dear Marshall,
Always so fun to look at the babies and then see their glorious potential fulfilled!
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB

judy berube
Dear Marshall, Kathy and Z Fans:
Speaking of adorable foals, this is a video of one of the foals that was included in the slideshow from BloodHorse that I posted a few days ago. He is by Volatile out of Athenian Beauty. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
shirlee c cook
He is a very handsome young man. Does need a shave! Think he is going to be a gray.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,

What a handsome youngster! He certainly is nicely put together. Yes, he does have hair on his “chinny-chin-chin”! Too cute.
Good health and happiness to this son of Volatile!
Cheers to his breeder Nancy Shuford, a North Carolinian (Hickory,NC)!!
Thanks for posting the video, JB.
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy,
In a word…PRECIOUS! Thank you so much for sharing.
Barbara Brayton
Loved the Bloodhorse foal slideshow. I loved the one with the whiteface. They are just so cute.
Insomnia has a hold on me. Bleah!
shirlee c cook
Sorry about the insomnia. I use Melatonin and it helps sometime.
While I was working I thought how great it would be to retire and sleep all I wanted.
Now I’m retired and can’t sleep!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone. Our boy Hovis is still pretty subdued and urging help for several causes related to the Ukraine. He is trying to behave himself in the school, but I didn’t see and can’t find the video he is complaining about so I can’t offer any insights.
No Derby prep races this weekend, but things will be heating up next week. Still haven’t had an “Aha! There’s my horse!” moment, but Classic Causeway was very impressive. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the little taste of spring many of us had this week
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for our Friday Hovis update.
I haven’t decided on a Derby horse just yet either. Can’t wait to see how Secret Oath does against the boys in the Arkansas Derby on April 2nd. Godspeed all; safe and sound.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
As always, thanks a million for our visit with the mighty Hovis! Kudos to him, Mum and Cool New Shoes Man for their fund-raising and aid to the Ukrainians. God bless!
I admit to cracking up at the phrase “. . . as useful as socks on a fish.” in reference to his Mum helping CNSM in Poland. I have never heard that expression before, and it is a hilariously accurate depiction. LOL!
Glad you are getting a little of the weather you like. We have hit 80° here already! Summer is on its way.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a restful night and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB

shirlee c cook
Thanks for Hovis. He always comes up with a great phrase, socks on a fish, that I hope I can remember to use at a good time. Be safe CNSM in Poland.
I just thought of a horse I might like for the Derby. And guess what? He spiked a fever. The “Shirlee Jinx” continues. Wish I could be at Oakland for Whitmore Day.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I know who he is, and he’s on my “shirt list” too! He’s already feeling better so

Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Arrrrgh! I meant SHORT list, of course
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Sandy:
Oh, poor baby. Such a talented, beautiful boy. Hope it’s nothing major.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
I’m glad you cleared that up. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what a “shirt list” is! LOL
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
Whitmore sure looked gorgeous today. I think he behaved himself pretty well, too. Laura Moquet has the right touch with him, apparently.
The big crowd at Oaklawn showed how much they loved Whitmore, and I am glad they got to see their/our hero!
BTW, I am going to try to remember the “socks on a fish” phrase, too!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Socks on a fish. Shirt list. Zenny having her beer.
Y’all are cracking me up.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yes, we are just a “wild and crazy” bunch of

LOL!! Readers Digest was/is correct!
Laughter IS the Best Medicine
Hugs, Love, Cheers and Chuckles
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Happy Dreams. Have a good night. Love You. Hugs, JB

judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
Nice tribute for this Warrior Boy.
Love you Whitmore; hope you enjoy your transition to stable pony. Like Lava Man, you can teach the youngsters how it’s done. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this article! Gotta love Whitmore!!
I love that Ron Moquett is such a fan of this horse, too. He doesn’t care if people know who he is but is humbled that they know Whitmore. Sweet!
Wow! Just saw Rated R Superstar with Cabrera onboard win at Oaklawn! Rated R Superstar is 9 years old, oldest among his competition in the race with some 6,7,and 8 yr. olds. Exciting!! Great ride by David Cabrera, too.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oops, forgot to say Congrats to Bob’s Edge (trained by Larry Jones) on winning the Whitmore Stakes today. He came on strong in the stretch! Congrats to all connections!

Also, the race won by Rated R Superstar was the Essex Stakes (G3) so Congrats to him and all connections!
Cheers and Hugs
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Congrats to Bob’s Edge and Rated R Superstar and their connections. Love and Hugs, JB
shirlee c cook
Congrats to Rated R Superstar. Winning at 9 gives some hope to those of us who are passed 39!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yes it does!
Hugs and Cheers
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Encouraging update on Forbidden Kingdom. Love and Hugs, JB
Betty in Tampa
I found this “flashback” video on the Breeders Cup Twitter feed — hope the link works here on the Blog.
John S. giving Zenyatta some of her favorite “brew”!!
judy berube
Dear Betty;
Thank you so much for posting this wonderful video of Z and her John. Lovely seeing it again. Treasured memory for Z Fans.
Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Wonderful!! Always fun to see Zenny, and John looks so young!! Wonder when this was?
judy berube
Dear Sandy and Z Fans:
I’m thinking it was 2010 before the 2010 BC. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sandy, Betty and Z Fans:
I found the full Guinness video; it’s from February 2010. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks Betty in Tampa!

This is Too Cute — gosh, can’t believe it has been 12 years
Thanks Judy for posting the full video and for finding the date, too.
As Sandy remarked, JS does look young, but then again, 12 years ago,
so did I!!!
Hugs and Laughs, uh, I mean Love!
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
I think that was Life Is Sweet sharing the Guinness. Too cute. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Found this darling video on the same twitter feed as Z and John. Hope this link works.
Breeders’ Cup (@BreedersCup) Tweeted:
Grab your buddy and tackle the day!
It’s Saturday!
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Hope you all had a great day. Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Big Hugs, JB

judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
This is one of the most heartwarming stories of the bond between a horse and his groom. Enjoy. Made me teary eyed.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,

Blurry-eyed here! Thank you for sharing this SO Sweet story
Nice young man and lucky “Primski” (and the other horses).
Best of everything to Teon, Primo Touch, his barn mates and the
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy,
What a sweet, sweet story! Warms my heart. Thank you for sharing!
Hugs, Kathy