Not only does Sergio de Sousa keep Cozmic One happy and healthy at his farm, he goes out of his way to share updates with us. Here’s a glimpse into Coz’s birthday morning at De Sousa Stables.
Happy birthday Coz!
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
Sure wish I was lying beside you Z so you could keep me warm!!
Thinking of you Zenyatta and hoping you will be able to graze the awesome blue grass soon.
Love you and all your foals.
Auntie Sally B
Dear Z-friends,
I hope all of you who got hit by the winter storm are well, warm and safe.
Fortunately, here in the Triangle area of NC we are okay. I didn’t lose power so that was good news indeed! We got a little snow, more sleet and some freezing rain (not enough to disrupt power, thank goodness). It was quite pretty at first until it changed to the dreaded freezing rain. Also, the winds didn’t get as strong as they had predicted. There is still some snow/sleet lying around, but things are mostly back to routine today.
If any of you are without electricity, I hope it is restored to you soon!
Stay safe and warm.
Hugs and Love
Well they completely blew the forecast here. We were supposed to be just on the western edge of the storm so not much snow was predicted. HA!! Wound up with a foot of the white stuff and lots of wind (some places farther east had 25 inches!!). I can now get to the garage and some of the driveway is clear, but the rest of it will be snow covered til Easter at this rate?. Why does no one want to shovel snow anymore (and I mean getting PAID to do it)?
Glad the Carolina folks got off better than expected ?
Dear Sandy,
Wow! Our mountains got a good bit of snow — the ski resorts were very happy since it has been a slow season so far.
Looks as though we will have another event coming in for the weekend here. Hope there is no freezing rain!
I think my neighbor cleared the snow/sleet off my front porch; although, I haven’t seen him to thank yet. I cleared part of the patio at the back door Monday afternoon while waiting for the car to defrost so I could sweep the white stuff off the hood and the top.
Hang in there! It will be hot and sultry soon and will stay that way until late November (at least here it will).
Hugs and Love ?
Love him!
Thanks, JB.
Oh my, Sandy, what a storm for you. Read a story yesterday about the football coach telling his players to skip practice and instead go shovel snow in the neighborhoods. Now that is coaching! Hope you stay safe!
Our new storm coming looks like an ice event for our coast. Yikes!Frozen fish.
Congrats to all new babies arriving. Bless the mares.
My new game- naming the jockey behind the mask. For the Big A am 3 out of 4. LOL. Hope all are safe and well.
Love you Zenny!!!
Dear Ann,
You crack me up, neighbor!! Thanks for the giggles
Wow, watch for (instead of falling rocks) falling frozen fish. ?
Great job of naming the jockey at the Big A!
Everyone, stay safe, warm and well!
Hugs and Love
Happy Friday everyone. Sorry to be a bit late, but I was waiting for some info from my “Hovis to English” translator. Lots of hidden messages in this one, but the first bit about alternative interpretations of “work” is about the British Prime Minister hosting secret wine and cheese receptions during the COVID lockdown and trying to sell them to the enraged public as “work related.” Hovis himself has still managed to avoid “work” a la his Mum’s interpretation.
From what I’m seeing on CNN, it looks like our friends in the Carolinas may be under the gun again this weekend with the dreaded “freezing rain” predicted. Please stay safe everyone. Hope the power stays on. Still getting snow and VERY cold weather here on the north coast.
Dear Sandy,
Thanks for our weekly laughter with the inimitable Hovis
Hope he and Mum can arrive at an amicable agreement — she certainly does love him though. Hovis is himself, and a very handsome lovable self he is.
It has finally started snowing here in Chapel Hill — I have been watching for it since late afternoon! The ice event seems to be more for the eastern counties along with the larger snow quantities. Last time there was more snow west and north of us and this time it seems more snow will be east and south of us (with ice occurring). However, I hope there will not be too much power outage anywhere. None ideally.
Stay warm and safe!
Hugs and Love ?
Dear Judy,
Well it is a very pretty blanket of snow here — ~1 1/2-2inches. I went to bed around 12:30AM, and it was snowing like crazy! I shoveled the back patio and steps at 1:30PM today. It was quite easy to remove. Again, my neighbor (the “elf with the shovel”) cleared the snow from my front porch, steps and walkway. He did this while I was watching the weather news on the TV in my bedroom which is in the back of the house so I didn’t see or hear him. I found out from my other neighbor that not only did he shovel my front walk and porch on Monday, but he did four other neighbors’ sidewalks, etc.!!
What great neighbors I have here!
Hope everyone is warm and well. The temperature tonight is to be in the teens — today is beautiful and mid-30’s so the streets in my neighborhood look clear and almost dry. Great texture snow for snowmen (or snowfolks), snowballs and snow cream!!
Hugs and Love ?
Marshall (NC Broad)
Of course, I was hoping for more snow depth. Areas to the south and east of us got 4-5 inches. That’s more like the snows I remember as a child — medium sized. Sometimes we got 6-8 inches or more as I recall. It was not unusual then — of course, that was back during the Ice Age!
? ?
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Well, the fresh snowfall is beautiful and makes a lovely winter landscape, until you have to shovel or travel in it.
Kudos to your kind neighbor. Russ and I were lucky to have a neighbor next door who would shovel our driveway and walkway too.
We’re at 23 degrees right now.
Stay safe and warm. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
You sure have some nice neighbors, Marshall.
We had about 3 inches here. Looks like VA Beach received about 5in. The sledding hill down the street sure has been busy but by now it is looking a bit muddy. Kids sure were excited.
Cold, cold and -4 at the Packers game last night…….brrrrrr!
Congrats to Mandaloun on his win.
Love to all. Stay warm, Zenny.
Dear Z-friends and racing fans,
Wow, Trevor McCarthy is HOT!! He has been winning and winning and winning since he came back. He just got his 4th victory today at Aqueduct on Sterling Silver — a beautiful filly! Congrats to Sterling Silver, Trevor and all connections!
Yay! ? ? ?
Dear Ann,
Yes Cloud Nine indeed!!
Did you see Race 8 at Oaklawn today? That was a great win by Jon Court on Chipofftheoldblock! He really likes what he does.
It wasn’t Happy Mac’s day today — better luck in the next one.
Hugs and Love
Dear Barbara,
I know very well. You want it done and over so you can move forward.
Stay positive and best wishes for a smooth successful surgery.
Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and Love
Dear Friends of horse racing,
Jon Court aboard ChipofftheoldBlock won at Oaklawn this afternoon!
As if on cue, this race followed America’s Best Racing video featuring Jon Court who is still racing successfully at 61. You go Jon C.!!
Congrats to him, “Chip” and all connections! Loved the after-race interview with Gary Stevens, too. (I think it was Race 8, or 9)
Hope everyone has a good week!
Hugs and Love
Fantastic. Congrats to Jon C and Chip.
Will have to see if I can find the race.
Thanks for sharing, Marshall.
The stretch run between Mandoloun and Midnight Bourbon was fun too. Midnight always shows up.
Snow is allllmost gone.
To Barbara: I’ve got my fingers crossed up to my elbows hoping for only good things to come after your surgery. To Marshall: Congrats on having such a great neighbor. Tommy and I had one too, but he and his snow blower moved to Idaho. We had about 14 inches of snow about two weeks ago that’s still hanging around and its just cold enough to keep it here probably for the rest of the winter. While our little dab is hanging on, all the people I know are hoping for much more of any type of precip. to help with our drought situation. We don’t have fire season for just a few months anymore, its all year round. Have you heard about the big fire going on down around Big Sur? Too bad all the places back your way couldn’t push some of the rain/snow over this way. Wasn’t able to see Mandaloun’s big win, sure sounded like a doozy. For all the Zsters being hit so hard by weather please try to stay safe, warm and dry.
Does anybody on the Blog know why the Forum has been down for so many days?
It says “Maintenance in Progress” but it has been a number of days and that is a lot of maintenance time!
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Betty in Tampa
Thanks for this video post, Judy!
Very interesting and informative. Love it!
Don’t know what happened to the missing posts. Very strange.
Hope they reappear.
Hugs and Love
Dear Ann, Marshall, Sandy, Kathy, Shirlee and Z Fans:
Finally a name for Arrogate and Songbird’s three year old filly: Song Gate. Godspeed beauty whatever your future holds; safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Just found this on Song Gate. Looks like she will most likely be a broodmare at Whisper Hill. We’ll have to look for her babies in the future. Love and Hugs, JB
Oops. Don’t know what’s happening, but I went to check on Spanish Bunny and now they’re saying it will be 1 day, 1hr and 30 some minutes before foaling. Guess you just have to keep checking.
Dear Barbara,
Glad to hear from you and also happy that you are home.
Best wishes for healing and recovery — hope you can get some restful sleep.
Take care
Hugs and Love
Best wishes on a smooth recovery. Hope you get some sleep. I think I’ll give a sleep a whirl myself. I stayed up all night keeping an eye on Spanish Bunny, who is now at the “she could have her foal any minute. Of course that’s when my computer decided it didn’t want to play any more, so she may have had her little one already. Sweet dreams to all Zsters. Hope the big storm I’ve been hearing about doesn’t cause you too much trouble.
Happy Friday everyone! We are just buried in snow here on the north coast, and I know peeps further south (including Lexington and all of horse country) had ice to contend with as well. REALLY need a break at this point. Had all of the ice off my front porch for a few hours on Wednesday, but you’d never know it now. Have been waiting for a chair that I bought a YEAR ago to be delivered, but that will be put on hold yet again.
OK so the weather across the pond saved Hovey from any serious working, but his Mum had to chase down one of his lady loves who breached the broken fence.
Hope everyone stays safe and warm!
Wow, you’ve really had more than your share of snow and ice this Winter. Thank God it’s February and Spring’s around the corner. Please stay safe and warm. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Oh my, sorry that it just keeps piling on for you all up there. What a huge weather system and came loaded with a full deck…uhhhh. Go away, Landon.
Thank you for Hovis. This one hit home because our Ginger Mare really was an escape artist. Too cute.
Go, Tap, GO!!
Dear Sandy,
Thanks bunches for bringing us Hovis! What a guy!
Hope you thaw out soon — hang in there, hot and sultry will be here before
you know it.
Hugs and Love
JB, was just coming on here to congratulate him.
He and William the incredible rider seemed to have hit it off.
Congrats to HRC and all of his connections.
Some good races this weekend too! Hold tight!
Safe and sound for all.
Barbara, thinking of you and hope everything is coming along fine.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a restful night and Happy Dreams. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB?
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Japan’s Champion mare, Almond Eye, delivers first foal, a beautiful colt. Long, happy life little one. Love and Hugs, JB
Lemaire Christophe (@christo68914587) Tweeted:
Welcome little boy !?? #almondeye#epiphania
Sally Blank
Sure wish I was lying beside you Z so you could keep me warm!!
Thinking of you Zenyatta and hoping you will be able to graze the awesome blue grass soon.
Love you and all your foals.
Auntie Sally B
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Z-friends,
I hope all of you who got hit by the winter storm are well, warm and safe.
Fortunately, here in the Triangle area of NC we are okay. I didn’t lose power so that was good news indeed! We got a little snow, more sleet and some freezing rain (not enough to disrupt power, thank goodness). It was quite pretty at first until it changed to the dreaded freezing rain. Also, the winds didn’t get as strong as they had predicted. There is still some snow/sleet lying around, but things are mostly back to routine today.
If any of you are without electricity, I hope it is restored to you soon!
Stay safe and warm.
Hugs and Love
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Well they completely blew the forecast here. We were supposed to be just on the western edge of the storm so not much snow was predicted. HA!! Wound up with a foot of the white stuff and lots of wind (some places farther east had 25 inches!!). I can now get to the garage and some of the driveway is clear, but the rest of it will be snow covered til Easter at this rate?. Why does no one want to shovel snow anymore (and I mean getting PAID to do it)?
Glad the Carolina folks got off better than expected ?
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Wow! Our mountains got a good bit of snow — the ski resorts were very happy since it has been a slow season so far.
Looks as though we will have another event coming in for the weekend here. Hope there is no freezing rain!
I think my neighbor cleared the snow/sleet off my front porch; although, I haven’t seen him to thank yet. I cleared part of the patio at the back door Monday afternoon while waiting for the car to defrost so I could sweep the white stuff off the hood and the top.
Hang in there! It will be hot and sultry soon and will stay that way until late November (at least here it will).
Hugs and Love ?
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Sandy:
Marshall, glad you didn’t lose power.
Sandy, wow; I know it’s so true, hard to find anyone to shovel. We lucked out; was very windy but we didn’t lose power. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB????????
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Wonderful video of gorgeous Curlin from BloodHorse. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Love him!
Thanks, JB.
Oh my, Sandy, what a storm for you. Read a story yesterday about the football coach telling his players to skip practice and instead go shovel snow in the neighborhoods. Now that is coaching! Hope you stay safe!
Our new storm coming looks like an ice event for our coast. Yikes!Frozen fish.
Congrats to all new babies arriving. Bless the mares.
My new game- naming the jockey behind the mask. For the Big A am 3 out of 4. LOL. Hope all are safe and well.
Love you Zenny!!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann,
You crack me up, neighbor!! Thanks for the giggles
Wow, watch for (instead of falling rocks) falling frozen fish. ?
Great job of naming the jockey at the Big A!
Everyone, stay safe, warm and well!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this video. Curlin, what a handsome fellow! He really is an amazing stallion! A truly gorgeous chestnut.
Hugs and Love ?
judy berube
Dear Ann and Marshall:
Ann, I’m with Marshall; you crack me up too. Wow, 3 out of 4; that’s outstanding! Was Trevor one of them?
Stay safe in the ice storm. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone. Sorry to be a bit late, but I was waiting for some info from my “Hovis to English” translator. Lots of hidden messages in this one, but the first bit about alternative interpretations of “work” is about the British Prime Minister hosting secret wine and cheese receptions during the COVID lockdown and trying to sell them to the enraged public as “work related.” Hovis himself has still managed to avoid “work” a la his Mum’s interpretation.
From what I’m seeing on CNN, it looks like our friends in the Carolinas may be under the gun again this weekend with the dreaded “freezing rain” predicted. Please stay safe everyone. Hope the power stays on. Still getting snow and VERY cold weather here on the north coast.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks for our weekly laughter with the inimitable Hovis
Hope he and Mum can arrive at an amicable agreement — she certainly does love him though. Hovis is himself, and a very handsome lovable self he is.
It has finally started snowing here in Chapel Hill — I have been watching for it since late afternoon! The ice event seems to be more for the eastern counties along with the larger snow quantities. Last time there was more snow west and north of us and this time it seems more snow will be east and south of us (with ice occurring). However, I hope there will not be too much power outage anywhere. None ideally.
Stay warm and safe!
Hugs and Love ?
judy berube
Dear Sandy and Marshall:
Sandy, thanks for our Friday Hovis update. Extremely funny as usual. Love the photo too.
Marshall, glad you’ll miss most of the ice storm. Hoping Ann does too.
Stay safe and warm both of you. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Well it is a very pretty blanket of snow here — ~1 1/2-2inches. I went to bed around 12:30AM, and it was snowing like crazy! I shoveled the back patio and steps at 1:30PM today. It was quite easy to remove. Again, my neighbor (the “elf with the shovel”) cleared the snow from my front porch, steps and walkway. He did this while I was watching the weather news on the TV in my bedroom which is in the back of the house so I didn’t see or hear him. I found out from my other neighbor that not only did he shovel my front walk and porch on Monday, but he did four other neighbors’ sidewalks, etc.!!
What great neighbors I have here!
Hope everyone is warm and well. The temperature tonight is to be in the teens — today is beautiful and mid-30’s so the streets in my neighborhood look clear and almost dry. Great texture snow for snowmen (or snowfolks), snowballs and snow cream!!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Of course, I was hoping for more snow depth. Areas to the south and east of us got 4-5 inches. That’s more like the snows I remember as a child — medium sized. Sometimes we got 6-8 inches or more as I recall. It was not unusual then — of course, that was back during the Ice Age!
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Well, the fresh snowfall is beautiful and makes a lovely winter landscape, until you have to shovel or travel in it.
Kudos to your kind neighbor. Russ and I were lucky to have a neighbor next door who would shovel our driveway and walkway too.
We’re at 23 degrees right now.
Stay safe and warm. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
You sure have some nice neighbors, Marshall.
We had about 3 inches here. Looks like VA Beach received about 5in. The sledding hill down the street sure has been busy but by now it is looking a bit muddy. Kids sure were excited.
Cold, cold and -4 at the Packers game last night…….brrrrrr!
Congrats to Mandaloun on his win.
Love to all. Stay warm, Zenny.
Ann NC
Thanks for the Hovis report.
Hovis for Prime Minister!
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Hope you’re all comfy and cozy in your stalls. Happy Dreams. Love You. Big Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Z-friends and racing fans,
Wow, Trevor McCarthy is HOT!! He has been winning and winning and winning since he came back. He just got his 4th victory today at Aqueduct on Sterling Silver — a beautiful filly! Congrats to Sterling Silver, Trevor and all connections!
Yay! ? ? ?
judy berube
Dear Marshall, Ann and Z Fans:
Marshall, so happy for Trevor on two fronts; his riding success and on becoming a Dad to daughter Riley. Congrats to him and Katie.
Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Cloud Nine, riding on Cloud Nine!!!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann,
Yes Cloud Nine indeed!!
Did you see Race 8 at Oaklawn today? That was a great win by Jon Court on Chipofftheoldblock! He really likes what he does.
It wasn’t Happy Mac’s day today — better luck in the next one.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Hope you all had a wonderful day. Stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB???????????
Barbara Brayton
Greetings and salutations.
Love to see the pictures of the new foals, those tiny bodies, and long legs. Too cute.
Surgery on January 28. Just want to get on with life, you know?
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Barbara,
I know very well. You want it done and over so you can move forward.
Stay positive and best wishes for a smooth successful surgery.
Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Sending you healing positive energy.
Good luck with the surgery.
Keep watching those sweet babies! That is some good medicine for sure!
Love and hugs.
judy berube
Dear Barbara:
Keeping you in prayers. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Friends of horse racing,
Jon Court aboard ChipofftheoldBlock won at Oaklawn this afternoon!
As if on cue, this race followed America’s Best Racing video featuring Jon Court who is still racing successfully at 61. You go Jon C.!!
Congrats to him, “Chip” and all connections! Loved the after-race interview with Gary Stevens, too. (I think it was Race 8, or 9)
Hope everyone has a good week!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Fantastic. Congrats to Jon C and Chip.
Will have to see if I can find the race.
Thanks for sharing, Marshall.
The stretch run between Mandoloun and Midnight Bourbon was fun too. Midnight always shows up.
Snow is allllmost gone.
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Congrats to Jon Court and Chip. Well done. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Love Midnight; what a Warrior. Congrats to Mandoloun. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight. Happy Dreams. Love and Big Hugs, JB????????
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Some sad news from Old Friends. Popcorn Deelites, star of Seabiscuit, passes at age 24 from complications of Colic.?????
Run free in God’s Heaven Beautiful Boy. Love and Hugs, JB
To Barbara: I’ve got my fingers crossed up to my elbows hoping for only good things to come after your surgery. To Marshall: Congrats on having such a great neighbor. Tommy and I had one too, but he and his snow blower moved to Idaho. We had about 14 inches of snow about two weeks ago that’s still hanging around and its just cold enough to keep it here probably for the rest of the winter. While our little dab is hanging on, all the people I know are hoping for much more of any type of precip. to help with our drought situation. We don’t have fire season for just a few months anymore, its all year round. Have you heard about the big fire going on down around Big Sur? Too bad all the places back your way couldn’t push some of the rain/snow over this way. Wasn’t able to see Mandaloun’s big win, sure sounded like a doozy. For all the Zsters being hit so hard by weather please try to stay safe, warm and dry.
Betty Helms
Does anybody on the Blog know why the Forum has been down for so many days?
It says “Maintenance in Progress” but it has been a number of days and that is a lot of maintenance time!
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Betty in Tampa
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Videos from Foal Patrol on mare Traveling Tiger and her beautiful baby, Episodes 1 and 2. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Something is not right here – a whole week’s worth of comments have disappeared!!
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
I know, a whole Blog Page is missing. Hope it’s restored. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks for this video post, Judy!
Very interesting and informative. Love it!
Don’t know what happened to the missing posts. Very strange.
Hope they reappear.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Hope so too. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
That blaze and already finding the camera.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
She walked right up to the camera. So cute. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Ann, Marshall, Sandy, Kathy, Shirlee and Z Fans:
Finally a name for Arrogate and Songbird’s three year old filly: Song Gate. Godspeed beauty whatever your future holds; safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB®istry=T
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Just found this on Song Gate. Looks like she will most likely be a broodmare at Whisper Hill. We’ll have to look for her babies in the future. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Thanks, JB.
Wishing her the best life ever!
Already throwing foals names around! What fun.
Dear Judy,
So much to look forward to!
judy berube
Dear Ann and Kathy:
Love and Hugs, JB
Good morning. According to Gainesway Farm, Spanish Bunny should be having her foal in about 40 minutes if you’d care to watch.
Oops. Don’t know what’s happening, but I went to check on Spanish Bunny and now they’re saying it will be 1 day, 1hr and 30 some minutes before foaling. Guess you just have to keep checking.
Ann NC
Praying for the safe arrival of Baby Bunny.
judy berube
. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
OMG. Surgery is the pits.Made it home before our storm, thank goodness. No longer have the bed “talking” to me. Sleep is impossible in a hospital.
Thanks for the best wishes.
judy berube
Dear Barbara:
Sending healing prayers. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Barbara,
Glad to hear from you and also happy that you are home.
Best wishes for healing and recovery — hope you can get some restful sleep.
Take care
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Hugs, JB

Best wishes on a smooth recovery. Hope you get some sleep. I think I’ll give a sleep a whirl myself. I stayed up all night keeping an eye on Spanish Bunny, who is now at the “she could have her foal any minute. Of course that’s when my computer decided it didn’t want to play any more, so she may have had her little one already. Sweet dreams to all Zsters. Hope the big storm I’ve been hearing about doesn’t cause you too much trouble.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Hope you’re all having a wonderful day. Love You. Hugs, JB

Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone! We are just buried in snow here on the north coast, and I know peeps further south (including Lexington and all of horse country) had ice to contend with as well. REALLY need a break at this point. Had all of the ice off my front porch for a few hours on Wednesday, but you’d never know it now
. Have been waiting for a chair that I bought a YEAR ago to be delivered, but that will be put on hold yet again.
OK so the weather across the pond saved Hovey from any serious working, but his Mum had to chase down one of his lady loves who breached the broken fence.
Hope everyone stays safe and warm!
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for our Friday Hovis update.
Wow, you’ve really had more than your share of snow and ice this Winter. Thank God it’s February and Spring’s around the corner. Please stay safe and warm. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Oh my, sorry that it just keeps piling on for you all up there. What a huge weather system and came loaded with a full deck…uhhhh. Go away, Landon.
Thank you for Hovis. This one hit home because our Ginger Mare really was an escape artist. Too cute.
Go, Tap, GO!!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Thanks! Hope the blinkers help him, but a terrible post position
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks bunches for bringing us Hovis! What a guy!
Hope you thaw out soon — hang in there, hot and sultry will be here before
you know it.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Stay comfy and cozy. Love You. Big Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Congrats beautiful Charlie. Way to go. Scroll down for the race replay. What a gorgeous Warrior he is. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
JB, was just coming on here to congratulate him.
He and William the incredible rider seemed to have hit it off.
Congrats to HRC and all of his connections.
Some good races this weekend too! Hold tight!
Safe and sound for all.
Barbara, thinking of you and hope everything is coming along fine.
Ann NC
Thanks, JB.
Stay cozy and warm.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Yes, I think Charlie and William are a great team. Love that boy.
Ditto: Safe and sound for all! Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
It was a great race!!! I’m sure that Lava Man was cheering him on from back home
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Congrats to him and all connections!
Way to go Charlie
Thanks for posting the Bloodhorse link here, JB.
Hugs and Love