Not only does Sergio de Sousa keep Cozmic One happy and healthy at his farm, he goes out of his way to share updates with us. Here’s a glimpse into Coz’s birthday morning at De Sousa Stables.
Happy birthday Coz!
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
Although I ‘ve only seen two of the races this weekend, I have to say that Arklow’s was maybe the toughest. He had an extremely hard go of it mainly due to traffic jams where he had to steady, but he still managed to get 2nd. I also was a bit sorry to see
that Got Stormy only got 6th in her race. It just wasn’t her day.
Dear Judy,
I completely agree with you and with the points made by Mr. Nevills.
This is just disgusting on so many levels.
Thanks for sharing a great article.
Kudos to Dr. Langlois who is absolutely correct about revocation of licenses.
I hope more facilities will follow Team Valor’s example and not run their horses in Delaware. These racing commissions need to grow backbones and do the right thing by the horses.
Thanks for this Paulick follow-up regarding the Cobb case.
Yes, kudos to all who have spoken out to protect this innocent horse.
Now the Del Stewards have issued a summary suspension against Cobb. She has until today to appeal.
Social media was on the side of the horse and played a big role in seeking justice for this innocent horse. The commissioners must be totally clueless about twitter. Anyway…oh…wait….
Stronach Group has BANNED this person Cobb from their facilities. Bravo!
judy berube
Dear Marshall, Ann and Z Fans:
Ann, wonderful news. Hope more racing commissions and tracks ban her totally as well. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann and Judy,
This is wonderful news indeed. Kudos to the Stronach Group! I also hope other facilities will follow suit.
Thanks for the update.
Hugs and Love ?
Dear Zenyatta and family,
Hope all is well with you and that the weather has moderated some where you are. Can’t believe it’s September already, and I can hardly wait for the
high humidity to get out of here!
Wishing you good health, happiness and love, always
Still look forward to hearing from you, sweet girl.
Hugs and Love
I’ve seen some photos of War Front foals and they do have curly manes. Here’s a new born filly out of Beholder and a new born colt out of Lady Eli. You can just see the beginnings of curls on the forelocks and manes.
War Front really stamps his progeny. Curly manes are a trademark. Love and Hugs, JB
Hi all,
Off topic brag, but some of you have been following my little vizsla pup, Rosey. Daughter of Pepper. She went to her first dog shows this weekend, 4 shows. She was entered in 4-6 month puppy class, not qualifying for points, but for practice for the young pups. She did well the first 3 shows, a bit leary of the other dogs (they aren’t RED!) the barking and PA system blasting. But on the 4th day the light bulb went on, she figured it all out, and won BEST BEGINNER PUPPY IN SHOW!!!! I am so proud of her, gaited beautiful, stood and held her stack when asked. Even let the judge “go over” her without jumping up to lick his face! So, perhaps her first of many Best in Show awards!!!!
Proud mama Pepper won one of the days, also.
War Front kids are indeed absolutely adorable. Congrats to Rosie. Feather hasn’t quite got the hang of her buttons yet, but to be fair, for various reasons I have missed a day or two. Is it just me or is it time to start getting more than a little worried about Zenny and her kids? Has anybody heard anything? about them. May everyone both two and four footed or hooved have a lovely day and beautiful night. Hugs to all.
While we await news of Z and the kids, you may find these articles on top trainers and their charges fun and interesting to read. The first one is Rosie’s husband, Joe Sharp. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Thank you for posting this link. Swiss Skydiver is certainly a beautiful and talented girl and deserves the very best. Hoping she gets a wonderful new home to take her next step. Lots of love and good health to her!
Hugs and Love
Senators Menendez, Graham, Whitehouse and Collins…..imagine that. Hope they come together on other serious matters, too.
Thanks, JB. Thanks for the other articles above.
Dear Judy and Ann,
I echo your thoughts about this and hope the SAFE Act becomes law.
Praying with fingers crossed that it passes this time. Glad to see that some
bipartisanship still exists — would like to see more of it.
Hugs and Love
YAY! I was thrilled to hear about Coz being in the Take 2 event during the Kentucky Horse Show. Now if we could just get a bit of news about Zenny, Ziconic, Zellda and Zilka. Best wishes and good luck to all of them.
Rest in Peace, Baltimore Bucko.
In Race 1, the William Entenmann Memorial today there was an accident involving Baltimore Bucko and Perfect Tapatino at one of the hurdles. I didn’t see it happen (thank goodness), but Perfect Tapatino was caught by the outriders and both jockeys were okay. However, I think I heard them say that Baltimore Bucko was euthanized.
Haven’t found any details. Poor Bucko, I’m so sorry. ?
Hugs and Love
Happy Friday everyone. As there is never a dull moment in the life of our Hovis, the owner of his “yard “ (which I guess is the stable where he lives) has decided to retire. Desperate search for new digs ensues.
Big weekend of racing at Churchill and Woodbine. The babies are starting to enter the scene. If you get the BloodHorse daily newsletter, there is a nice article about one of the colts raised at Mill Ridge that many of us have followed on their virtual tours and loved – the Pistol! He was sold yesterday at Keeneland for a nice price. We will miss him as he starts the next phase of his life
Dear Sandy,
Thanks for the Hovis visit! Oh my, I hope Mum finds just the right place for Hovis and “the little blond one”. Sorry that Bob won’t be in the yard anymore though.
Wow, The Pistol is off to California and training! He will be missed by many fans and by Mill Ridge, too. I sure miss those virtual tours — one of the only things (maybe THE only thing) good about last year. Best of Luck to our friend, The Pistol!! May he do well and be loved.
Hugs and Love?
good morning all, did I miss something or does anyone know why there has been nothing on Zenyatta for over 6 month’s? I have seen her on Lane’s End page but not here, just wondering why. Have a good weekend all.
There hasn’t been a post from Team Z on the Blog since COZ’s birthday.
The last post on Z was to tell us that sadly she lost the Candy Ride filly in January due this past Spring.
Read on Z’s Forum that she was not bred this year.
Maybe we’ll have an update from Team Z soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting the Bloodhorse article about “The Pistol”
Best wishes to him as he begins his career and may he be healthy and loved always!
The Pistol had quite a presence at Mill Ridge. I sure am grateful for those virtual tours during 2020 and miss them. Headley and Price sure did a fine job. I checked out a visit to their foals at various ages from this past spring — it was so enjoyable. Price showed the very young ones on up to the weanlings. Go to the Mill Ridge website and check it out (it is a little less than an hour long). “Fancy Face” was still there then. There was a wonderfully thrilling, an a bit scary, scene of the young colts racing around in their pasture. Beautiful!
Hugs and Love?
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Thanks so much; will look for the Mill Ridge video.
I am wondering what happened to Act Three (I think that’s his name), full brother to Oscar Performance (Kitten’s Joy/Devine Actress). He’s the little one at five weeks that Mr. Headley took a video of running full speed in circles in the paddock while his Mama grazed. I WAS holding my breath. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
OOPs: That should be Mr. Headley Bell. Sorry about that.
Dear Zenayatta, wanted to say hello and check on you. I hope you are healthy and doing well. Wish I can visit you one of these days. Love and Hugs to you and all your babies. I pray they are all safe and healthy!! Sending you flowers ? ?????
Although I ‘ve only seen two of the races this weekend, I have to say that Arklow’s was maybe the toughest. He had an extremely hard go of it mainly due to traffic jams where he had to steady, but he still managed to get 2nd. I also was a bit sorry to see
that Got Stormy only got 6th in her race. It just wasn’t her day.
judy berube
We Remember:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Marshall (NC Broad)
In Memorium, September 11, 2001 – September 11, 2021 ??
Lest we forget. ?
Grant us peace, safety and a return to unity. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight. Hope you had a lovely day. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
This article really threw me;? didn’t know anything about it until reading this. Mr Nevills is truly spot on in all the points he makes I think.
Long article, but definitely worth reading.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
I completely agree with you and with the points made by Mr. Nevills.
This is just disgusting on so many levels.
Thanks for sharing a great article.
Hugs and Love ?
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Z Fans:
Just have to share this cuteness with you. Enjoy.
Hope it comes through Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks, Judy!
Too Cute — Love it
? ? —> closest I could find to a squirrel!
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy,
Awwww…I think I want a squirrel! Adorable…THANKS!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Soooo cute. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Reaction to reduced sentence for Cobb:
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Kudos to Dr. Langlois who is absolutely correct about revocation of licenses.
I hope more facilities will follow Team Valor’s example and not run their horses in Delaware. These racing commissions need to grow backbones and do the right thing by the horses.
Thanks for this Paulick follow-up regarding the Cobb case.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Yes, kudos to all who have spoken out to protect this innocent horse.
Now the Del Stewards have issued a summary suspension against Cobb. She has until today to appeal.
Social media was on the side of the horse and played a big role in seeking justice for this innocent horse. The commissioners must be totally clueless about twitter. Anyway…oh…wait….
Stronach Group has BANNED this person Cobb from their facilities. Bravo!
judy berube
Dear Marshall, Ann and Z Fans:
Ann, wonderful news. Hope more racing commissions and tracks ban her totally as well. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann and Judy,
This is wonderful news indeed. Kudos to the Stronach Group! I also hope other facilities will follow suit.
Thanks for the update.
Hugs and Love ?
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a restful evening and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Zenyatta and family,

Hope all is well with you and that the weather has moderated some where you are. Can’t believe it’s September already, and I can hardly wait for the
high humidity to get out of here!
Wishing you good health, happiness and love, always
Still look forward to hearing from you, sweet girl.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Hope you’re having a lovely day. Happy Dreams. Love and Big Hugs, JB????????
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
OMG, look at this gorgeous War Front yearling filly that just sold for 1.2M at Keenland sale.
Oh, what might have been. It’s getting near to the anniversary of her passing and she’s in my thoughts. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
I tried to enlarge the photo; hope it worked.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for the photo. Lovely filly — wonder if she had a curly mane when
she was small. We will always remember Z Princess.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
I’ve seen some photos of War Front foals and they do have curly manes. Here’s a new born filly out of Beholder and a new born colt out of Lady Eli. You can just see the beginnings of curls on the forelocks and manes.
War Front really stamps his progeny. Curly manes are a trademark. Love and Hugs, JB
If it’s the filly out of Vaulcluse, she was born on season 3 of Foal Patrol. Buncha baby pictures on the site still.
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Z Fans:
This is War Front as a foal; curly mane. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
OOPs, wrong photo.
Trying again. This is War Fron as a foal.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for those photos.
Yep, that’s a curly mane on both — and on young War Front. Somehow I
missed that until now.
Hugs and Love ?
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
War Fronts are uniquely beautiful I think. I can see their Grandsire Danzig in them too. Love and Hugs, JB
Lynn Martin
Hi all,
Off topic brag, but some of you have been following my little vizsla pup, Rosey. Daughter of Pepper. She went to her first dog shows this weekend, 4 shows. She was entered in 4-6 month puppy class, not qualifying for points, but for practice for the young pups. She did well the first 3 shows, a bit leary of the other dogs (they aren’t RED!) the barking and PA system blasting. But on the 4th day the light bulb went on, she figured it all out, and won BEST BEGINNER PUPPY IN SHOW!!!! I am so proud of her, gaited beautiful, stood and held her stack when asked. Even let the judge “go over” her without jumping up to lick his face! So, perhaps her first of many Best in Show awards!!!!
Proud mama Pepper won one of the days, also.
judy berube
Dear Lynn:
Wonderful. Congrats to you, Mama Pepper and Rosey. Well done!
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Big Congratulations to Rosey, Pepper and you, Lynn!
That is such exciting news.
You are certainly entitled to brag
Hugs and Woofs
Ann NC
Way to go, Rosey!
Here’s to more awards. Cheers!
So happy for you.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Very cool ?!
Good luck w/ her in future shows!
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Love You. Big Hugs, JB????????
War Front kids are indeed absolutely adorable. Congrats to Rosie. Feather hasn’t quite got the hang of her buttons yet, but to be fair, for various reasons I have missed a day or two. Is it just me or is it time to start getting more than a little worried about Zenny and her kids? Has anybody heard anything? about them. May everyone both two and four footed or hooved have a lovely day and beautiful night. Hugs to all.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
While we await news of Z and the kids, you may find these articles on top trainers and their charges fun and interesting to read. The first one is Rosie’s husband, Joe Sharp. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Beautiful Swiss Skydiver to be sold at Fasig Tipton November sale.
Hope she goes to Mandy Pope, Jane Lyon or Barbara Banke.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thank you for posting this link. Swiss Skydiver is certainly a beautiful and talented girl and deserves the very best. Hoping she gets a wonderful new home to take her next step. Lots of love and good health to her!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
One of my favs!
Yes, she deserves the best of life. She sure got her Preak On.
Luv ya.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Let’s all pray it becomes law this time.
Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Senators Menendez, Graham, Whitehouse and Collins…..imagine that. Hope they come together on other serious matters, too.
Thanks, JB. Thanks for the other articles above.
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Ditto; everything you said. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Me too.
Love Ya. Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy and Ann,
I echo your thoughts about this and hope the SAFE Act becomes law.
Praying with fingers crossed that it passes this time. Glad to see that some
bipartisanship still exists — would like to see more of it.
Hugs and Love
Marilu Villanueva
Hi Judy.
Yes, let us all pray it becomes a law!! Love and Hugs, Marilu
Ann NC
Oh my gosh…COZ!!! So proud of him.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann,
Thanks for posting this — great photo!
COZ looks fantastic!
Best of Luck to him and Sergio in the TAKE2 competition
Hugs and Love
YAY! I was thrilled to hear about Coz being in the Take 2 event during the Kentucky Horse Show. Now if we could just get a bit of news about Zenny, Ziconic, Zellda and Zilka. Best wishes and good luck to all of them.
judy berube
Dear Ann and Z Fans:
Have you ever seen a more breathtakingly gorgeous boy!
You go Cozzie; Godspeed.
Ann, thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a wonderful day and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Big Hugs, JB????????
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Zsters ?.
Luv all the links thatve been shared.
Getting done w/ treatment now.
Y’all r in my prayerZ ?.
Luv vamp?
judy berube
Dear Vamp Sue:
Love and Hugs, JB

Marshall (NC Broad)
Rest in Peace, Baltimore Bucko.
In Race 1, the William Entenmann Memorial today there was an accident involving Baltimore Bucko and Perfect Tapatino at one of the hurdles. I didn’t see it happen (thank goodness), but Perfect Tapatino was caught by the outriders and both jockeys were okay. However, I think I heard them say that Baltimore Bucko was euthanized.
Haven’t found any details. Poor Bucko, I’m so sorry. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
So very sad???. RIP Beautiful Boy.
Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone. As there is never a dull moment in the life of our Hovis, the owner of his “yard “ (which I guess is the stable where he lives) has decided to retire. Desperate search for new digs ensues.
Big weekend of racing at Churchill and Woodbine. The babies are starting to enter the scene. If you get the BloodHorse daily newsletter, there is a nice article about one of the colts raised at Mill Ridge that many of us have followed on their virtual tours and loved – the Pistol! He was sold yesterday at Keeneland for a nice price. We will miss him as he starts the next phase of his life
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for our Friday Hovis update. Hope our boy approves of Mum’s choice of his new digs. Sure he’ll have plenty to say about it.
Godspeed to gorgeous “Pistol” as he begins his new life in training. We have to look for his racing name so we can follow him. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks for the Hovis visit! Oh my, I hope Mum finds just the right place for Hovis and “the little blond one”. Sorry that Bob won’t be in the yard anymore though.
Wow, The Pistol is off to California and training! He will be missed by many fans and by Mill Ridge, too. I sure miss those virtual tours — one of the only things (maybe THE only thing) good about last year. Best of Luck to our friend, The Pistol!! May he do well and be loved.
Hugs and Love?
Ann NC
Good luck to Hovis and Mum. They will miss their barn buddies but will soon have new buddies because Hovis is Mr. Personality.
Hang in there Mum.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann,
Yes, he is indeed Mr. Personality!
Hugs and Love
Susan Mizell
good morning all, did I miss something or does anyone know why there has been nothing on Zenyatta for over 6 month’s? I have seen her on Lane’s End page but not here, just wondering why. Have a good weekend all.
judy berube
Dear Susan:
There hasn’t been a post from Team Z on the Blog since COZ’s birthday.
The last post on Z was to tell us that sadly she lost the Candy Ride filly in January due this past Spring.
Read on Z’s Forum that she was not bred this year.
Maybe we’ll have an update from Team Z soon. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s the article on The Pistol that Sandy referenced. Beautiful Chestnut by Gun Runner out of Intensify. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting the Bloodhorse article about “The Pistol”
Best wishes to him as he begins his career and may he be healthy and loved always!
The Pistol had quite a presence at Mill Ridge. I sure am grateful for those virtual tours during 2020 and miss them. Headley and Price sure did a fine job. I checked out a visit to their foals at various ages from this past spring — it was so enjoyable. Price showed the very young ones on up to the weanlings. Go to the Mill Ridge website and check it out (it is a little less than an hour long). “Fancy Face” was still there then. There was a wonderfully thrilling, an a bit scary, scene of the young colts racing around in their pasture. Beautiful!
Hugs and Love?
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Thanks so much; will look for the Mill Ridge video.
I am wondering what happened to Act Three (I think that’s his name), full brother to Oscar Performance (Kitten’s Joy/Devine Actress). He’s the little one at five weeks that Mr. Headley took a video of running full speed in circles in the paddock while his Mama grazed. I WAS holding my breath. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
OOPs: That should be Mr. Headley Bell. Sorry about that.
Ann NC
Good Luck Pistol.
Really loving Gunny’s foals. Couple of them racing this weekend. Go kids.
Thanks, JB.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
I picked one of Gunny’s babies in the Iroquois. Love them too. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Was reading your mind, JB. Hahahaha!
Me too! Great names for them, too.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
We’re on the same wavelength.
Yes, incorporating Gunny’s name in their names. Love Ya. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB????????
Marilu Villanueva
Dear Zenayatta, wanted to say hello and check on you. I hope you are healthy and doing well. Wish I can visit you one of these days. Love and Hugs to you and all your babies. I pray they are all safe and healthy!! Sending you flowers ? ????