Not only does Sergio de Sousa keep Cozmic One happy and healthy at his farm, he goes out of his way to share updates with us. Here’s a glimpse into Coz’s birthday morning at De Sousa Stables.
Happy birthday Coz!
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
Looks like she is having some PEMF therapy. Sweet baby!
My dog had the same on her back leg and it was a miracle.
B&B getting the royal treatment!
Love to all.
Found this article from The Paulick Report on Whitmore. It’s not an update on his injury, but it is an uplifting statement from an owner and trainer who love this boy. He’s a true Warrior; always tried his best.
Gracious, Tommy and I have been wanting to move for a while and have been looking for land to buy so I’m a bit behind, but I just had to say condolences to the connections of American Joy. Although I was sad to hear that Whitmore may have suffered an injury and was being retired, Im also a bit relieved. Finally. I was shocked when I saw Firenze Fire’s behavior. I’ve never seen something like that in all the years I’ve watched horse racing. Tomorrow our realtor is coming over and we’re going to lay LET’S MAKE A DEAL. HAWKS LAIR HERE WE COME. Cross your fingers.
This article in BloodHorse includes a close up head on video of exactly what went on between Firenze Fire and Yaupon in their stretch duel.
Even scarier than we thought.
FF actually got hold of Yaupon’s bridle pulling him off stride. Kudos to both jockeys for controlling the situation and to Yaupon for not giving up.
Marshall, FF’s jockey said what you did; he thought incident cost FF the race.
Here’s the replay of the 2018 Gallant Bob Stakes. Looks like we were wrong, Whereshetoldmetogo didn’t bite FF; he tried to bite his jockey, Irad Ortiz. As the race caller said, “If you can’t beat him, bite him”. ???
Judy thanks for asking about Feather. She is embarking on a new adventure. Rather than try to tell all about it, maybe at your local library you can find the book How Stella Learned To Talk by Christina Hunger. She works with children who have trouble learning to talk. She taught her little dog to talk using methods she uses in her work. and at that time Stella had 45 words in her vocabulary and I’m rather sure she has more by now. Feather and I just started working on learning words a day or so ago but it may take a while before she gets the hang of it. If I can get my keyboard fixed I can describe things a bit better. Who knew that letter between o and q was used so much. Sweet Dreams to all.
I have read about that little dog learning to spell out words and I remember you posting that Feather
was going to try learning too. Good for both of you. Please let us know how she’s progressing.
Love and Hugs, JB
Rest in Peace America’s Joy — gone way too soon.
Such a tragic horrendous accident. Run with the angels, beautiful one.
Rest in Peace Summerly, lovely girl.
2005 winner of the Kentucky Oaks and successful broodmare, Summerly died from a bout of colic at age 19. Another one who has left us to be in the
company of angels.
It’s always sad to hear that one of our beloved horses has left us. May they all RIP and run like the wind in their new world with no humans to do stupid things to them. I can’t be sure, but I really think little Feather does know the words which are simply our names. Her ears certainly perk up when she hears them, but she still seems a bit dubious of touching the buttons, but we’re working hard and I know she’ll get it in time just like Stella did. As for selling our house so we can buy land to build a new one , we have a few small things to do before we list what we have. Stay tuned for the next episode of Buying A House In La Pine.
Maybe some of you have read about the trainer given a two year suspension with no further details. The suspension was reduced to 60 days on appeal.
Here are the details; please know I couldn’t read some parts or watch the video, so I skipped over them. You may want to as well.
Even if it only happened one time; that’s one time to many for me. I believe the stewards original suspension should have been upheld. What do you think?
Dear Judy,
This is SO wrong and exceedingly upsetting! Despicable behavior!!
I believe you are absolutely correct, my friend. Ms. Cobb seems to have neither the character nor the temperament necessary to be around horses (or any living thing), let alone train them. IMHO
I didn’t watch the video, but the description was quite clear. The commissioners dropped the ball on this. I sincerely hope this traumatized filly will be cared for with the kindness and patience she needs; moreover, I pray that she will be kept safe and loved.
What an awful injustice. ?
Hugs and Love
When I think of Z’s John; patient, kind training, putting cotton in her ears so she wouldn’t be scared by the noises at the track; this is inexcusable. Love and Hugs, JB
Steaming, I tell ya, I’m steaming.
Commissioners talking out of both sides of their mouths. Uhhh, the one saying he understands because he was once there and knows how hard the business is.
Give me a break!
Delaware used to be tops. No longer. Embarrassing.
Cobb is evil and should not be anywhere near those innocent horses.
Really sickening to read the commissioners comments and to know that creature is still in business.
Very sad…..
Totally agree; everything you said. As long as trainers like this are allowed to continue in the Industry, the abuse continues. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy and Ann,
I am right there with you. The two year suspension wasn’t enough to begin with and now a paltry 60 days!! Cobb should be banned, and those commissioners should be ashamed. Disgusting – this is what allows deplorable behavior to continue.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Ann:
Praying that beautiful two year old filly will be able to trust people again after the trauma she went through. Poor baby.
Love and Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Sad but true .?.
I also heard the horse died…. but i could b wrong. If so ?.
The beautiful Chestnut colt, Coinage, by Tapit out of Bar of Gold (MdO) won the With Anticipation Stakes for two year olds today at the Spa. He won it gate to wire with style first time on turf. Handled one mile and a sixteenth with no problem. This was his fourth start; two wins and two thirds. Maybe we’ll see him in the Juvie Turf in November. Love and Hugs, JB
That was a great performance by Coinage and Junior Alvarado!
Congrats to him, Alvarado, Casse and all connections!!
Coinage is a New York bred, and it was nice to see the Bromans, breeders and co-owners, present in the Winners Circle. Very happy faces!
Hugs and Love
Just found this article in Sports Illustrated. It’s quite lengthy and reads like an Agatha Christie murder mystery, but it happened right here in the 1980s. I never knew about it before reading this. The more things change, the more they stay the same. ?
Wow, that is quite the unsolved mystery. Scary.
Poor Lebón — offed and tossed away in the dump. I am glad
Pleasant Colony didn’t come to a bad end. Lots of unsavory
people around then (and now).
Thanks for sharing the article with us, Judy. I’ve said it
before, only humans can be so cruel.
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this wonderful video. It never gets old!!
Seeing her arrive in Kentucky and going around in the ring with all those
fans welcoming her still gives me chills (the good kind). Love listening
to Charles talk about her, too.
Happy Friday everyone. This holiday weekend is off to such a dreadful start for so many in the gulf states and the northeast. How one storm could cause so much damage is just beyond belief! Sending thoughts and prayers to all who have been affected by this disaster,
Hovey is back with a new list of woes including being disrespected yet again by CNSM and the British Equestrian Team!! His jabs at the mothership are epic, but he is working on getting in shape for Your Horse is Alive in November.
Dear Sandy,
Hovis is baaack!! Thanks so much for posting this link for us, Sandy!
Our boy has made good use of his time off by honing his talent and sharpening his tongue to perfection! Poor Mum.
He is such a character. ?
Hugs and Love
Regarding the two year old filly abused by Cobb, this post is from one of Z’s Forums. Very good news.
August 30
Laura Hillenbrand
To those of you who, like me, were distraught after watching this abuse, I corresponded with the wonderful folks at Saratoga Glen Farm, who bred the filly. They have a policy to take back any horse for any reason, and they welcomed this filly back after this incident. She arrived in good physical health but anxious and mentally fragile, and they pampered her and gave her time in turnout in a relaxing environment where she could unwind. She responded really well, regained trust in people, and was uneventfully broken. It certainly doesn’t sound like she was some wildly dangerous rogue, as she was presented to be by her former handlers. She is now in the care of a new trainer.
I post this to give some comfort to anyone who worries if this filly will be okay after such a horrific ordeal. Thank goodness for people like those at Saratoga Glen, who treat horses with the love and respect they deserve.
Dear Judy,
Thanks for this update! I am so relieved to hear that this poor girl is being well cared for and loved. Is this the Laura Hillenbrand who wrote “Seabiscuit”?
This is such good news
Hugs and Love
English Breeze and Cara’s Dreamer are half sisters thru their dam Dreaming of Cara raced in Saratoga’s 9th today. I haven’t seen usually it thru the sire. One was 3 and the other 4.
Dear Judy,
I saw that race today. Cilla really came through in The Prioress Stakes!
CC and her dam, Sitting at the Bar(Into Mischief), have a lot to be proud of in their filly. Congrats to Cilla and all connections!!
Thanks for posting, JB
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight. Stay cool and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Donna Heim
Dear Judy, Thank you for the update on Bold and Bossy. She was heavy on my mind.
Ann NC
Looks like she is having some PEMF therapy. Sweet baby!
My dog had the same on her back leg and it was a miracle.
B&B getting the royal treatment!
Love to all.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Good to know. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Donna:
Healing prayers for B and B. Hope she recovers completely in mind and body. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Donna:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
Rest in Peace America’s Joy. You gave a lot of people a lot of hope and excitement with the promise you showed, and leave behind a lot of sorrow.
Ann NC
RIP beautiful girl.
So sad.
judy berube
Dear Z13 RULZ, Ann, Barb B and Z Fans:
Read about America’s Joy yesterday and wept. RIP beautiful baby girl. Run free in God’s Heaven. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
I read about America’s Joy, so sad. Rest in peace.
What a weird thing Firenze Fire did. I could not believe it. It was like he thought”don’t you dare go by me.”
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a peaceful night and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB??????
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Found this article from The Paulick Report on Whitmore. It’s not an update on his injury, but it is an uplifting statement from an owner and trainer who love this boy. He’s a true Warrior; always tried his best.
Wouldn’t it be great if he retires to the Kentucky Horse Park ir Old Friends where fans can continue to see him. Love and Hugs, JB
Martha Fosdick
Gracious, Tommy and I have been wanting to move for a while and have been looking for land to buy so I’m a bit behind, but I just had to say condolences to the connections of American Joy. Although I was sad to hear that Whitmore may have suffered an injury and was being retired, Im also a bit relieved. Finally. I was shocked when I saw Firenze Fire’s behavior. I’ve never seen something like that in all the years I’ve watched horse racing. Tomorrow our realtor is coming over and we’re going to lay LET’S MAKE A DEAL. HAWKS LAIR HERE WE COME. Cross your fingers.
Martha Fosdick
I think you can tell which key isn’t working.
judy berube
Dear Martha:
Good luck with the offer. How’s little Feather doing? Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Prayers for the people and animals in Louisiana and all those hospitalized there with Covid. Power outages and flood damage from Hurricane Ida. ???
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
This article in BloodHorse includes a close up head on video of exactly what went on between Firenze Fire and Yaupon in their stretch duel.
Even scarier than we thought.
FF actually got hold of Yaupon’s bridle pulling him off stride. Kudos to both jockeys for controlling the situation and to Yaupon for not giving up.
Marshall, FF’s jockey said what you did; he thought incident cost FF the race.
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Marshall, Ann and Z Fans:
Here’s the replay of the 2018 Gallant Bob Stakes. Looks like we were wrong, Whereshetoldmetogo didn’t bite FF; he tried to bite his jockey, Irad Ortiz. As the race caller said, “If you can’t beat him, bite him”. ???
Love and Hugs, JB
Martha Fosdick
Judy thanks for asking about Feather. She is embarking on a new adventure. Rather than try to tell all about it, maybe at your local library you can find the book How Stella Learned To Talk by Christina Hunger. She works with children who have trouble learning to talk. She taught her little dog to talk using methods she uses in her work. and at that time Stella had 45 words in her vocabulary and I’m rather sure she has more by now. Feather and I just started working on learning words a day or so ago but it may take a while before she gets the hang of it. If I can get my keyboard fixed I can describe things a bit better. Who knew that letter between o and q was used so much. Sweet Dreams to all.
judy berube
Dear Martha:
I have read about that little dog learning to spell out words and I remember you posting that Feather
was going to try learning too. Good for both of you. Please let us know how she’s progressing.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Rest in Peace America’s Joy — gone way too soon.
Such a tragic horrendous accident. Run with the angels, beautiful one.
Rest in Peace Summerly, lovely girl.
2005 winner of the Kentucky Oaks and successful broodmare, Summerly died from a bout of colic at age 19. Another one who has left us to be in the
company of angels.
Condolences to all who mourn these two. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Z Fans:
Hay Jude, Dam of Little Mike also passed away at Old Friends. She was 26. RIP Beauties????
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for this news of Little Mike’s dam.
RIP Hay Jude, happy angel trails, sweet one. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
?Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Enjoy your day and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Martha Fosdick
It’s always sad to hear that one of our beloved horses has left us. May they all RIP and run like the wind in their new world with no humans to do stupid things to them. I can’t be sure, but I really think little Feather does know the words which are simply our names. Her ears certainly perk up when she hears them, but she still seems a bit dubious of touching the buttons, but we’re working hard and I know she’ll get it in time just like Stella did. As for selling our house so we can buy land to build a new one , we have a few small things to do before we list what we have. Stay tuned for the next episode of Buying A House In La Pine.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
I agree Martha. It’s always sad when our horses pass on.?
?, vamp ?
Good luck ? w/ Feather plus house hunting ?. That’s usually tough.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight. Love You. Hugs, JB???????
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Another insightful article by Barry Irwin from The Paulick Report. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Power to the Chumps!
judy berube
Ditto! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Maybe some of you have read about the trainer given a two year suspension with no further details. The suspension was reduced to 60 days on appeal.
Here are the details; please know I couldn’t read some parts or watch the video, so I skipped over them. You may want to as well.
Even if it only happened one time; that’s one time to many for me. I believe the stewards original suspension should have been upheld. What do you think?
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Upsetting; forgot to post the link.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
This is SO wrong and exceedingly upsetting! Despicable behavior!!
I believe you are absolutely correct, my friend. Ms. Cobb seems to have neither the character nor the temperament necessary to be around horses (or any living thing), let alone train them. IMHO
I didn’t watch the video, but the description was quite clear. The commissioners dropped the ball on this. I sincerely hope this traumatized filly will be cared for with the kindness and patience she needs; moreover, I pray that she will be kept safe and loved.
What an awful injustice. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
When I think of Z’s John; patient, kind training, putting cotton in her ears so she wouldn’t be scared by the noises at the track; this is inexcusable. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Steaming, I tell ya, I’m steaming.
Commissioners talking out of both sides of their mouths. Uhhh, the one saying he understands because he was once there and knows how hard the business is.
Give me a break!
Delaware used to be tops. No longer. Embarrassing.
Cobb is evil and should not be anywhere near those innocent horses.
Really sickening to read the commissioners comments and to know that creature is still in business.
Very sad…..
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Totally agree; everything you said. As long as trainers like this are allowed to continue in the Industry, the abuse continues. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy and Ann,
I am right there with you. The two year suspension wasn’t enough to begin with and now a paltry 60 days!! Cobb should be banned, and those commissioners should be ashamed. Disgusting – this is what allows deplorable behavior to continue.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Ann:
Praying that beautiful two year old filly will be able to trust people again after the trauma she went through. Poor baby.
Love and Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Sad but true
I also heard the horse died…. but i could b wrong. If so ?.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
The beautiful Chestnut colt, Coinage, by Tapit out of Bar of Gold (MdO) won the With Anticipation Stakes for two year olds today at the Spa. He won it gate to wire with style first time on turf. Handled one mile and a sixteenth with no problem. This was his fourth start; two wins and two thirds. Maybe we’ll see him in the Juvie Turf in November. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
That was a great performance by Coinage and Junior Alvarado!
Congrats to him, Alvarado, Casse and all connections!!
Coinage is a New York bred, and it was nice to see the Bromans, breeders and co-owners, present in the Winners Circle. Very happy faces!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Beautiful Chestnut boy. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Just found this article in Sports Illustrated. It’s quite lengthy and reads like an Agatha Christie murder mystery, but it happened right here in the 1980s. I never knew about it before reading this. The more things change, the more they stay the same. ?
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Wow, that is quite the unsolved mystery. Scary.
Poor Lebón — offed and tossed away in the dump. I am glad
Pleasant Colony didn’t come to a bad end. Lots of unsavory
people around then (and now).
Thanks for sharing the article with us, Judy. I’ve said it
before, only humans can be so cruel.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a wonderful day and a restful night. Love all of you so much. Big Hugs, JB??????
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
To brighten our day, a wonderful video on Z from 2014 if you haven’t seen it. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Thx for sharing judy?

Much luv to u all! Hope every1 stays safe n healthy!
judy berube
Dear Vamp Sue:
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this wonderful video. It never gets old!!
Seeing her arrive in Kentucky and going around in the ring with all those
fans welcoming her still gives me chills (the good kind). Love listening
to Charles talk about her, too.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
This video is just pure JOY. Thank you for sharing it!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
Joy is the right word indeed. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
The Dobb woman should be locked up. The SI story was something else.
judy berube
Dear Elizabeth in Montana and Terry Crow:
Haven’t heard from you in a very long time.
Hoping all is well. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone. This holiday weekend is off to such a dreadful start for so many in the gulf states and the northeast. How one storm could cause so much damage is just beyond belief! Sending thoughts and prayers to all who have been affected by this disaster,
Hovey is back with a new list of woes including being disrespected yet again by CNSM and the British Equestrian Team!! His jabs at the mothership are epic, but he is working on getting in shape for Your Horse is Alive in November.
Hope everyone stays safe and well over these “end of summer” days.
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for our Friday Hovis update. Poor boy reminds me of Roger Dangerfield.
I join my prayers with yours for all the people dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. Just awful. ???
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Hovis is baaack!! Thanks so much for posting this link for us, Sandy!
Our boy has made good use of his time off by honing his talent and sharpening his tongue to perfection! Poor Mum.
He is such a character. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love You. Big Hugs, JB??????
judy berube
Dest Vamp Sue:
Oh, I hope it isn’t true. Poor baby girl. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Regarding the two year old filly abused by Cobb, this post is from one of Z’s Forums. Very good news.
August 30
Laura Hillenbrand
To those of you who, like me, were distraught after watching this abuse, I corresponded with the wonderful folks at Saratoga Glen Farm, who bred the filly. They have a policy to take back any horse for any reason, and they welcomed this filly back after this incident. She arrived in good physical health but anxious and mentally fragile, and they pampered her and gave her time in turnout in a relaxing environment where she could unwind. She responded really well, regained trust in people, and was uneventfully broken. It certainly doesn’t sound like she was some wildly dangerous rogue, as she was presented to be by her former handlers. She is now in the care of a new trainer.
I post this to give some comfort to anyone who worries if this filly will be okay after such a horrific ordeal. Thank goodness for people like those at Saratoga Glen, who treat horses with the love and respect they deserve.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for this update! I am so relieved to hear that this poor girl is being well cared for and loved. Is this the Laura Hillenbrand who wrote “Seabiscuit”?
This is such good news
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
I think it must be the Seabiscuit author. Yes, very good news indeed.
Wish they could all be so lucky to find refuge where they’re loved and protected. Love and Hugs, JB
English Breeze and Cara’s Dreamer are half sisters thru their dam Dreaming of Cara raced in Saratoga’s 9th today. I haven’t seen usually it thru the sire. One was 3 and the other 4.
judy berube
Dear Connie:
Nice win by Cara’s Dreamer. Congrats to her, jockey Dylan Davis and trainer Mitchell Friedman. love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Chrome’s three year old girl, Cilla, won the 5th today at the Spa impressively. She went off at 10 to 1.
Congrats Cilla and Papa Chrome. Miss you Chromie. Love and Hugs, JB
Scroll down for the replay.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
I saw that race today. Cilla really came through in The Prioress Stakes!
CC and her dam, Sitting at the Bar(Into Mischief), have a lot to be proud of in their filly. Congrats to Cilla and all connections!!
Thanks for posting, JB
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Wish Tyler G. was not so heavy with the whip on Cilla though. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
So happy to see a Chrome baby come through (and silence the skeptics!!!). Good for her!?????????
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Not sure the replay came through. Will try it again later. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Max Player was brilliant in the Jockey Gold Cup at the Spa today. Congrats to him and jockey R Santana. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Yes indeed, Max Player was brilliant in the Jockey Gold Cup!
Congrats to him, Ricardo Santana, Jr., Steve Asmussen and all connections!
Congrats to War Like Goddess and all connections on the Flower Bowl win at Saratoga today. She could not be caught!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Here’s Max’s replay. Love and Hugs, JB