Not only does Sergio de Sousa keep Cozmic One happy and healthy at his farm, he goes out of his way to share updates with us. Here’s a glimpse into Coz’s birthday morning at De Sousa Stables.
Happy birthday Coz!
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
Cozmic One, birthday 2021. Video by Sergio de Sousa.
Perhaps someone there can help me. I’m a bit confused. After watching that terrific Belmont, I waited until the results of the last 2 races that were run afterward were posted. In the last one, #13, a turf allowance, the winner was listed as Box n Score. The problem with that is this horse was an AE horse and with no scratches but his, why in the world would he be listed as winning the race. HM!
Angela sent me this photo of Charlie this AM. It was very early and you can see the fog in the background. He was out all night in the warm temps and waiting for breakfast. Love and Hugs, JB
I’m going to see if I can have the photo enlarged to at least a 14 by 16 and frame it so I can hang it up. It’s my favorite photo of him so far. Love and Hugs, JB
Thank you Judy for that great photo of Charlie. Also. I solved the issue you may have read about earlier. The whole blurb about that race was WRONG!!! The actual winner of that race was Hard Love I don’t actually bet I just write down names, but if I had placed money on the horses I picked I would have won about $156.00. Who’d have thunk it. Good Night and sweet dreams to all.
Yes, Hard Love won Race 13 and Mikey was second on Desert Peace. Had to be a mix up in their posting Box and Score. You’re right, he was scratched from the race.
Believe it or not, I had the exacta in Race 13! Of course, considering the pedigrees of those two, no big surprise.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Good for you. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
How about Repole horse, Wit. Will keep an eye on him.
JB loves her exactas too. You two!
Kendrick suffered a broken ankle yesterday. What a week.
Dear Ann NC,
I heard that news about Kendrick today. I think they said the broken ankle was on the same leg as the broken femur he had a while back. Glad he will soon be on the mend; although, it will be quite some time. Power Up Kendrick!
Hugs and Love
Hi Ya’all Did anyone notice that Donna Brothers mentioned Lava Man during the Belmont broadcast? Made me smile so big? Don’t you think it would be a great idea to have a 15 min segment on the various lead ponies and the histories of some of them?? Thanks, Donna, for the Lava Man mention!
Excellent suggestion.
Seeing the young kids line up along the rail to meet the lead ponies is special.
There was one gentleman at the Laurel track and he always introduced his pony to the kiddos. His smile and the kids giggling and touching his horse made my racing day complete.
Congrats to, Lava Man. Super Horse!
Kendrick out for 8 weeks with the broken ankle. He is such a joy to watch. Hope he recovers well and quickly. At least he and Bourbonic did not end up last and so far behind they had to go look for him with a flashlight.
Just watched the Lady Secret and Monmouth. Did not appear any of the jocks even had a whip. Don’t know what is right our wrong about the whip use, just saying.
Wondering if Monmouth will even have racing after this meet?
Fans are not happy there with the decisions and saying do not bring your own lunch! Oh brother….sad, sad, sad.
Forgot to tell you all. We have cicadas everywhere. The plants and trees are full of them. They fly at you when you are mowing or walking and their song is endless. I don’t mind them except when they fly in my face. Then send for the police. The whole neighborhood can hear me scream! Any of y’all have them?
No, thank goodness.
Reporter was live from the DC Capital and a cicada crawled out from under his jacket, onto his neck and the look on his face was priceless. What composure.
Can’t believe I would go into wooded areas when these things were out in full force. You are brave, Shirlee.
Dear Shirlee,
Thanks for making me laugh loudly at the image of your screaming and calling for the police — help, murder, cicadas!! Our area is out of this cicada cycle.
Be careful out there
Hugs and Love
No cicadas yet, that I know of. Don’t get out much. lol
Great Belmont. So proud of Charlie, he didn’t quit.
Finally took the plunge.I bought a micro share of a 2 year old colt, Cortisane 19, by Tapit. He is to be trained by Bill Mott, and should start this fall.
RIP Rick Porter. Thank you for the joy that Grace, Songbird, Hard Spun and Omaha Beach brought us. Thank you for the kindness and care you showed all your horses. You will be missed.
Very sad news. He fought for so long, and it may have been the treatment that got him in the end. He shared some wonderful horses with all of us. Have to go find my Songbird tee shirt. ?
Dear Shirlee, Sandy, Ann and Judy,
So sorry to hear about the loss of Rick Porter. Definitely one of the good guys. Thanks for caring and loving the horses.
RIP Mr. Porter
Hugs and Love
A heads up for Zeesters! ROYAL ASCOT will be broadcast here on NBCSN (NBC Sports Network) Tuesday 6/15 thru Friday 6/18. The final day will be broadcast on NBC on Saturday 6/19. Enjoy!
Dear Dee,
Thank you for the heads-up on Royal Ascot! I will certainly tune-in —
that’s one thing that will make me “rise and shine” earlier than usual, LOL
Am concerned about him.
He went into the Rebel looking like ” The Rock”, came out of the Preakness looking like Pee Wee Herman.
Just so sad. Thanks, JB. They want us as fans until they don’t.
HELP! Going to Churchill on Friday. Any tips? You all know I have no problem picking the horse that will cross the finish line last. Just need tips on who will cross first.
PS: might want to check out a Bernie baby named Bonkers. He’s out of a Kitten’s Joy mare. He’s in the fourth race, a Maiden Claiming on the Turf at one mile. This is his first start in Maiden Claiming. He’s been racing in MSW. Trained by Mike Maker and ridden by Tyler G. Should be a long shot. Good luck.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
I hope Bonkers’ name isn’t a reflection of his personality. ?????
Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for the tip. I hope he is a smart, not crazy, horse.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Me too. Love those Kittens on the turf. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
So sorry. I’m losing it. Bonkers is going on Saturday in Churchill’s 4th race; not on Friday. Got my dates mixed up.
Dear Judy,
Thanks! The main reason I posted the replay was because I love, love, love her name! I forgot to point that out — “Dancingwithdaffodls” is such a magical name. Her dam is No Mo Magic. Glad you liked her and her name.
Hugs and Love
Thanks, Marshall.
Beautiful win for her.
It’s like the other horses told her she would not win and she said…out of my way, I’m coming by! Determination!
Love her. Gorgeous girl!
Dear Ann and Kathy,
So glad you enjoyed Dancingwithdaffodls! She was a “silver-streak” in this race. I am partial to the greys(grays) and fell in love with her
name with the modified spelling. Her broodmare sire is Mo Mon who is out of Maria’s Mon. A magical win for the little guys.
Congrats to Dancingwithdaffodls and her connections
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oops! Correction — Mo Mon is BY Maria’s Mon (not out of).
Apologies to Maria’s Mon.
My computer has sort of been on strike lately but, luckily it started behaving itself today and thanks to Judy and Marshall I have the names of some horses with really cool names. It took a while, but I was finally able to convince aforesaid computer to show me the repay of Dancing with Daffodils replay. What a beauty!! Maybe its because I’m getting a bit older and I have a birthday coming up next month 7/21, but
I’m a fan of grays in the first place and age 2nd. I’m also looking forward to tomorrow and watching Bonkers run. As a bit of a writer I love dreaming up character names. Thanks again Judy and Marshall. Feather said Woof so I guess she agrees.
Take Two My computer apparently is on strike, but will try again. As a wanna-be writer I love thinking up cute names for characters. Love the names Bonkers, looking forward to that race today. Dancing with Daffodils is also a lovely name. WOW what a race. Keep trying to get to Hovis. I found him and he really is hilarious this week. Hope everyone has a great day.
Third time is a charm. Still not able to post. First I want to join the chorus of those who loved the name Dancing With Daffodils. I also love the name Bonkers. I’m hoping to get the replay of his race in about 2 hours our time. Also, I’m not a techie so I have no idea why you folks are having so much trouble finding Hovis. Somehow I did get through to that site and I think you’ll find him to especially, hysterically funny. Good Luck!
Dear Martha,
Sad news about Old Topper — what a handsome chestnut(w/trim) he was.
Very impressive 1st, 2nd and 3rd crop records.
RIP Old Topper, no more pain — running free now.
Condolences to all who loved and cared for him.
My computer seems to be on strike again, but it appears that Bonkers was 4th today. So far I can’t seem to get a replay. Oh well. Feather and I are tuning in to the Westminster Dog Show. Here’s hoping everyone has a sparkling evening.
Hi Martha,
I watched the Westminster Dog Show, too. Beautiful location at Lyndhurst!
I must say that I am disappointed Bourbon got reserve again this year —
she is such a lovely Whippet. I was also pulling for the German Short-Haired Pointer. I liked the Samoyed and the Westie, too. I had a feeling last night when the Peke won the Toy group and the Old English Sheepdog won the herding group, that things were not going to end well. Bummer — too much teased hair and unnatural fluff (no offense to the over-styled dogs).
Better luck next year!
Congratulations to Essential Quality and all his connections!!! And Hot Rod Charlie was really phenomenal. GREAT race!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
HotRod ran really fast fractions. Great effort. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Hot Rod was SO impressive. Wonderful horse!!!
Hugs, Kathy
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hot Rod Charlie has a great “coach” in Lava Man!!! (Doug O’Neill probably isn’t too bad either :-))
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
So true. Love and Hugs, JB
Martha Fosdick
Perhaps someone there can help me. I’m a bit confused. After watching that terrific Belmont, I waited until the results of the last 2 races that were run afterward were posted. In the last one, #13, a turf allowance, the winner was listed as Box n Score. The problem with that is this horse was an AE horse and with no scratches but his, why in the world would he be listed as winning the race. HM!
judy berube
Dear Ann, Marshall, Shirlee and Z Fans:
Angela sent me this photo of Charlie this AM. It was very early and you can see the fog in the background. He was out all night in the warm temps and waiting for breakfast. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
That’s a great photo — ethereal even
Charlie is one handsome hunk. ?
Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
I’m going to see if I can have the photo enlarged to at least a 14 by 16 and frame it so I can hang it up. It’s my favorite photo of him so far. Love and Hugs, JB
Charlie is a very handsome dude! So glad he is doing well.
Ann NC
Sweet boy.
Thanks for sharing.
Hugs to PC and Angela.
Dear Judy,
Charlie sure is a HUNK! SO handsome!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Marshall, Shirlee, Ann and Kathy:
PC’s got a huge pasture all to himself now and he’s happy. He can see other horses from his paddock, but no “hairdressing” appointments. ????
Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Lovely picture of Charlie in the mist!
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
He looks so good. ? Love and Hugs, JB
Martha Fosdick
Thank you Judy for that great photo of Charlie. Also. I solved the issue you may have read about earlier. The whole blurb about that race was WRONG!!! The actual winner of that race was Hard Love I don’t actually bet I just write down names, but if I had placed money on the horses I picked I would have won about $156.00. Who’d have thunk it. Good Night and sweet dreams to all.
judy berube
Dear Martha:
So glad you liked the photo of Charlie.
Yes, Hard Love won Race 13 and Mikey was second on Desert Peace. Had to be a mix up in their posting Box and Score. You’re right, he was scratched from the race.
Great handicapping BTW.
Love and Hugs, JB
Believe it or not, I had the exacta in Race 13! Of course, considering the pedigrees of those two, no big surprise.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Good for you. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
How about Repole horse, Wit. Will keep an eye on him.
JB loves her exactas too. You two!
Kendrick suffered a broken ankle yesterday. What a week.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Love You. Hugs, JB

Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann NC,
I heard that news about Kendrick today. I think they said the broken ankle was on the same leg as the broken femur he had a while back. Glad he will soon be on the mend; although, it will be quite some time. Power Up Kendrick!
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
He keeps smiling.
Power Up Kendrick. Special man!
Cheryl in Bellflower
Hi Ya’all Did anyone notice that Donna Brothers mentioned Lava Man during the Belmont broadcast? Made me smile so big? Don’t you think it would be a great idea to have a 15 min segment on the various lead ponies and the histories of some of them?? Thanks, Donna, for the Lava Man mention!
Ann NC
Excellent suggestion.
Seeing the young kids line up along the rail to meet the lead ponies is special.
There was one gentleman at the Laurel track and he always introduced his pony to the kiddos. His smile and the kids giggling and touching his horse made my racing day complete.
Congrats to, Lava Man. Super Horse!
judy berube
Dear Cheryl:
Agree with Ann; wonderful idea. Love and Hugs, JB
Kendrick out for 8 weeks with the broken ankle. He is such a joy to watch. Hope he recovers well and quickly. At least he and Bourbonic did not end up last and so far behind they had to go look for him with a flashlight.
Just watched the Lady Secret and Monmouth. Did not appear any of the jocks even had a whip. Don’t know what is right our wrong about the whip use, just saying.
Ann NC
Wondering if Monmouth will even have racing after this meet?
Fans are not happy there with the decisions and saying do not bring your own lunch! Oh brother….sad, sad, sad.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Healing prayers for Kenrick C. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
OOPs: Kendrick. Sorry about that.
Forgot to tell you all. We have cicadas everywhere. The plants and trees are full of them. They fly at you when you are mowing or walking and their song is endless. I don’t mind them except when they fly in my face. Then send for the police. The whole neighborhood can hear me scream! Any of y’all have them?
Ann NC
No, thank goodness.
Reporter was live from the DC Capital and a cicada crawled out from under his jacket, onto his neck and the look on his face was priceless. What composure.
Can’t believe I would go into wooded areas when these things were out in full force. You are brave, Shirlee.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Yikes!!! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
I would be out screaming you. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee,
Thanks for making me laugh loudly at the image of your screaming and calling for the police — help, murder, cicadas!! Our area is out of this cicada cycle.
Be careful out there
Hugs and Love
Barbara Brayton
No cicadas yet, that I know of. Don’t get out much. lol
Great Belmont. So proud of Charlie, he didn’t quit.
Finally took the plunge.I bought a micro share of a 2 year old colt, Cortisane 19, by Tapit. He is to be trained by Bill Mott, and should start this fall.
Last but not least, I am fully vaccinated. Yey!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I got in on that one too. Hope we’ll have a say in the naming of this colt!
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Any news on how American Empress is doing? Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Senior brain freeze. I mean American Heiress. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Barbara:
Oh, wishing him and you all the best racing luck and success. Godspeed, safe and sound always. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
Whoops, spelled the name wrong. Courtisane 19, the dam is from Argentina.
RIP Rick Porter. Thank you for the joy that Grace, Songbird, Hard Spun and Omaha Beach brought us. Thank you for the kindness and care you showed all your horses. You will be missed.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Very sad news. He fought for so long, and it may have been the treatment that got him in the end. He shared some wonderful horses with all of us. Have to go find my Songbird tee shirt. ?
Ann NC
True Horseman
judy berube
RIP Mr. Porter; wonderful owner and horseman. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee, Sandy, Ann and Judy,
So sorry to hear about the loss of Rick Porter. Definitely one of the good guys. Thanks for caring and loving the horses.
RIP Mr. Porter
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Stay comfy and cool and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
Dee in the Hudson Valley
A heads up for Zeesters! ROYAL ASCOT will be broadcast here on NBCSN (NBC Sports Network) Tuesday 6/15 thru Friday 6/18. The final day will be broadcast on NBC on Saturday 6/19. Enjoy!
judy berube
Dear Dee and Z Fans:
Dee, thanks for this info.
Sheena on my mind, especially when Ascot rolls around. Missing you dear friend. Love and Hugs, JB
Sheena is watching.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Shirlee and Judy,
Yes, I agree — Sheena is watching.
We miss you, Sheena.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Dee,
Thank you for the heads-up on Royal Ascot! I will certainly tune-in —
that’s one thing that will make me “rise and shine” earlier than usual, LOL
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Stay cool and comfy. Happy Dreams. Love and Big Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Ann and Z Fans:
Still looking for update on Concert Tour without success. No official works since May 9th. Will keep looking. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
Am concerned about him.
He went into the Rebel looking like ” The Rock”, came out of the Preakness looking like Pee Wee Herman.
Just so sad. Thanks, JB. They want us as fans until they don’t.
judy berube
Poor baby. Hope he’s OK. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Nice article from BloodHorse on Mr. Porter. RIP.
Love and Hugs, JB
HELP! Going to Churchill on Friday. Any tips? You all know I have no problem picking the horse that will cross the finish line last. Just need tips on who will cross first.
Ann NC
Have a BLAST!!!!! My tip, hahaha.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Ditto what our Ann said. Love and Hugs, JB
PS: might want to check out a Bernie baby named Bonkers. He’s out of a Kitten’s Joy mare. He’s in the fourth race, a Maiden Claiming on the Turf at one mile. This is his first start in Maiden Claiming. He’s been racing in MSW. Trained by Mike Maker and ridden by Tyler G. Should be a long shot. Good luck.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
I hope Bonkers’ name isn’t a reflection of his personality. ?????
Love and Hugs, JB
Thanks for the tip. I hope he is a smart, not crazy, horse.
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
Me too. Love those Kittens on the turf. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee:
So sorry. I’m losing it. Bonkers is going on Saturday in Churchill’s 4th race; not on Friday. Got my dates mixed up.
Maybe it’s just as well.
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Stay comfy and cool. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Z Friends,
I saw this Belmont race (#4) this afternoon — thought you might enjoy it.
This beautiful grey daughter of Giant Oak (she is 6 years old) ran a great
race with the guidance of José Lezcano onboard. She went off at 17-1!
Hope the link works.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
OMG, fabulous win by Dancing with Daffodils. Nice ride by JL too. Love, love her name. Thanks for sharing. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks! The main reason I posted the replay was because I love, love, love her name! I forgot to point that out — “Dancingwithdaffodls” is such a magical name. Her dam is No Mo Magic. Glad you liked her and her name.
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Thanks, Marshall.
Beautiful win for her.
It’s like the other horses told her she would not win and she said…out of my way, I’m coming by! Determination!
Love her. Gorgeous girl!
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Ann and Kathy,
So glad you enjoyed Dancingwithdaffodls! She was a “silver-streak” in this race. I am partial to the greys(grays) and fell in love with her
name with the modified spelling. Her broodmare sire is Mo Mon who is out of Maria’s Mon. A magical win for the little guys.
Congrats to Dancingwithdaffodls and her connections
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oops! Correction — Mo Mon is BY Maria’s Mon (not out of).
Apologies to Maria’s Mon.
Hugs and Love
Dear Marshall,
All I can say is “WOW!!!” She was MARVELOUS! Thank you so much for sharing1
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Big Hugs, JB??????
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
I haven’t been able to get a post with the link to Hovis to work so I am trying one without a link to see what happens.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hmmmm . . . Don’t know what the problem is. I’ll keep trying.
judy berube
Thanks Sandy. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Thanks Sandy!
We will await our Hovis news. Fingers crossed.
Hugs and Love
My computer has sort of been on strike lately but, luckily it started behaving itself today and thanks to Judy and Marshall I have the names of some horses with really cool names. It took a while, but I was finally able to convince aforesaid computer to show me the repay of Dancing with Daffodils replay. What a beauty!! Maybe its because I’m getting a bit older and I have a birthday coming up next month 7/21, but
I’m a fan of grays in the first place and age 2nd. I’m also looking forward to tomorrow and watching Bonkers run. As a bit of a writer I love dreaming up character names. Thanks again Judy and Marshall. Feather said Woof so I guess she agrees.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Have a peaceful evening and Happy Dreams. Love and Big Hugs, JB??????
Take Two My computer apparently is on strike, but will try again. As a wanna-be writer I love thinking up cute names for characters. Love the names Bonkers, looking forward to that race today. Dancing with Daffodils is also a lovely name. WOW what a race. Keep trying to get to Hovis. I found him and he really is hilarious this week. Hope everyone has a great day.
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Still can’t get a post with a link to Hovey’s diary to work. Have NO idea why all of a sudden this is a problem :-(
Martha Fosdick
Third time is a charm. Still not able to post. First I want to join the chorus of those who loved the name Dancing With Daffodils. I also love the name Bonkers. I’m hoping to get the replay of his race in about 2 hours our time. Also, I’m not a techie so I have no idea why you folks are having so much trouble finding Hovis. Somehow I did get through to that site and I think you’ll find him to especially, hysterically funny. Good Luck!
Martha Fosdick
I just learned that Old Topper was euthanized due to arthritis issues. He was 26. RIP.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Martha,
Sad news about Old Topper — what a handsome chestnut(w/trim) he was.
Very impressive 1st, 2nd and 3rd crop records.
RIP Old Topper, no more pain — running free now.
Condolences to all who loved and cared for him.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
RIP Old Topper. Run free in God’s Heaven. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Goodnight, stay comfy and cool and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB??????
Martha Fosdick
My computer seems to be on strike again, but it appears that Bonkers was 4th today. So far I can’t seem to get a replay. Oh well. Feather and I are tuning in to the Westminster Dog Show. Here’s hoping everyone has a sparkling evening.
judy berube
Dear Martha and Z Fans:
Martha, Bonkers did finish fourth. It seems he was boxed in and looking for running room at the finish. Maybe better racing luck next time.
If you click on Race 4 in the link below, you should be able to view the replay. Hope it works. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hi Martha,
I watched the Westminster Dog Show, too. Beautiful location at Lyndhurst!
I must say that I am disappointed Bourbon got reserve again this year —
she is such a lovely Whippet. I was also pulling for the German Short-Haired Pointer. I liked the Samoyed and the Westie, too. I had a feeling last night when the Peke won the Toy group and the Old English Sheepdog won the herding group, that things were not going to end well. Bummer — too much teased hair and unnatural fluff (no offense to the over-styled dogs).
Better luck next year!
Have a good week!
Ann NC
Give me the Slobber!!!
Give me the Drool.
Bow wow wow.
Marshall (NC Broad)
Me, too
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, ZIL and DC:
Hope you’re having a wonderful day. Stay comfy and cool. Love you. Hugs, JB