Cozmic One retired from the track in 2017 to embark on a second career as a hunter/jumper. He is trained and managed by Isabela de Sousa and her father, Sergio, at De Sousa Stables in Lexington, Kentucky. Notably, Isabela and Coz appeared together at the 2018 Retired Racehorse Project Thoroughbred Makeover.
Paulick Report recently published an article about their progress that can be read here, and Isabela has this exclusive update for Coz’s fans:
Coz had some time off last year, and then we turned him out for the winter, like we do with all of our Thoroughbreds. The break helped him mature mentally and physically since the 2018 Thoroughbred Makeover.

We had our first show back together in June of this year, and I can’t say too many good things about his performance at that show. Ever since he came back into work I told my dad, “I really want to work on the basics, make him stronger, and help him be the best he can be.” By that I mean we are doing a lot of flat work to make him straight, lateral work to keep him flexible, and gymnastics and grids to help the shape of his jump so that he can use himself better.
As everyone knows, Coz has a very strong personality and can be tricky to ride—this improves as he matures mentally, and he is making a lot of progress. He’s a big horse, and he has the coordination that his size requires. We have been jumping him so small for a long time, so he doesn’t try too hard over the jumps, which is okay. At home we just work on the shape of the jump, as the height never really daunted him.
My dad has taken over the reins for now, since I am heading off to college. I’ll still ride him when I can. We aren’t worried about how far he will go in his new career, it’s his “retirement” and we want him to enjoy himself without any pressure. With all the shows being canceled I’m not sure when Coz and my dad will be making their debut, but I certainly know they enjoy each other, and he is a happy horse!
-Isabela de Sousa

Congratulations to Swiss Skydiver on your Preakness win! She is one tough filly! Run like a GIRL! Congratulations to all her connections, as well.
judy berube
Dear Kathy, Loyal and Z Fans:
What a spectacular win by Swiss Skydiver. She just wouldn’t give up. Girl Power!!!! Congrats baby girl. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Joining Loyal Z Supporter, Kathy and Judy in Congratulating Swiss Skydiver on her gritty Preakness win! She’s a tough competitor and a beauty. Congrats to her, Robby A., Kenny McPeek and all connections!
Hugs and Big Cheers!
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Wasn’t she tenacious. Wouldn’t let Authentic get by her! He was valiant in his effort too. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s an article from BloodHorse on Swiss Skydiver’s win. Will post the replay here when it’s up. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Hi Z Fans,
That was some Shadwell Turf Mile, too — what a finish!
Congratulations to Ivar and all connections on a thrilling win!
Blast from the past since his daddy’s sire was the great Sunday Silence.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Z Fans:
That was a terrific win by Ivar. Congrats to him. Sunday would be proud! Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
How wonderful. Congrats. That is really nice. Loved that Sunday Silence and what a beautiful name he was given.
Thanks for sharing, Marshall.
Ivar was kind to all who placed $$ on him! Wow.
Donna Z
I think it needs to be clarified that the contaminated feed named “Gain” which is a manufactured feed, not “grain”, eg. oats or corn that has been fed to horses for centuries. Most horses, with the exception of horses not being used, need grain to meet their energy needs without losing weight. Most horses could not be able to do the things we ask of them with eating only grass or hay.
I compare it to feeding an athlete as opposed to a couch potato.
I’m guessing that the feed that was contaminated is some kind of concentrated & pelleted feed that concentrates grain with vitamins, etc. so it meets horses’ energy needs without feeding them an enormous amount of feed. It could be just that the same equipment was used to process the Gain was not adequately cleaned after the previously feed was processed.
I agree that chemicals have no place in any animal or human food!
Here’s hoping that Mr. OBrien’s & any other horses that ate this feed will suffer any ill effects from it.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s Sky’s Preakness win. What a gorgeous Chestnut she is! Scroll down for the replay video. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Nice of you to post. What a nail-biter! She certainly is gorgeous and tenacious, too!
Hugs, Kathy
Linda Edwards
Hi All
The Preakness race yesterday was a real nail bitter. So exciting. Congratulations to Swiss Sky Diver and all her connections.
Ann NC
Thanks for sharing this race, JB.
Will watch it over and over.
Congrats Swiss Sky Diver!!! Congrats to your team. Amazing job!
Kathy Rabl
Hi Judy, Kathy and Ann,
Thanks for the race – she was certainly a determined horse. Loved the way the caller had to to pull his socks up and get into the action on the turn. But just love those tight finishes – signs of a great heart in a racehorse I think. Cheers Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy R:
Brave Warriors!
No news on Winx foaling yet? Prayers for safe delivery and healthy Mama and Baby. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Kathy and Ann:
Wasn’t she fabulous! Love and Hugs, JB
Kathy Rabl
Dear Judy
No word on a foal for Winx. They have gone very quiet so hope all is well. Cheers Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy, Ann and Z Fans:
Soooo happy for Sky and for her trainer, Kenny McPeek. Always liked him. Love and Hugs, JB
Enable loses to Sottsass…I feel sort of the way I felt when Zenyatta lost to Blame. Oh well, thank God Enable came out of the race safe. Congratulations to Sottsass.
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy and Z Fans:
Feel sad for Enable and Frankie D., but their both proven Champions. Hope Enable, Stradi and all of them came back well.
Here’s the Arc replay. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
OOPs: that should be “they’re both proven Champions”. Sorry about that! Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Nice of you to post. Yes, absolutely they’re both proven Champions. The main thing is that they all come back well, as you say.
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a great day and night and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
I just watched a mini-documentary on the first sport’s bubble during the Covid period. It began with Santa Anita and was successful. It is named Riders Up and is about 25 minutes long. It was interesting and made me laugh! Lindal
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Z Fans:
How about that impressive win by Horologist yesterday in the Beldame at Belmont. Congrats Beauty. Here’s the replay if you haven’t seen it. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Yes! I saw that race yesterday and meant to message you about it — guess there was too much going on, and I forgot. ?
Congratulations to Horologist, Junior Alvarado, Bill Mott and connections!! So glad she recovered from that injury. Well done you lovely girl!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a peaceful evening and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
Barbara Brayton
Wow, they did not waste any time retiring Sotsass, did they? Of course, the horse’s health comes first, but sometimes I wish they would race them longer.
Anything new on Hovis?
I loved the Preakness! Lets hear it for girl power!
judy berube
Dear Barbara:
I was so surprised too that Sottsass has been retired. He is half brother to Sistercharlie our Peggy told me. Talented family. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Love all of you so much. Have a restful evening and Happy Dreams. Hugs, JB??????
Cheryl in Bellflower, CA
Does anyone have an update on Hovis??
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Sandy posted that Hovis is doing better so there’s a glimmer of hope.?. He’s not out of the woods yet. Cont HugZ
prayerZ ?? for him.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Zsters ?

Waiting for my ride home.
Thx for the links & videos.
Loved watching the preakness again. Girl ? power ?
Praying for every1!
Plz stay safe.
Luv y’all
Vamp ?
judy berube
Dear Vamp Sue:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy and Happy Dreams. Love all of you so much. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
This article in BloodHorse is about Micheline, a three year old filly. She’s going in the Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes at Keeneland on Saturday.
They really all are unique individuals. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks so much for sharing these two links. Love that they are accommodating Micheline with an open-air stall! She wants to know what’s going on, I think. Good luck to her and safe racing in the Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup Stakes!
Great slide-show photos!! Beautiful creatures indeed.
Hugs and Love
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Her trainer, Mike Stidham, is a great guy! Last year (before the portable stall was available), Keeneland provided some special outdoor accommodations as well. This version seems to be right by his barn and is tres cool!?
judy berube
Dear Marshall, Sandy and Z Fans:
She’s by my boy Bernardini. Godspeed Beauty. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
What a beauty. Yes, Godspeed.
She wants to makes sure she has the total Fall experience at Keenland.
It sure is beautiful there with the fall colors!
Thanks, JB.
judy berube
Dear Ann:
Too cute! Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
She ran a great 2nd. Made up some big ground. Hope we see her real soon.
I think she was looking for Harley coming around the turn.
Congrats to the winner, Harvey’s Little Goil. What a beauty.
Oh Boy, the BC will be here before we know it.
Hope everyone stays safe and sound…equines and humans.
Good week ahead to all.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
This Week In Photos from BloodHorse slideshow. First photo of the gorgeous Swiss Skydiver and Authentic’s stretch run. Enjoy. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Happy Friday everyone!
Hovey is hanging in there and hasn’t lost his sense of humor. It sounds like there could be an update later today on his FB page so I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything. Off to an appointment – more later!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Update on our boy . . . Cool New Shoes Man was there and has installed yet another special shoe. He was a bit sore after the procedure, but I guess that was to be expected. Karen seemed to indicate that there were no more rabbits to be pulled out of hats and asked for everyone’s prayers and best wishes that this works. Hang in there Hovey!????
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for the update on our beautiful Hovis. Praying hard that this new procedure does the trick. Sending healing prayers to him. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy and Sandy,
I hope this works, too. Bless Hovis and his mum, Karen. Sending endless prayers for his healing and recovery. We could do with some help from St. Francis, please.
? ? ? ? ?
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Most def praying ? ?
?? for ?Hovis’s? recovery.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a peaceful evening and Happy Dreams. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
How cool is this! Wonder if COZ or ZI will enter.
I told Angela about it in case Alex and Charlie wanted to enter and I also told Deb, Hudson’s Mom about it too.
Marshall (NC Broad)
What a great idea, Judy!
Hope they have a huge response — Best of Luck. ?
Hugs and Love
Ann NC
Charlie would win the Blue Ribbon for personality.
Good luck to all.
judy berube
Dear Marshall and Ann:
If the girls do decide to enter the show, I’ll try to post the videos here.
Angela goes in for a third corrective surgery on the 14th. Praying this does the trick. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathy Rabl
Dear Sandy, Marshall, Judy
& Z fans
The saga of the mighty Hovis! Sending prayers that he & his Mom will get help to recover from this. Hugs & love KathyR
judy berube
Dear Kathy R:
Me too. Hope you’re doing well. Love and Hugs, JB
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Zsters ?
prayerZ ?. Vamp ?
Praying that all is well w/ every1. ?
Enjoyed the links & pics.?
Cont staying safe.
Much luv? HugZ
judy berube
Dear Vamp Sue:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Goodnight. Love You. Hugs, JB??????
Kathy Rabl..
Dear Judy and Z fans
It’s good to be able to get back on the blog. I was discharged from the Palliative Care Hospice here on Friday after a fortnight. I had a near terminal reaction to morphine – very distressing to my beloved husband, Phil. So now need to rebuild my strength so I can go see my little girl. I’ve not been to see her for months now as I’m too weak to take the drive. She’s being well looked after by the Jeir team and Phil, but it breaks my heart that I can’t touch her or see her. I think she’ll have forgotten me or that I’ll never see her again. It gives me comfort to see the world of Zenyatta and that she doesn’t forget Ann so hope that applies to me and Thurzel. Hugs and love Kathy
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Goodnight. Stay comfy and cozy. Love and Hugs, JB??????
Kathy Rabl
Dear Judy
Posted a comment yesterday about my recent emergency hospitalisation & comfort I got from Zenyatta but it’s still in moderation hope this one is not the same hugs and love KathyR
judy berube
Dear Kathy R:
Hope you’re doing better. Stay safe. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathy Rabl..
Dear Judy and Marshall and Sandy
Thanks for your kindness. Worried my girl will forget me. Have two posts in moderation hugs and love KathyR
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Kathy R.,
Joining Judy is wishing you well! Hope you are feeling better.
Take care and have a good week.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
That should be “Joining Judy IN wishing you well.”
Fingers got ahead of my thinking, I guess.
More Hugs
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Kathy & Phil ?, just wanted to say im glad she’s back home. Ive been praying ? & will def cont ?? for u both during this rough time.
So u dont need to worry Kathy
In my experience, horses don’t forget their humans
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Dear Kathy,
Still don’t see a post from you re needing to be hospitalized, but I hope by now you are on the mend (and maybe even home!). Sending lots of positive vibes your way.
Kathy Rabl..
Dear Sandy
Thank you for your post. I’m home but still weak. Given morphine which was nearly terminal so very distressing for my husband seeing me out to it. So miss seeing Thurzel it’s been months now and I worry she’ll have forgotten me. I get strength from Zenyatta and the blog hugs and love KathyR
Phil Rabl
Dear Z fans
My name is Phil, husband of KathyR. For reasons we don’t understand, her posts are being held in moderation. So I am having a go.
She has been out of the hospice for a week or so now and is much better than when she was admitted. Her health is still quite a worry, but she is trying hard to get her strength up so I can take her out to see her ‘little girl’ Thurzel. (Not so little, actually, she is 17.2 hands.)
Thank you so much for your messages of love and concern. They mean a lot.
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Look who’s peeking over the fence and who’s little nose is that.
Just found these on Lane’s End Facebook page. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting these photos. She is so cute! Hope she doesn’t discover cribbing.
Love this sweet redhead!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Judging from the wrinkle in that little nose, I’d guess she’s already discovered cribbing. Little Devil! I just love her too. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Yes, that’s what I was thinking, too, Judy!
Maybe it will be a passing phase. ?
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a wonderful day and a restful night. Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Beautiful Enable has been retired. We’ll have to look for her babies in the future. Wouldn’t it be great to see a Frankel/Enable foal.
Happy, healthy retirement Beauty. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for sharing this article with us. Love this wonderful mare and wish her the very best in retirement and motherhood. May she be happy, healthy and adored, and may Frankie continue to visit her bringing mints. ?
Many thanks to Juddmonte and her team for letting us enjoy the thrill of Enable for this extended length of time, too.
Hugs and Love
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
We trust that they have made the right decision for Enable (no matter how much we might have wished that she had ended her racing career on a win). Godspeed to a wonderful mare – thanks for all of the memories. Best wishes for your new career as a mom