Cozmic One retired from the track in 2017 to embark on a second career as a hunter/jumper. He is trained and managed by Isabela de Sousa and her father, Sergio, at De Sousa Stables in Lexington, Kentucky. Notably, Isabela and Coz appeared together at the 2018 Retired Racehorse Project Thoroughbred Makeover.
Paulick Report recently published an article about their progress that can be read here, and Isabela has this exclusive update for Coz’s fans:
Coz had some time off last year, and then we turned him out for the winter, like we do with all of our Thoroughbreds. The break helped him mature mentally and physically since the 2018 Thoroughbred Makeover.

We had our first show back together in June of this year, and I can’t say too many good things about his performance at that show. Ever since he came back into work I told my dad, “I really want to work on the basics, make him stronger, and help him be the best he can be.” By that I mean we are doing a lot of flat work to make him straight, lateral work to keep him flexible, and gymnastics and grids to help the shape of his jump so that he can use himself better.
As everyone knows, Coz has a very strong personality and can be tricky to ride—this improves as he matures mentally, and he is making a lot of progress. He’s a big horse, and he has the coordination that his size requires. We have been jumping him so small for a long time, so he doesn’t try too hard over the jumps, which is okay. At home we just work on the shape of the jump, as the height never really daunted him.
My dad has taken over the reins for now, since I am heading off to college. I’ll still ride him when I can. We aren’t worried about how far he will go in his new career, it’s his “retirement” and we want him to enjoy himself without any pressure. With all the shows being canceled I’m not sure when Coz and my dad will be making their debut, but I certainly know they enjoy each other, and he is a happy horse!
-Isabela de Sousa

Donna Gail Heim
Thinking so much about Zenny and our baby girl. Please post some updated pictures so we can see how they are doing. Appreciate so much all that you do, Team Z.
Martha Fosdick
May everyone have sweet dreams. I saw that there are a lot of excellent races tomorrow and on Sunday is the race named after our Queen. That’s all the info I could get. Let’s hope everyone both two and four legged come home safely.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Zsters ?
Finishing treatment soon. Still having problems w/ transport but a friend is coming to get me so i wont hafta wait hrs for a ride home. Hoofray?.
Thx for the links.?
All my luv ? HugZ ?& prayerZ ?.
Stay safe & healthy. ?
judy berube
Dear Vamp Sue:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Congrats to Improbable. Nice win in the Awesome Again. Maxi was second and Midcourt third. Hope they all came back well. Will post the replay when it comes up. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
That was quite a race. Great job by Improbable and Drayden van Dyke! I was pulling hard for Midcourt, and he almost got 2nd — he ran well.
Hope everyone finished hale and hearty, too.
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Congrats to Get Her Number, Flavien Prat, Peter Miller and all connections on the American Pharoah Stakes today!
Alas, Waspirant finished fourth but ran well.
Flavien won race 9 (the John Henry) after race 8, too. Congrats to all connections there, also.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
I’m really happy for Improbable. He’s proved he’s a Warrior.
Yes, nice win by Get Her Number and at 8 to 1 too. Loved his Daddy, Dialed In. I think it was his first time on dirt surface. Congrats to him. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s the replay of Improbable’s impressive win.
My beautiful Maxi wasn’t his usual determined self today. Hope he’s OK. Midcourt ran a good race too.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Wow. ?
Impressive run?.
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Love You. Hugs, JB??????
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Nice photo of the gorgeous Honor A P. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
This photo is lovely! Gorgeous, gorgeous boy! Thank you for sharing!
Hugs, Kathy
Ann NC
Love his stockings. So handsome.
Hope he will enjoy the fall, crisp air.
Mr. Asa must be on cloud 9 having him there.
Luv ya.
judy berube
Dear Kathy and Ann:
I think you’re so right. I bet Asa was missing AP so much. Having Honor there must be a joy for him. AP’s legacy lives on. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Two Justify colts born in mid January and early March. Wow, gorgeous!
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for the photos of HAP and the Justify colts — HAP is certainly a stunner and the colts are beautiful chestnuts.
Thanks for the replay of the Awesome Again, also
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
They certainly are stunning! Thanks so much for sharing!
Hugs, Kathy
Ann NC
So handsome.
Two wild and crazy guys!
Thanks, JB.
judy berube
Dear Kathy and Ann:
They remind me of Wise Dan and his his half brother, Successful Dan.
Too cute Ann. Wild and crazy guys!!! Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Goodnight and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB

Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hi all,
Just a quick Hovis update. We got a couple of pictures over the weekend – one of him kissing us for sending all of the good wishes (although he would have preferred food and mares with loose morals ?) and another of him in his stall where he certainly seems to be putting weight on both front legs. The medical folks were there today and decided to pack his wound with some “old fashioned” sugar and iodine. They will check again on Friday. I have to assume that they deemed him comfortable enough to continue the treatment so keep your hooves crossed!
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Thanks for this encouraging update on our Hovis. Continuing prayers.
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Thanks so much for the Hovis report. God bless them all.
Sending constant prayers for healing to our hero. ?
Hugs and Love
Kathy Rabl
Dear Sandy, Judy and Marshall,
Thanks for the updates on the Man. Prayers continuing. Hugs. Kathy
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
If you haven’t seen it, this is the replay of the Zenyatta Stakes yesterday won by Harvest Moon. Congrats to her. Hard Not To Love was second; Fighting Mad third. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
Congratulations, Harvest Moon! She hung right in there! All the best to Midnight Bisou! Such a gorgeous girl! Also Win Win Win. So upsetting when these wonderful athletes sustain injuries. Healing prayers!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Beautiful Midnight Bisou being evaluated by Dr. Bramlage at Rood and Riddle. Hope it’s nothing major. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Shirlee and Z Fans:
The brilliant Win Win Win has been retired to eventual stud duty. He’s sustained a tendon injury. Power Up beautiful boy. Feel better soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
So sorry about this?. He was just reaching his potential. Racing is certainly a “day to day” game isn’t it?
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
It truly is. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Frankie D will forgo riding until he rides Enable in the Arc on October 4th. Nice article with a wonderful photo of the both of them. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Correction. I misstated what the above article says. Frankie will not ride this week, but will ride on Saturday and Sunday, October 3 and 4th, the day of the Arc. Sorry about that. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting the replay of the Zenyatta Stakes and the BloodHorse articles.
I do hope there isn’t anything serious wrong with Midnight Bisou. Best of Luck and good health to Win Win Win as he heals and starts a stud career.
Wishing Frankie D. and Enable all the best in the upcoming Arc! Safe racing and Good Luck!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Good news; now it goes to the Senate. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Great to see bipartisan support/approval for an issue can still occur in these gridlocked times — especially good news for this very important horseracing integrity/safety act.
Thanks, Judy B.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall;
Ditto! Hope it goes a long way to protect our beloved horses. Love and Hugs, JB
Kathy Rabl
Well done to all involved in the passage of of this legislation! Cheers Kathy
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
The latest on Maxi’s Saudi Cup purse earnings. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for posting this update on the Saudi Cup and Maximum Security situation.
Makes me so angry that Jason Servis and the other jerks endangered these innocent souls — total greed and cruel disregard for the horses. Shameful.
Hope Max continues to be healthy.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Me too. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a great day. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Found this recent photo of the “little” Redheaded Honey on the Forum. Not so little any more.
She’s gonna be a big girl like her Mama I think. Wow, is she gorgeous! Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Wow, what a beauty! She is “little” in age only. ?
Thanks for sharing this nice photo!
Hugs and Love
Dear Judy,
Oh! Be still my heart! She certainly has that Royal bearing! What a gorgeous princess she is! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
You’re so welcome. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
Only 4 Months old and she already has a presence and poise. Reminds me of her sister, Z Princess, in that way. She’s gonna be a Stunner. Love and Hugs, JB
Ann NC
JB, Marshall and Zfans,
She is a beauty.
Thanks for sharing the photo.
Vampressqueen Sue Colvin
Hi Zsters ?
prayerZ ?,
Currently waiting for my ride. Its raining out.
Thx @sandy for Hovis’ update.
Enjoyed all pics + articles.
All my luv ? HugZ
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Here’s an article on Frankie and Enable. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
Thanks for sharing these two articles. Hope Frankie and Enable can do it at the Arc!
Love that Frankie brings her Polos mints when he comes to visit.
Best of everything to the lovely and talented Midnight Bisou! I hope she will find a soft landing where she will be revered and well cared for in her new career as a broodmare.
Enjoyed both of these articles very much. Safe racing at Longchamps for Enable!
Hugs and Love
Marshall (NC Broad)
Oops! Make that Longchamp (lose the “s”).
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Stay comfy and cozy. Goodnight. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans;
Beautiful Midnight Bisou retired. Have a long, happy, healthy life gorgeous girl. Feel better soon. Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
We will miss you, gorgeous Midnight Bisou! Happy and healthy retirement, sweetheart.
Hugs, Kathy
Donna Gail Heim
Again thanks so much, Judy. I was dying to see how she was growing. She does seem to compare with ZPrincess in size and presence.
judy berube
Dear Donna:
You’re so welcome. She’s so beautiful. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Enjoy your day. Love You. Hugs, JB
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
Wow, this makes Frankie and Enable’s chance at her third Arc win a little more doable. Love and Hugs, JB
judy berube
PS: Looks like Love may be headed to the Breeder’s Cup Turf. Wow! Love and Hugs, JB
Dear Judy,
All the best to Love! We will be watching!
Hugs, Kathy
Dear Judy,
Come on, Enable and Frankie! Fingers and everything else crossed! Sheena is rooting up in heaven, too! That can’t hurt!
Hugs, Kathy
judy berube
Dear Kathy:
I’m sure she is
. Love and Hugs, JB
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
GO Enable (and Stradivarius). Need a dead heat!
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
Hi everyone!

Happy Friday. Much too full-like here in Ohio (brrrrr).
Hovey was feeling well enough to crank out a few words this week. Since this was written, he has had a cast applied to his foot (with much difficulty and too much la la juice). However, once the process was finished, he seemed to be walking better, and Karen sees a small ray of hope after a couple of bad days earlier in the week. Keep your hooves crossed!
LOTS of racing this weekend at home and abroad. Safe trips to all of the horses!??
Sandy (Northeast Ohio)
That was supposed to be FALL like! Grrrrrr!
judy berube
Dear Sandy:
Knew what you meant. I am so enjoying the cooler temps.
Thanks for Hovis update. Continued prayers for the beautiful boy.
All horses and riders safe and sound. Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Sandy,
Once again, ditto what Judy said — more healing prayers for Hovis.
It actually feels like October here. Yay!
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
have a restful night and Happy Dreams. Love and Hugs, JB??????
judy berube
Dear Z, COZ, ZI, ZEL, CK and DC:
Have a restful night and Happy Dreams. Stay comfy and cozy. Love and Hugs, JB??????
judy berube
Dear Z Fans:
OMG, how does this substance get into the grain? Is it added to feed for cattle and then shipped by mistake for horses?
Love and Hugs, JB
Marshall (NC Broad)
Dear Judy,
This is very disturbing. I don’t think these substances should be in ANY feed; although, I am aware that additives are used to speed up the growth of animals (meat producers) to cut costs. It always comes down to money, doesn’t it? Don’t understand how it gets into horse feed; however, it seems people are more careless these days than in the past.
Hope all horses will be okay and clear of this contaminant.
Hugs and Love
judy berube
Dear Marshall:
I agree; don’t think this should be in any grain fed to animals. Love and Hugs, JB
Loyal Zenyatta Supporter
Yay, Swiss Skydiver won the Preakness! What an awesome filly! Congrats to all the connections. Nose to nose with Authentic, exciting race!