I’ve missed YOU!
I guess my guys at the farm could not wait a moment longer…and they scanned me this morning. I just had to share the news with you!
This is my 15 day scan! From what I am told, everything looks fabulous and solid. The embryo looks to be a good size. So, at this time, everything is WONDERFUL!
I will be rescanned at about 28 days and if that is all A-OK, my next scan will be at the 40-42 day time period from the date I was bred. As Dottie explained to you earlier, the latter scan is really very important. If all is perfect at that time, then I am pretty well on my way in my pregnancy. This is all so exciting and so new to me! I JUST LOVE IT!
David actually called Dottie at 4:33 this morning (California time) to tell her the news! She immediately ran to the computer to type up the announcement for YOU!
I truly hope you enjoy sharing these moments with ME and going through all of these different stages that I am experiencing in my life.
Hmmm! I just had a thought! Lately, I have been craving BANANAS. It seems like that is all I’ve been thinking about for the last few days! I guess this could explain why. Dottie tells me craving some type of food is very normal for humans while pregnant. Maybe it is for horses like me too! This is TOO CUTE!
Oh my! I better contact BERNIE and let him know the good news! I’m sure he will also be very excited!
WOW! I’M IN FOAL! I’m really embarking upon an entirely new stage of my life and career. As you can imagine, I’M JUMPING FOR JOY!
HOOVES CROSSED for the news on my next scan to be just at POSITIVE!
With Love,
HUGS and Big Kisses to All~
P.S. – This is post #201 to commemorate the second chapter of my life!
Elaine Valenzuela
Congratulations to the new, upcoming parents! I read the article in the L.A. Times, but it’s not as thorough as your emails, Zenyatta. I can’t believe your new chapter in this wonderful life of your’s! By the way, how ’bout showing us a pic of your dad? What’s his name? By the way, I’ll eat some bananas for you on this end! Stay strong, girl!
Joan Dobbie
Congratulations Ms. Zenyatta & team Z! You do pretty much of everything just right. May baby Zen be perfectly perfect. & Mom Zen be perfectly content throughout her pregnancy & beyond.
Jane D
CONGRATS! I know you will be a wonderful Mom. Don’t forget to teach your baby the dance moves.
Paula McCaleb
Oh Zenyatta, I’m sooooo Happy for you and Bernardini. I read about the news on the Internet last week and I posted it on my FB page, that you are in FOAL. All of my family and friends know I’m such a Z Fan, they give me and send me such wonderful things about you I have quite the collection. You are going to be such a Good Mama. Can’t wait to see the little one beside you….I know it’s a LONG wait but we will be here when that day happens. Hugs to you Sweet MaMa!
june England
I read in our local paper that Rachel was in foal and I couldn’t wait to check on Zenyatta, since she was bred two days after Rachel. Congrats and thanks to Dottie who keeps us posted.
It’ll be almost a year until your and Rachel Alexandra’s foals arrive. Ugh so much waiting! :p Maybe your and Rachel’s foals will race each other :-O
CONGRATULATIONS ZENYATTA!!!!!!!!!! You are in foal now!!!! I’m happy that your checkup went well and hope that your future checkups go equally well as your unborn foal develops. Bernie will be excited I’m sure. First I heard that you liked pears-now you’re into bananas. I’ve seen 2 videos in which you are eating pears and another horse is carrying on in the background. That other horse might have been jealous because he/she wasn’t getting pears like you were. There are much worse things for a horse to eat than pears and bananas, especially a horse in foal. I, also, have heard that human women sometimes have cravings for certain foods while pregnant. That may very well be happening to you. I’m happy that your unborn foal, so far, is in great shape. I know you’re excited, but I would advise against too much jumping around while in foal. You don’t want to do anything that might damage your foal before it’s born. It’s the same way with humans. They can’t drink alcoholic beverages, for instance. Thanks for the update and keep us posted!
Debi Hamari
Beautiful Queen Zenyatta,
So happy to hear the good news! Many blessings to you, baby and Bernardini. I know that you will be a fantastic mom and your little one will be spectacular.
Thank you, Dottie for your love and care for Zenyatta and your love for us fans shown by always keeping us updated on Zenny and touching our hearts with the postings. We love you and are so thankful for you.
Love and hugs!
Donna Alsabrook
I just hope that in 3 years we will be watching a wonderful colt, who is just like you, winning the Kentucky Derby. if not, a filly, who is just like you, allowing us to be as happy again as when we wee watching you run. Which ever we get, you go girl!!!
Dottie Combest
Dear Queen Zenyatta, I heard your good news several days ago from my writing this post, but had NOT been able to get online to congratulate you for your in foal status ! So glad your first mating was successful, now you can just relax and enjoy your days in the fresh air and sunshine which will be coming your way soon now that spring is around the corner ~ I know Kentucky has some harsh winters but the worst is over and soon it will be summer ~ the grass will be plentiful and you will be able to roll in it ~ hope someone is close by to snap that photo ~ I’m sure it will be “cute” to see you rolling before you get toooo fat from
baby-on-board ! We love you, “Z”, stay well and best wishes for your healty foal !!!
Dottie Combest
We love you, “Z”, stay well and best wishes for your healthy foal !!!
i wish they would have bred her to rock hard ten! but best wish for a healthy foal
Congrats to you Z, and to Mr. an Mrs. Moss and your team and Mike. I just know that they are as excited as we all are to hear this WONDERFUL NEWS!!! YEAH, I hope it’s a girl, but you know, all that truly matters is that you have a happy healthy baby!!! One that looks exactly like you would be terriffic, no matter what – we are all gonna LOVE YOUR BABY!!! WOW, does that make all of us God parents maybe ??? :) Love you Girl, an Your Team!!! Thanks SO MUCH for sharing this news with all of us, it just makes my day!!! HUGS GIRL!!!
Linda B
Woohoo!!!! Can’t wait for ZEN BABY! Thanks to all for keeping us updated.
Christine Coleman
Hi Zenny! Wow! Bernardini took his job seriously didn’t he? LOL I can’t wait to see this baby…I hope the birth is video-taped and shared with us! Take good care of yourself Zenny! I love you!
Shirley Nolan Al-mlaiti
WOW that was fast no one let us know when it was happening just that they picked the stallion kinda sneaky I think We should have been kept up to date not just I AM IN FOAL no update on when it all happened or anything I sthank that part of it was handled poorly and the POSTS have been so up to date till the breeding…That was sad to all ZENYATTA fans Anyway CONGRAULATIONS LOVELY LADY I hope they keep us better up dated as time goes by during the next 11 months..Looks like a January due date next year….LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU
Lauren Ann Lough
I am so jazzed about the news that there will be the sound of little hooves bouncing about! I could tell you are glowing!
I guess you got to give up the Guinness for now.
Now,it is time to start planning the most outrageous “foul shower” in the world! Are you registered anywhere?
When will we know if it will be a filly or colt, or do you want that to be a surprise?
You must keep us all up to date w/ all the good news!
I love you so much!
Lauren Ann
Congratulations, Zenyatta! I’m so excited!
This is such GOOD NEWS …but we knew it already ! Zenny you only do things one way and that’s perfectly ! Thank you Dottie for sharing with us all …. looking forward to the next check up . We are thrilled for you beautiful girl XXXXX luv ya HUGs to Bernie
Barb Zylbert
Congrats! Give us a filly for the Derby, Zenyatta!!!!
CONGRATS, Zenny! You’re gonna be a WONDERFUL mom!
Carolyn bussey
So excited about your baby Zenyatta. another one sent right from heaven to us at just the right time when the world is so torn. Bless you
Whitney Harvey
I cant wait to see what your baby is going to look like. you are so beautiful so i’m sure your little one will be to. My grandpa hope’s the baby will be born on march 6,2012 his birthday. good luck and love you zenyatta.